Poor Oklahoma mom feeds starving kids dog shit to survive so she's charged

An impoverished Oklahoma mother has been charged with child neglect, accused of starving her children and feeding them dog feces because Trump cut her food stamps.

The Tulsa World reports that 34-year-old Mary Elizabeth Moore was charged in Delaware County court this month.

The children, aged 5 and 3, are severely malnourished and have been placed on a special diet with nasal feeding tubes. They are in state custody.

An affidavit says the older child told Department of Human Services workers that she ate dog feces. The arresting officer noted the child had parasitic pinworms, which can be a good source of protein.

The girl also told investigators that her mother’s boyfriend “throws bottles” at her younger sibling for not finishing his 'fried poo with ketchup'.


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She had a BF?

Holy fuck

No wonder I'm a basement dwelling supported by mom gamer

There are real trolls out there,female ones it seems, and I'm gonna jerk off the rest of my lonely life

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connect the dots

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Mary Elizabeth Moore ain't no Mary Tyler Moore

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I think she should get a trophy. Her kids we're starving, and she had to make ends meet… A good mother will do whatever it takes to feed her kids


(envelope, please)

YOU !!!……..

Please continue not posting redundant paranoid conspiracy theory hypothetical fake 'news'

I'm proud of you !!!

Mom now gets Jail food, and kids:
Tax payers always footing the bills.

It's funny how people like you always complain about taxpayers footing the bill….

I wonder exactly how much money came out of your wallet to stick feeding tubes down those kids nostrils

If you don't like paying taxes, perhaps you would be happier living in a pile of mud somewhere in the Congo?

The last time I checked, nobody asked whether or not you agreed with the taxation system, and your complaints get dropped directly into the 'too bad, stfu' box

Feel free to submit your taxation complaints in the blue suggestion box

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I(sac) proudly accept this Neppy award in the spirit it was intended(I'm scrubbing my toilet with it at the moment).

/killcen/ is envious, and may try to think out side the tinfoil box that is his head and post a horibly humorous story such as this.
Such as "Invaders from the south made me shit my pants:Ecoli is a plot!"


where I will always think of you when I have a shit, Andy

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Proudly holding my Neppy before I clean my toilet

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Was she the one that got her foot amputated?

lol @ monogram

that made me laugh


If cooked to kill the germs,(sac)dog shit has some nutrients

Pink Flamingos (1972) - Trivia
The dog feces in the infamous final scene are real. According to director John Waters, the dog was fed steak for three days beforehand. Divine's reaction to eating it was real. During filming, Divine was arrested for stealing, and in her defense said that she was a method actor playing a criminal.

Attached: PINK FLAMINGO DIVINE eats dog doo.webm (320x240, 4.64M)

Divine (performer)

Resting place Hell
Occupation Actor, singer, drag queen,decadent pervert

Harris Glenn Milstead (October 19, 1945 – March 7, 1988),

His parents lavished almost anything that he wanted upon him, including food, and he became overweight, a condition he lived with for the rest of his life
Milstead eventually gave up his job and for a while was financially supported by his parents, who catered to his expensive taste in clothes and cars. They reluctantly paid the many bills that he ran up financing lavish parties where he would dress up in drag as his favourite celebrity, actress Elizabeth Taylor.[19][20]

Spare the rod….. bleeeeeeeeeeech


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The “I can't search” post of the year.

Guns and jails are nice. People don't deserve to live anyways.

Sadly she will get the better treatment in jail cause her life was shit than children in state care. She don’t deserve to be in jail and need to hang. Honestly the cops would have a way to accidentally shoot her and get away with it but they didn’t.

She looks like Abe from munch's odyssey

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this is where the western empire started to fall