Let Us Pray

Oh Lord, Jesus, we thank you for your sacrifice you made on Pontius Pilate, for shedding your blood so our sins may be forgiven. For you told the truth, rebuked those who were wicked and as you were brutally beaten, tortured and scorn, nailed to a cross by the wicked of mankind as a savior from God so our sins may be forgiven as long as we repent. You sacrificed yourself and shed blood for the better of mankind, and your DNA today still resonates the same scalar wave frequencies within our blood today.

Lord, I repent, I have done wrong. We all have done so much wrong in this world. Future life on Earth is once again in jeopardy of destruction by the subversion of Satan. Greed and corruption have taken over the world, there are wicked men once again in power who are void of moral and ethics, hell bent on the destruction of the world. We were warned if we did not turn to God that evil shall take over and rule the Earth. Lord, hear this prayer today.

We are witnessing total invasion of our Western nations, brought about by deliberate destabilization, the deliberate wreckage of other nations by the same evil forces serving Satan to create havoc and chaos everywhere and import it into the Western World. These forces of Satan are also installing microwave towers to attack the cells of our bodies and brains, the forces of Satan hate humanity because we were made in the image of God. Their intent is to cause mass sickness and cancerous tumors everywhere, and make profits from microwaving us all the way to the hospitals with their 5G kill grid, to rob us of our wealth and offer their mass murder to Satan. We are witnessing chemical and electromagnetic geo-engineering by the same evil forces to bring about mass death and destruction on planet Earth, creating cyclone bombs and other unnatural disasters in attempts to extort us by taxing us for God's Creation. We are witnessing evil corporations like Monsanto and Bayer poisoning our crops with cancerous glyphosate. We are witnessing the subversion of our churches and schools by the same forces of Satan, destroying knowledge and corrupting minds of the youth on a massive scale never seen before in American history. We are witnessing mass drug overdose and suicide epidemics. We are witnessing the roll out of a domestic police state, from drawing blood at road checkpoints to spying on all communications and the wholesale of all our personal data. We are witnessing the death of the Western world by the plundering of our wealth and deliberate devaluation of our currency through hyper-monetary-inflative policies, debt insolvency. We are witnessing endless wars and the push for world war by these same demonic forces. We are witnessing political prisoners being taken and their lives ruined, children being torn from families by police states and sold to the underground sex trade by those in authority who were supposed to be taking care of them. We are witnessing utter denial and outright hatred against those opposed to evil, attacks against freedom and the truth, attacks against our culture and very way of life. We are witnessing the mainstream corporate media lie to its fellow people, and cover up the crimes of these wicked ones, for they too work for Satan.

We ask God for forgiveness. We ask our Lord in prayer to Bind and Rebuke these wicked ones, stifle these forces of Satan! We are here to pray that those who have been destroying human life, deliberately destabilizing the world be brought to Justice! We ask God to help us expel Satan and his fallen angels back to the bowels of hell where they belong. Amen.


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Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=Joseph Campbell

Give 5 minutes of your time to pray today, this prayer, for He will receive our message and God will help us fight and ward off the evil in the world we face. Repent for your sins and the Lord be with you all.

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Before Jesus committed suicide on August 16th, 1977 he told me that you're full of shit.

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Have You NO Respect?

He had a rough night last night, installing 5G towers and printing scratch-off lottery tickets

fix your own damn problems

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When Jesus wakes up, he's going to be super busy jacking off to old Britney Spears videos.

Find your OWN damn Messiah

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Jesus is getting really sick and tired of you continually begging him for favors.

When was the last time you did HIM a favor?

hint: he'd really like a new K-pop CD

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Jesus is amped about Whitney Houston's Lesbian Lover, Robin Crawford's upcoming TELL ALL BOOK

you need to stop boring Jesus with your fake news

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Jesus just texted me and said you need to check this out

The most hilariously humiliating part about Jesus dragging the cross?

when he had to bend over and lift the cross behind him high enough for the Roman Soldiers to squeeze in behind him and take turns fucking him in the ass.

Jesus uses a SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE 9, which is ideal for surfing Facebook, what with it's specs:

CPU: Qualcomm Snapdragon 845.
Memory: 6/8GB.
Storage: 128/512GB.
MicroSD storage: Up to 512GB.
Screen size: 6.4 inches.
Resolution: 2960 x 1440.
Connectivity: Bluetooth 5, NFC.
Battery: 4,000mAh.

Plus the stylus makes it easy for Jesus to doodle on pics, since the stigmata still makes it hard to tap on the screen

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Bend Jesus over and show him some REAL love

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You've been pestering Jesus with your selfish requests for decades now…

Isn't it odd how he hasn't answered ANY of your prayers, and has instead allowed everything to get worse and worse?

If he was listening to your prayers, he would have never allowed 5G to be invented….

