Reports have surfaced that there are reports surfacing that AREN'T about paranoid conspiracies or the hypothetical 'end of the world'.
Shithole Zig Forums, the 'deepest rectum of the internet', has recently become a cesspool of paranoid conspiracy theories falsely presented as news articles.
Some of these conspiracy assumptions might be valid, while most of them are not. But people have been experiencing paranoia since the beginning of time, 'predicting' the imminent end of the world since the dawn of man, and as you discovered this morning when you woke up, the world has not ended.
Just because this is a news board doesn't mean life has to be miserable, and every waking minute spent wasting energy focusing on some imaginary apocalypse that's right around the corner.
News comes in all shapes and sizes….
People always focus on negative stories, but life really isn't all that bad…
It's important to be able to goof off, to laugh at the uncertainty of tomorrow, and to not take yourself so seriously….
Here's a news flash for you:
With each passing second your existence grows shorter and shorter. You are the only one responsible for your own perspective, and when it really comes down to it, perspective is all you have.
It's beautiful outside today… I don't care if you're in Siberia right now in the middle of a blizzard or if you're in the Bahamas enjoying the sun while laying on the beach… IT'S STILL ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL OUTSIDE RIGHT NOW !!!
Life is pretty damn good, even with all of the uncertainties and negativity that surround us. It's nobody's fault but YOURS if you're unable to view the world from a happier perspective.
I don't give a flying fuck about corrupt politicians, because all politicians are corrupt.
I don't give a flying fuck about 5G or Google knowing where my cell phone goes and what I'm searching on the internet, because I'm going to be just fine.
There's nobody taking our doors in, and there's no giant conspiracy to destroy our existence. Nobody's going to invade your home and try to take your little BB guns from you…. There's no airplanes in the sky leaving a complicated web of chemtrail mind control.
The Moon is not a hologram.
The Earth is not flat.
That's not an artificial sun in the sky.
Sure, technology has changed the world, and with each passing day there are more and more and more people on this planet behaving the way people behave.
People are corrupt and evil and rotten and crooked
The human race has always been like that, and they always will be. It's never going to get any better, and that type of behavior is going to continue to get worse.
The past is gone…
It's a memory, and it's never coming back.
The future never arrives….
It's an imaginary concept, and by the time it gets here it has already become the past.
The only thing we have is RIGHT NOW…
All we have is THIS MOMENT IN 'TIME'
So why would you continue spending 'this everlasting millisecond' in needless pessimistic worry and stress?
I don't like miserable people… I used to be a miserable person, who focused on the negative, and lived in fear of tomorrow. I finally had to take control of my perspective, and lighten up a little bit…
Nobody likes miserable people…
Nobody wants to surround themselves with miserable people… Nobody wants to emulate miserable people…
It turns people off….
Life is pretty good right now…
Sure there's a lot of negative in the world…
but we are so lucky to be alive and witness this particular moment in history…
Why don't you try laughing a little bit?
Why don't you be abstract every once in awhile?
Why don't you try goofing off occasionally?
Why don't you try being silly?
Why don't you try making other people laugh?
Just because this is a news board, that doesn't mean everybody wants to be unhappy. Most people here like to be silly and make humorous precocious comments about news articles.
Lighten up, motherfucker!!!
You're a good man, but your negativity and fear turns people off…
I love you. Why don't you try acting like an immature little kid every once in awhile and have some fun?