Oh Lord, Jesus, we thank you for your sacrifice you made on Pontius Pilate, for shedding your blood so our sins may be forgiven. For you told the truth, rebuked those who were wicked and as you were brutally beaten, tortured and scorn, nailed to a cross by the wicked of mankind as a savior from God so our sins may be forgiven as long as we repent. You sacrificed yourself and shed blood for the better of mankind, and your DNA today still resonates the same scalar wave frequencies within our blood today.
Lord, I repent, I have done wrong. We all have done so much wrong in this world. Future life on Earth is once again in jeopardy of destruction by the subversion of Satan. Greed and corruption have taken over the world, there are wicked men once again in power who are void of moral and ethics, hell bent on the destruction of the world. We were warned if we did not turn to God that evil shall take over and rule the Earth. Lord, hear this prayer today.
We are witnessing total invasion of our Western nations, brought about by deliberate destabilization, the deliberate wreckage of other nations by the same evil forces serving Satan to create havoc and chaos everywhere and import it into the Western World. These forces of Satan are also installing microwave towers to attack the cells of our bodies and brains, the forces of Satan hate humanity because we were made in the image of God. Their intent is to cause mass sickness and cancerous tumors everywhere, and make profits from microwaving us all the way to the hospitals with their 5G kill grid, to rob us of our wealth and offer their mass murder to Satan. We are witnessing chemical and electromagnetic geo-engineering by the same evil forces to bring about mass death and destruction on planet Earth, creating cyclone bombs and other unnatural disasters in attempts to extort us by taxing us for God's Creation. We are witnessing evil corporations like Monsanto and Bayer poisoning our crops with cancerous glyphosate. We are witnessing the subversion of our churches and schools by the same forces of Satan, destroying knowledge and corrupting minds of the youth on a massive scale never seen before in American history. We are witnessing mass drug overdose and suicide epidemics. We are witnessing the roll out of a domestic police state, from drawing blood at road checkpoints to spying on all communications and the wholesale of all our personal data. We are witnessing the death of the Western world by the plundering of our wealth and deliberate devaluation of our currency through hyper-monetary-inflative policies, debt insolvency. We are witnessing endless wars and the push for world war by these same demonic forces. We are witnessing political prisoners being taken and their lives ruined, children being torn from families by police states and sold to the underground sex trade by those in authority who were supposed to be taking care of them. We are witnessing utter denial and outright hatred against those opposed to evil, attacks against freedom and the truth, attacks against our culture and very way of life. We are witnessing the mainstream corporate media lie to its fellow people, and cover up the crimes of these wicked ones, for they too work for Satan.
We ask God for forgiveness. We ask our Lord in prayer to Bind and Rebuke these wicked ones, stifle these forces of Satan! We are here to pray that those who have been destroying human life, deliberately destabilizing the world be brought to Justice! We ask God to help us expel Satan and his fallen angels back to the bowels of hell where they belong. Amen.