Perhaps you should take a hint and leave him the fuck alone?…. He's trying to listen to some old Britney Spears….

You rude son of a bitch, you

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Johnny is going to hell.

Please stop saging Johnny, why are you saging?

We as a nation have lost a lot of morals and our Christian heritage as well, this is one reason why God allows this shit to happen. When nations abandon God, things naturally go wrong and the nation become corrupted and subverted. Back in the day, going to church was routine for most families. Not anymore its not. Back in the day, public schools would have prayer time. Not anymore. Back in the day, TV was for family audiences, not filled to the brim with subversive propaganda and perversion. Not anymore.

as if I'm going to 'bump' your imaginary jesus


Elvis wouldn't have died so young if he found Jesus in his life.

You seem very angry with me lately Johnny, whats wrong?


John Ritter played a homosexual…
How did God like that part?

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I'm not mad at you… Not even a little bit

Did God enjoy the first season of The Love Boat?

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God lets things happen, and only if we repent and pray for him to intervene will he consider doing so. But it doesn't always happen as you like, sometimes it takes time before God answers you. You'll know when he does.

ON THE CONTRARY…. a lot of Christians back then didn't like Threes Company, they called for it to be banned as subversive, however its not nearly as bad as the CRAP thats on TV now days!

Did God prefer The Love boat or Love American style more?

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Keep in mind that Love American style is where they created Happy Days

I'm pretty sure God had that page of TV guide folded back

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PS: I like the Ropers a lot better because it was much more family-oriented show. Three's Company is funny, I do enjoy watching it sometimes, but I think its still meant to be for adults only (the humor can be crude at times).

What was God's opinion on the old TV show BARETTA?

It seems like he would have been able to see into the future and realize Robert Blake was going to murder his wife

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Like I said, God doesn't interfere unless people really want him to. If nations abandon him, he will allow evil to take over to teach us a lesson.

God was an old fogy Square, but his hippie sun Jesus was a real cool cat…

Which explains why Jesus was rocking out to Burt Reynolds music while God was still watching Father knows Best

God was still watching reruns of Mayberry RFD when his bastard son Jesus decided to drop out, tune in, and turn on.

I heard dark side of the Moon was his favorite album

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God doesn't decide what we do. We decide. And he allows events to unfold. He is the Ultimate Judge in the end though. So if we do wrong, we pay for it.

One minute you're praying to Jesus, and the next minute you're calling him 'God'….

Then 10 minutes later you're calling him Jesus again

Make up your mind

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Jesus is the Holy Ghost. God is the Judge.

lol yeah, I guess that's an understatement

It would be pretty hard for a non-existent, imaginary myth to decide what we do

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says WHO ?……..

prove it

Repent Johnny, while you still can.

You contradict yourself all the time

You claim Jesus and God exist

While you complain of a godless world, where everything has literally gone to hell, and your 'all knowing' omniscient 'all powerful' savior can't do a goddamn fucking thing to stop it…

It's a redundant cycle of bullshit, that has no beginning and no end, just one continual circle of bullshit

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Prove God exists… While you still can

That, and the fried peanut butter sandwiches.

Oh God can use divine intervention. However, he rarely will unless enough people pray for it, and enough people repent.

I guess you heard about the new huge civil lawsuit against The Boy Scouts for the pedophilia thing?

not the lawsuit from a couple years ago…

the NEW one

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prove it…. while you still can

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I'm waiting…….

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The universe didn't create itself you know. It didn't just one day appear. Think about that. And read the KJV Bible.

Here's the funny part:

You have spent so much of your life insisting God and Jesus are real……

But no matter how long I wait, you are completely incapable of providing even one tiny shred of evidence that it's true……

gee… I wonder why

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Whitney's cousin -Dionne Warwick’s sister Dee Dee is alleged to have molested Whitney Houston as a child, and Houston’s half-brother, Gary Garland-Houston, when he was aged between seven and nine

despite Dee Dee's pronounced negroid features. I think she's a better singer than her sister Dionne and licking 11 yr old Whitney vag makes her more alluring

This is a very Christian family with dope, incest, greed, etc, all those things that Christianity is noted for

Yes I did, although I have not yet reported it, its on my too-do list.

The universe didn't create blah blah blah blah

Read the King James blah blah blah blah blah


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Next time you're hanging 10 with Jesus, pray that he can help you differentiate between TOO and TO

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There is a lot of corruption going on, even in the churches. Jesus warned us about false profits and usury.

I hate to break it to you, but you have never been able to provide even the slightest bit of evidence to prove your point….

And you never will

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'jesus' never warned anybody about anything

Because he never existed

BTW, the Vatican is completely corrupted by Satanists. True Christians already know all about this and have wrote books about it too.

Johnny, I view it as an insult that you keep saging my threads. Why are you trying to hide?

