New York Times Opinion issued a statement regarding a political cartoon of President Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that appeared in Thursday’s international edition of the paper, saying that it included "anti-Semitic tropes" and deeming it "offensive".
The political cartoon in question showed Trump, wearing a pair of sunglasses, being led by a dog, depicted as Netanyahu. The dog had a Star of David collar. The cartoon appeared in the paper’s opinion section next to a column penned by Thomas Friedman, according to the Jerusalem Post.
The New York Times said an editor’s note would appear in the paper’s international edition Monday. The statement from the paper read, “A political cartoon in the international print edition of The New York Times on Thursday included anti-Semitic tropes, depicting the prime minister of Israel as a guide dog with a Star of David collar leading the president of the United States, shown wearing a skullcap. The image was offensive, and it was an error of judgment to publish it. It was provided by The New York Times News Service and Syndicate, which has since deleted it.”
The political cartoon was criticized by a number of social media users.
Huffington Post contributor Yashar Ali called the image “an anti-Semitic cartoon that the NYT published.”
Jerusalem Post editor Seth Frantzman tweeted, “Shame on the NYT for this. How hard is in a time of increasing #antisemitism not to publish an anti-semitic cartoon? This is a major newspaper. Dozens of people must have seen this before it went to press. No one said anything?”
actually, it depicts trump; a non jew mistreating a jew.
Liam Reed
Based nyt
Jackson Kelly
Should have been depicted the other way around, but accurate in spirit. Fuck the Jews they all have to go to Israel or to the oven.
Christopher Nguyen
It depicts a blind trump being led by a kike.
James Anderson
Gavin Morales
future classic meme pix
Aaron Wright
Lump all jews together, and you render them immune to fracturing. Differences between zionist and anti-zionist jews are an easily exploitable fracture point. Use it to create division.
Trump is wearing a yarmulke…
Angel Perry
first the NYT prints such a horrible thing and then the synagogue gets shot up. disgraceful to the nation of israel and america as they insult our president…
Parker Mitchell
Whats your point? Is a cartoon based on fact antisemitic?
Yea, look it up. The bible contains in at least 2 places "beware the fake jews of the synagogue of satan". They get really upset when people mention it and even tried suggesting modifying the bible to remove those sections!
Liberals are controlled by democrats are controlled by socialists are controlled by communists are controlled by globalists are controlled by atheists are controlled by satanists (fake pretend jews/illuminati deep state cabal) which worship money and creepy symbols and rituals, and are against God.
the fake jews/satanists HATE trump for being on the team of the jews/christians that love God.
All religions have satanic infiltration, and all religions have people who love God, and people who are secret satanic infiltrators. There's good and bad people everywhere. Zig Forums will definitely disagree strongly of course
Noticing that a jew is a jew is antisemitic. Noticing that a man who ran for president on an America First platform, but is instead bending over backwards for jews, is antisemitic. Weird how that works.
That's one jew calling Trump the lapdog of a different jew. Are you stupid? lmao
I don't care either way. It's just Abrahamic nonsense. The only thing that matters to me, is that yids are fighting each other. Anyone who claims it's theatre, is a retard. Jews have real differences among themselves that are going to be hard for them to resolve. Chaos and conflict create opportunities, and opportunities can be exploited to one's own advantage.
can someone explain how this is anti-semitic? does anti-semitic mean you can't make a political cartoon or a comedy bit, or a tv sitcom or a joke, or a meme, or a twitter post, or anything if it contains a jew? (unless it's flattering?)
Thomas Baker
Our anons are getting stupid while others (usually leftist scum) play to be stupid. The Left have always criticized Pissrael, it's part of the kikes dialectics. Mocking USA and Isntreal relationship is nothing new. It's far FAR from naming the Jew.
The ones here who equal criticizing Israeli Government or State to pointing out kikes as a whole, are the same ones who deny the Jewish Question. They are not naming the Jew. They are not pointing out the nose.
Hope you newfags don't get fooled by this and get redpilled about the International Jewry and their subversive tactics as soon as you can. Not only by the leftist pov which blinds them (Israel, neocons, banks and what's called today "zionism"), but the other side as well. And in that side we have most of MSM under their control, we have socialist, social-democrats, progressives, even liberals in the classic meaning, we have all the subversive scum who attacks Christianity and defends mudslimes.
NYT is a social-democrat progressive tool for the International Jewry. They won't name themselves and tell their readers what they really are.
Isaiah Hill
Because they are trying to trap you into their dialectic. For them, it's always "anti-semitic" when it's one of them being attacked, but only half of them will say it out loud. See ADL behavior (which is not so different from a terrorist group) to understand their crap.
They, neo-zionists, see the Seal of Salomon which was obviously supposed to mean the Israeli flag (for its colors and context), and then they cry as if it's a symbol to all the kikes being attacked. But the attack targeted specifically Israel? Then it's an attack to all the jews. But the attack targeted mudshit immigration and defended the white race, then Israel also comes to the rescue: "muh holohoax".
That's why it's important to actually name the Jew and tell the ones in our IBs who ignore the JQ to get the fuck out, because if they hide their leftist agendas and true intentions, they are shills, just like subversive kikes, trying to co-opt what the JQ is really about and what we really are against.
Juan Morgan
Jeremiah Murphy
New York Times mad for the world,,, newspaper by liberals money mad mad mad