Conservative Alternative To Facebook and Twitter Created

Founder and CEO Steven Andrew said he decided to use his Silicon Valley tech leadership experience to launch USA.Life after he saw Facebook block millions of people from getting his posts.

Andrew believes Facebook lied to Congress about being “a platform for all ideas,” since they restrict supporters of President Trump, Christians and conservatives.

“Facebook blocks 99 percent of my reach, which means 5 million people are missing per month from my account alone,” he said.

Andrew has led multi-million dollar initiatives for Cisco, Better Homes and Gardens, Sega and Stanford.

USA.Life is necessary, he said, because “censorship affects elections, people’s lives and relationships.”

Users can share photos, updates, news, videos and messages, and join groups. “People can connect with those most important to them, too,” he said.

Andrew is also building a search engine,

Calling it “America’s new search engine,” he believes it will provide better results than Google.

NOTE TO DUMMIES: Never use your real name or personal email address to sign up to ANY social media services! You can bet commie hackers and the government will be swarming all over this, doxing and hacking their political opponents!!!

Attached: Conservative Alternative To Facebook and Twitter Created.jpg (600x460, 52.77K)

Other urls found in this thread:

NOTE TO DUMMIES: Never use your real name or personal email address to sign up to ANY social media services! You can bet commie hackers and the government will be swarming all over this, doxing and hacking their political opponents!!!

I know it's the date of year independence was achieved but to outsiders it sounds like another Russian gambling website

Looks like the internet is getting more divided up, and thats a GOOD thing! Because the web was supposed to be splintered into millions of pieces!


Shit name.

Segregation needs to come back to literally EVERYTHING.

May be, but I'm glad someone is doing something about the censorship. And if your asking if I have a life, yes I do, online and offline. But I keep my online life very private. Not at all connected to my offline life. I was offline yesterday because I had to plant my garden and do some yard work.


For what now?

Won't matter. I'll be adding these new domains to the /prepare/ archive of alternatives pretty soon.

Alternatives To State-run Social Media: >>>/prepare/20 |

bumping back true news

If my threads get slidden I'll be back in about an hour to bump them back up.

I made one years ago:
It's easy to host an instance up. Here's mine:

Bavarian Illuminati formed may 1st 1776. Just sayin

Cool, I'll add that to a list of alternatives soon too.

NOTE TO DUMMIES: Never use your real name or personal email address to sign up to ANY social media services! You can bet commie hackers and the government will be swarming all over this, doxing and hacking their political opponents!!!

Alternatives To State-run Social Media: >>>/prepare/20 |


bumping back to the top !

Facebook and Twitter are shit, and so is every clone, social media destroys humanity

I'll give it a try. I HATE restricting speech companies.

Smart enough to never get on FB. Got on Twitter only because of Trump. If Trump made on post on USALife. Twitter would lose 40 million acccounts like that.

Honestly he should have a Gab account or something, it would wreck a lot of the Big Tech profits (and Big Tech are the ones censoring so many of his supporters so they'd deserve it).

Based. Fuck commie cunts.

Attached: hhgeih.gif (446x251, 1.32M)

Because your fake email totally doesn't have your IP address, guys. Get a load of this guy.

There already is an alternative to Twitter, it's called Mastodon, it's open source, and all you need to do is set up your own server with your own rules for it.

He could set it up via tor. So even if they tried to encode the IP address in to the email it would just be the address of the closest exit node.

Reminder that all leftist politics are just women waging war on their men by proxy. The economic aspect of leftism is wealth transfer from white men to brown people and women. Cultural Marxism and feminism are so insane and self-defeating that they will destroy all white culture and turn Europe and the US into the third world in a few generations. White women and their effeminate soyboy slaves are responsible for this tragedy.

Attached: 1550791093195.jpg (574x272, 47.59K)

There is such thing as using a private VPN and/or Tor. Spoofing your IP is a very simple little trick. And there are many other little tricks you can play to obfuscate metadata too.

Reminder to defunct WebGL and WebRTC protocols in all new browsers. These two protocols can be used to leak your real IP behind a VPN service. As long as you learn some basic about:config tweaking you'll be able to disable these vulnerabilities and properly mask your IP.

as a woman of color…haha…hee

as a woman of color…haha…hee

Twitter, the platform I once loved, has turned into a terrible place. It's become a way to pervert the political discourse, to enable trolls, and to fuel the spread of conspiracy theories. And that's just lately. Seeing people I generally like and agree with subtweeting and attacking others—on top of the world's perpetually bleak news—has begun to gnaw away at my mental health and spiritual wellbeing. It simply isn't what I signed up for.

Today's Twitter calls to mind the plot of Ghostbusters 2: It's a digital sewer of negativity slime we're all wading through. With the company's fortunes tied directly to user count, there's little incentive to purge bad actors or even those who break Twitter's own rules, especially if they're famous enough. In this case, I did what the Ghostbusters might do—I broke with the establishment and took things into my own hands. I (mostly) left Twitter, and joined Mastodon.

Mastodon is the most popular Twitter alternative—at least, for those of us who would like fewer fascists on our social networks.


You don't get any of this on Mastodon. The flagship instance (which, at the moment, has again closed itself off to new users) is moderated with stricter rules than Twitter, banning users for stuff like Holocaust denial and posting Nazi imagery. I


Here's what I think you'll find: Mastodon users are nice people. The wider federated network has posts in English, Japanese, Spanish, and from techy open source enthusiasts. It's way more queer and trans-friendly. Neurodivergent users are out and proud. Furries are all about it. I'm seeing more and more amazing artists posting their work. Sex workers exiled from other social media have even made their home on a Mastodon instance.

Oh and don't worry—there are plenty of cute cat pictures here, too.

Then there's the killer feature: You can hide sensitive content behind a button before posting, so people don't have to see your long rant, political content, or spoiler for a new episode of a TV show. The system is designed to encourage thoughtful posting—not selfish or gratuitous posts. It's even simple to contribute descriptions of images you're posting for the visually impaired, something Twitter doesn't bother turning on by default.


Hey I was also miffed when only three people liked my photo of hotel breakfast with yummy emojis and hearts on it but I’m not gonna go make my own fucking Facebook in retaliation.

Social media isn’t here to give Andrew or anyone else a voice. It’s here to put all of us to work making ad revenue.

There are countless alternatives to FB already. Why should I care about this one?

Anything that dares challenge the Big Tech MONOPOLIES should be embraced or at least reported about.