There's no such thing as 'satanists'

Because there's no such thing as 'satan'

Jesus loves you Johnny, he shed his blood so that our sins could be forgiven by God. He would like you to repent so you can have a great afterlife when you die. Don't you want that?

DE DEe was the homely cousin who babysat lil whitney and had a taste of this

Homos breed by touch

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It seems like Jesus would help you get your details correct now and then, and prevent you from continually making so many mistakes…

After all, you and he are really close, right?….

For example, you thought the term 'NBC DIGITAL PRODUCER' meant this woman was some kind of big shot executive at the NBC corporation

But she was just an intern, an apprentice working for free, trying to learn how to be a 'digital producer' (the lady who types the ticker tape scrolling headlines into the chyron character generator)

She briefly had a part-time gig as an unpaid intern at a local NBC affiliate station typing in headlines end temperatures for the weather map….

She wasn't even an NBC employee…. They never even gave her a paycheck….

And strangely enough, you completely left out the most important detail:

She is mentally ill (tell me if this sounds familiar) and a religious fanatic….

She decided she couldn't take it anymore, and she claimed she was Jesus, thinking she had been blessed with the power of God to change the world by demand….

The only difference between her and you is now they are forcing her to take her medication

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Yeah ?…. Well next time you're hanging out
with Jesus, tell him I said to fuck off

I don't need any friends

and if i DID, it sure as hell wouldn't be him….

That would be embarrassing as shit

DEE DEE was no homo
She just needed some sexual release and Whitney was available

I've done the same thing to my nephews, even though I had wished that they were adult females

Any port in a storm

Here is sum mor DEE DEE

I wooda fucked her over my nephew iffen she was available and sang while I pumped


Lucifer, the prince of light, grew jealous of God's power in the Heavens when he resided with God and the Elohim (angels). Lucifer (Satan) decided to defect and wage war with God in the heavens, and some of the Elohim sided with Lucifer in that war. They were cast out of the heavens, thus the fallen angels which came down to Earth to corrupt mankind. All the ancient tribes worshiped the fallen angels as deities, thats where human and child sacrifices came into play. They hate mankind because we were made in the image of God!

Q: do you see the temperatures on the weather map?

HINT: a 'digital producer' types those numbers into a chyron character generator

That's what a digital producer does at a local affiliate news station…..

That's also what the interns do, not getting paid, trying to learn the business, which is why they are called interns…..

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Jesus was a real historical personage if one separates the myth.

a lot of the stuff he was presumed to have said was from his followers

But the gist was his

He was a man, he was crucified, his body rotted
But the spirit of Christ lives in your heart Andy.


I respect your opinion, the same way I respect Killcen's opinion……

Even though neither of you can provide even the slightest shred of evidence to prove your point

It's just a bunch of the same repeated parroted hogwash I've heard a million times before….

And not a single bit of evidence to back it up

This is a nail

You hit it with a hammer

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The same fallen angels still exist today even though many were wiped out during The Great Flood… as it said in the Book of Genesis, they were there BEFORE and AFTER. And these demonic entities along with Satan are corrupting mankind! Note the crash at Roswell, those were not "aliens", those where fallen angels with extremely advanced technologies used for multi-dimensional travel to corrupt souls at various times all simultaneously. The US military recruits that studied this advanced technology became corrupted themselves too and acted as mind-controlled beacons for Satan to take over the world. Trojan horse? I think so!

still waiting for you to prove it

stop stalling

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Paranoia, Instability, Psychiatric Disorders & Bizarre Behaviors all seem to be a trait of Christianity

It doesn't sound like it's working out very good for you guys

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I think she was possessed by a fallen angel.

Question: why did the corrupted Vatican have The Book of Enoch removed from the KJV Bible…….. ahhhhh, now thats a great question for Christians to look into!

All mass murders are corrupted and possessed by Satan's fallen angels…. why is it that when mass murders die, they have extreme amounts of energy resonating from their dying bodies!? Now thats something to look into too.

Here's an even better question for Christians to look into:

why they're so gullible

Hahahaha @ 'resonating from their bodies'


The historicity of Jesus is the question if Jesus of Nazareth can be regarded as a historical figure. Virtually all New Testament scholars and Near East historians, applying the standard criteria of historical-critical investigation, find that the historicity of Jesus is effectively certain,[1][2] although they differ about the beliefs and teachings of Jesus as well as the accuracy of the details of his life that have been described in the gospels.[3][4][5][note 1]

The question of the historicity of Jesus is part of the study of the historical Jesus as undertaken in the quest for the historical Jesus and the scholarly reconstructions of the life of Jesus, based primarily on critical analysis of the gospel texts and applying the standard criteria of critical-historical investigation,[6][7][8] and methodologies for analyzing the reliability of primary sources and other historical evidence.[9]

