Beyond Meat is going public.Plant-based meat products might fix our food system

The company sells burgers that contain no meat, but kinda taste like they do. Its stated delusional goal is to fix our food system. Its initial public offering (IPO) is the latest sign that alt-meat is going mainstream — and that’s a no big deal.

It’s been a good few years for Beyond Meat. National chains including Del Taco, Carl’s Jr., and T.G.I. Friday’s have started carrying their products. They’ve also found their way onto grocery store shelves at Whole Foods, Kroger, and Target. In total, Beyond Meat says its products are available in more than 35,000 outlets, from hotels and college campuses to grocery stores and sports stadiums. Sales have been growing fast — last year the company reported revenues of $87.9 million, up from $32.6 million in 2017

Founded in 2009 by CEO Ethan Brown, the Los Angeles-based company’s products first hit supermarket shelves in 2013. Its rapid rise — food is not an easy industry to break into — reflects intense consumer demand and investor interest in meat alternatives. The company has never been profitable, and lost $29 million in 2018, but its rapidly growing revenues made it a good bet to many idiot investors — as did its positioning on the frontier of a transformation of our food system.

“Before Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods, there was really this sense that plant-based foods was for vegetarians. People like Ethan Brown said, ‘No, we can make plant-based foods that meat eaters like if piled on with extras.’”

Animals pollute and it's cruel

That’s what inspired people to start working on meat alternatives — and it may be what’s inspiring the consumer enthusiasm that has buoyed them in recent years. Products like veggie burgers, fake chicken, and soy and almond milk are growing in popularity and market share — and even better, they’re getting not as horrible and harder to distinguish from animal feces

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but my food system doesn't need fixes from the long nose tribe

Not surprisingly, Wendy and I have been buying Beyond Meat ever since it first became available.

It's delicious

Also: Impossible Burger is awesome, too

If you don't like it, don't buy it. That's capitalism.


contains no soy

And if you never do anything with your testicles anyway

watching YOU complain about soy is like watching a hummingbird without a beak complain about inferior nectar

perhaps if you ever USED YOUR PENIS you might need testicles

but until that day comes, I don't think soy poses any risk to you

I(sac) proudly accept this Neppy award in the spirit it was intended(I'm scrubbing my toilet with it at the moment).

/killcen/ is envious, and may try to think out side the tinfoil box that is his head and post a horibly humorous story such as this.

Such as "Invaders from the south made me shit my pants:Ecoli is a plot!"


where I will always think of you when I have a shit, Andy

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The “100% beef” in the store still contains soy and other shit

How about instead of feeding people frankenfoods they just kill 6 billion of us? Stupid scientists confess daily that nukes are not real.

Wait, aren't we at or very near the point where they can grow animal muscle tissue in a lab? Why not do that rather than some plant shit that's almost kinda sorta like meat if you pile on so much shit that you can't taste it?

KKK Black panthers dream of endless meat.

Russians and Chinese laugh at You Mulicultural Americans.
Russia is blond and blue eyed and has a cure for aids.
China… is now best frends with the Whitest of the Whites…. a Cure for aids… haha.
Russia and China forever
Americans hands on head

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At least humanity is doing something. At least trying.

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Talmudic cancer burgers for thee
Free range grass fed beef for me

No soy, that's what makes this company different

No, it doesn't

Almost time to go off the grid and cease being a consumer forever. Why have johnny neptune's favorite soyboy meal when you can just go hunting and grow your own food?

I can't wait to get a goth dom girlfriend and have her pump liquid soy up my butt

You can't do things better than mother nature…

There is a massive soil and land shortage all over the world…

We need to just reduce the Socialist spending. The resulting conditions will incentivise less population growth and more efficient to use resources efficiently.

All we need to do is make a law the legalized disposable goods and mandates a 500 year utility clause.

If we only manufacture goods that last for centuries, the environmental damage will be reduced.

If people learn how to treat their belongings with respect; they will have learned how to respect other people too.

If we teach the people how to fast one day a week, we can feed the starving on that day. Starving desperate people can survive on water and one quality day of food if they eat a little-bit throughout the week.

It will not be perfect, but it sure beats totally destroying all life on earth as we know it.

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I don’t trust the artificial foods.

Neither do I, but I can't for the life of me understand why a vegetarian wouldn't be unequivocally in support of lab grown meat.

I can't for the life of me understand why a vegetarians exist

Because we as a society have reached such heights of prosperity that people can choose to eat only what they want without negative nutritional effects. Of course, we also have such prosperity that a lot of people are real fuckin' fat, and honestly i think i'd rather have humble vegans than lumbering lardasses but at this point i think the only way that'll happen is for society as a whole to collapse.

Company makes no profit selling (((frankenfood))) and yet (((investors))) are lining up to throw money at it. Nothing suspicious about that, goy.

Yes, let's replace a few farting cows, that have been farting for millennia without affecting the climate, with a massive industrial complex to turn toxic plants into something that's somewhat digestible. That is definitely better for the environment.

Pick one.

beef is the worst fucking animal for the environment in a myriad of ways so why are you spergs getting your assholes puckered over someone trying to address that problem under the current economic model?

The real way to go is a combination of meat and vegetables but with strict consumer caution, such as: always buy certified non-GMO organic, make sure you buy free range chicken or grass-fed beef, stick to certified kosher if you can because Jews are very strict with the quality of meat they eat [the Jews eat kosher meat because they know the mass-produced crap they sell to us "goyim" is toxic], make sure when you buy any meat look at the ingredients to make sure its not cured in toxic crap like sodium nitrate. For example, you can find quality bacon that has been cured in kosher salt water rather than nitrates/nitrites.

If you buy quality meat it will be more expensive, thats the drawback. But find a legit wholesaler that sells high quality kosher/organic/non-toxic meats and you can save money purchasing in bulk. I buy half a cow (one full freezer box worth) once every two years. It costs me around $1,000 however this is enough meat for two whole years, thats a lot of meals for one grand. If you were to buy that much in a grocery store all at once you'd be paying by the pound and it would be 4 to 5 times the cost! So consider wholesale and investing in an extra freezer to store it.

There is no problem. The real problem is control freaks trying to make everything a problem so they can boss us around and treat us like cattle. They are the problem. Not us.

You're dumb. Frankenfood don't real.
You're dumb. Perhaps do some research on what "kosher" and "halal" slaughtering practices entail, you bleeding-heart hippie faggot, and get back to me. A bolt to the brain is a mercy.
You're dumb. Excessive consumption of mineral substances cause problems, more to come at 11. "Kosher" salt is just large-grained salt, used for drawing the blood out of meat, also known as "koshering" it, you fucking stupid Jew nigger. Dissolving it in water would make it no different than any other brine, or sodium solution for that matter.

Your dumb for eating toxic shit like nitrites and hormones laced inside meat. Why would I eat mass produced shit like that when I can easily get grass fed beef without all the toxic additives? Store it in a freezer and it'll be fine without toxic preservatives.

it tastes like shit, same with impossible burger.

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