While scholars have criticized Jesus scholarship for religious bias and lack of methodological soundness,[note 2] with very few exceptions such critics generally do support the historicity of Jesus and reject the Christ myth theory that Jesus never existed.[


I'm not going to post the entire 2 web wikis here, but Historical Scholars have concluded that he did exist

Read the wikis, I have

The Buddha existed, and myths have built up about him
same for Lao-tzu who helped form ,Taoism

And of course Muhamed

Thus spake Zarathustra
Moses was probably a myth

I suggest the lectures by Joseph Campbell on comparative religion

youtube.com/results?search_query=Joseph Campbell

Here's a great question for Christians to look into:

how they became so easily fooled, and built their entire life around A PILE OF BULLSHIT

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So in other words, you still can't prove it……

got it 👍

Let us pray that one day, somebody can do a better job of providing evidence that Jesus existed

at least LUCY was real

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Who says those ancient descriptions were thousands of years older? How can we take that as fact when the Smithsonian institute is itself highly corrupted just as the Vatican was?

There's evidence that Abraham Lincoln existed

none for jesus

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so in other words, nothing

right ?

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Just another goddamn neanderthal

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no need to prove anything Andy
Don't matter where the new testament sayings came from, they exist
Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection, delve deeply into various parallels between the Jewish godman Jesus Christ and the Egyptian gods Horus and Osiris. Along with the claim that Horus was born on "December 25th" or the winter solstice of a virgin called Mery comes the contention that he was "crucified between two thieves,"

Sacrifice mythology is a part of most religions

It's the words that count

And the word, the spirit of Christ (insert your religion here) is in every heart
Deny this and suffering oocurs

Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth (PBS 1988 Bill Moyers)


this is a magnet link Andy, you dont stick it to your frig

absolute BULLSHIT

fiction, and not even 'good' fiction


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I wish I had more time to talk about this but I need to take a shower this morning, and get back to posting more REAL NEWS today….. so I'll be back in a little while….

A: "No need to prove anything"

Q: what do people say when they are painted into a corner, and required to prove their bullshit assertions about Jesus Christ?

A: I need to take a shower

Q: how can you tell somebody has finally given up, and realizes they are incapable of proving that Jesus Christ ever existed?

Just one thing Johnny, please stop saging all the time, its not kind. If you keep saging I'll have to add some pepper.

I also need to use the bathroom too, human sanitation is important. I'll be back later on to post more news.

I'm a spiritual Agnostic, Andy
I dont give a shit if Hayzeus existed or not
LIke I said, it's the words at matter

Religion seems to be a contentious subjecct with you

Did someone close to you die, and god could do nothing?

God or what ever that is dont work like that
heaven is BS

Imagine livingnforever in heaven?

Now I've changed a lot in the last 35 yrs
How much would I change in a billion yrs in heaven?

I would be a completely different person in 10,00 yras alone

Simplem minded people see heaven this way

People like andy get all religious when near death

Jesus comfort me!!!!!
I practice long periods of meditation where I stop my mind and let the larger consciousness of the universe flow into me'
although there is no me in these moments

This is probably as close to religion as I'm gonna get….
and that do goodie feeling that comes from helping

My ego is gone in these moments as well as time
I feel very relaxed and good
I don't want to hurt people that annoy me

But later on when I think on it, is this a taste of death?

Then the dread and angst of nonbeing set in

Do I want to meditate again
I do, I put the thought of nonbeing away, after all, this ego of mind is an illusion
It's I, thinking about I, thinking about I,thinking about I, and like looking into 2 mirrors facing each other, the I reflects infinitely, with no anchor that is me

Hahahaha lol @ get religious near death

Hilarious !!!

Have you heard the good news? He is risen!

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Johnny takes the pepper.

I am a Christian who believes as long as you try to do good and better the community around you, and help spread truth to people, God will find it in his heart forgive you of any sins you may have commit.

God bless sir.

Precisely why Christfags like you are so annoying.
They presume to not only "know" the truth, bit they consider it their duty to subject everyone else with their version of it; seemingly oblivious to the fact that literally everyone already comes fully equipped with their own version of the "truth". all colored perceptions, plastered with arbitrary belief systems and crafted meanings anyway
You like to talk about how Do-Gooders like Bill Gates do more harm than good, but refuse to see the exact same tendencies in yourself. I assure you that you prrsonally have done more harm to Christianity than any demon-worshipping satanist ever has. That is just a plain fact. The world can see what you're all about. We think satanists are stupid, immature and funny. We think Christfags are literally dangerous and should probably all be burnt at the fucking stake – especially those who want to control other peoples' behavior rather than their own.
KYS now so I won't have to.

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Oh. Here. Have some fucking Sage too.

That’s retarded. You get to heaven by believing in Him, not buying your way in with good deeds and indulgence tax. Sinner.