Total Collapse of Civilization Guaranteed

BE PREPARED: >>>/prepare/1 |

The complete collapse of civilization around the world is well on its way, whether accelerationism occurs or not.

The writing is already on the wall…

1. Drug addiction at record levels all over the world.
2. Depression and suicide at highest levels ever seen around the globe.
3. The U.S. is 20+ trillion in debt and many other nations are also heavily in debt.
4. As inflation increases and wages remain stagnant, fewer people can buy products or services, which will further hurt economies around the world.
5. Radicalization is increasing rapidly. The explosion of white nationalism, leftwing radicals, islamic terrorism, and other radical movements are a symptom of civilizational distress.
6. The dramatic explosion of homosexuality, transgenderism, and a whole plethora of "mental disease" at levels never before seen or imagined in all of human history.
7. The government & corporations beginning to clamp down on free speech, firearms, and other freedoms in order to contain the acceleration toward collapse.
8. Mass immigration - People fleeing other parts of the world in large numbers where collapse is already in progress, or simply moving to a new country to get free gibs which will only help to collapse that nation as well.
9. Morals and values going down the toilet. People are losing faith in law & order, religion, and their government. There is no longer a "communitiy" to enforce morals & decency.
10. The past 200 years have given us the most destructive wars in human history, the highest crime rates, and the worst genocides. This is a symptom of civilization having gone past its peak, and it is now racing downhill toward inevitable collapse.
11. The dramatic increase in distraction entertainment to keep people's minds off the slow unraveling of human civilization.
12. The world's oceans are becoming more acidic due to human pollution, along with islands of plastic floating around the pacific ocean.
13. An explosion of chronic diseases in the past few decades which has astronomically raised healthcare costs – An unhealthy populace, costing western nations billions upon billions every year.
14. Femininity is disappearing as women are forced to be wage slaves, and brainwashed to be "strong and independent".
15. Masculinity is disappearing as young boys are taught that traditional masculinity is "toxic". Being faggy is the new norm.

If you haven't already trained yourself to be a hunter-gatherer, then now might be a good time to learn how to live like a real human being.
There has been one previous thread about this article.

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Nice painting, but where are the happy little chemtrails in this pic?

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In the end times, it will get so bad, there will be no law and order, because it will be every man for himself. This is what I've been told by some very astute well trained and armed preppers that I've had the pleasure talking to before. They all agree, at some point, the law will be put on the burner, and you'll just have to do what you can to survive, kill or be killed type of scenarios.

This is very concering for me, especially the U.S debt which is currently stated to be at 21+ trillion which does not include unfunded liabilities which are future payments of medicare, social security, etc. At this rate of spending which doesn't seem to be slowing down anytime soon, another recession, or even depression seems imminent.

Including unfunded liabilities the debt is estimated closer to 150 trillion

I knew a man who owns a shop in Arizona, I'm going to leave it at that, and we got around to talking about SHTF. He has good connections and is former cop. He knows how bad things are and then some. Anyway we got around to talking about Dave Hodges radio show (used to stay up till 3AM in the morning to listen to the scariest shit you'd rather not even know about)… anyway, he said many former and current cops got together around an undisclosed location and that the minute SHTF… like a grid-down scenario…. some unknown agents intend to blow up some major highways so the masses can't flee the cities and come and rob the local towns. Have NO clue if this is true or not, but thats was word of mouth, and I don't know who those people are so don't ask me nothing. My point is this: people in the system know shit is getting really bad…. and some of these officials have some bad ass preps far beyond what any of you would think possible.

What you'll see within the next 5 to 6 years will be called hyperinflation. Prices are going to hurt the average worker like a nailgun to the eye sockets. Proceeded will be riots and unrest, then societal breakdown like we see in France (or worse). Thats why they want the guns.

What the world needs to do is abolish central banking and establish gold trade bonds, among other commodity-backed bonds for exchange, such as oil-bonds, coal-bonds, thorium-bonds, copper-bonds, silver-bonds, titanium-bonds all the way down to plastic-bonds. Each bond tied to value and yield of said commodities. Countries with those resources hold resource bonds, and will swap for other bonds, and bonds are liquidated for said commodity. Very simple, a commodity-backed 'global currency' for trade yet the public and nation states can still have their national currencies, only those national currencies can be tied to resource bonds and the value will be protected in such manner.

But I know, the big tech monopolies and many corrupted governments as well as central bankers would HATE this so it likely will never happen!!!

Enjoy collapse.

anti-slide 6

former cop:
so, in other words, he has a less than 100 IQ

got it !!!

you forgot number 16

16: you have absolutely NO evidence to back up any of your claims in 1 through 15

In the end times, it will get so bad, there will be no law and order, because it will be every man for himself. This is what I've been told by some very astute well trained and armed preppers that I've had the pleasure talking to before. They all agree, at some point, the law will be put on the burner, and you'll just have to do what you can to survive, kill or be killed type of scenarios.

says who ?

that nonsense bible?… that book's full of shit…
its SO full of shit, it claims 'jesus' existed….

Hell…. it even says there's a 'god'….

so ANYTHING in the bible is fake

hahaha as if there's going to be 'end times'

you're funny as shit


no wall…
Minutes turn into hours…
Hours turn into days….
Days turn into weeks…..
Weeks turn into months…
Months and months…
Months and months and months and months….
Months and months and months and months turn into years and years…



Lots of talk…
Lots of bullshit…
Lots and lots of bullshit talk….

Government shutdowns…

Declarations of national emergencies…


Just empty words….

Lots and lots and lots of empty words….

Meanwhile: in the past 2 years, more illegal immigrants have crossed the border than ever before in history….

And they're spending billions and billions of dollars on border patrol and jailing immigrants in detention facilities, then simply letting them go roam free after spending all of the money to detain them….

$37 million : how much they spent setting up this tiny little 'Tent City' on the border recently….

(1/3rd of a billion dollars just on this handful of canvas tents)

And now they're saying they plan on building dozens more of these tent cities on the border…

Multiply 37 million dollars by 'dozens', and you'll be able to get an idea exactly how much money they're NOT spending on building a wall….

LOL !!!

I told you a long time ago that they have no intention of actually building a wall, and it's never going to happen….


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anti-slide 78

all sages sizzled, with a little salt and pepper

If you can't already see 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, and 15, you're blind as fuck.

True, but many still really ARE blind as fuck and (((they))) want it that way.

so you're admitting that 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 12 & 13 are all just bullshit paranoid generalizations?

(that's more than half)

Johnny, you admittingly take DOPE. Your drugged up and don't pay attention to real news. So you don't really understand the full consequences of whats going on. If you did, you'd be prepping to survive or getting out of the city and homesteading or buying a gun and an extra bullet for yourself just encase.

where's the beef?

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total news

lol @ calling an imidazopyridine 'DOPE'

hahahaha !!
just admit that you've never studied pharmacology or internal medicine before, and save yourself a lot of embarrassment….


You misspelled 'bullshit'

I guess that ASPIRIN is 'dope', because it's a pill, right?

(the technical term is 'tablet', not pill)

I guess it's safe to assume that you didn't know aspirin is actually just acetylsalicylic acid, and it's originally drive from a precursor in the leaves of willow trees, and has been used for over 2000 years…

You wouldn't know the difference between an imidazopyridine and a benzodiazepine if they both jumped up and bit you on each asscheek


Originally derived from the precursor which can be found in the leaves of the white willow tree

I'm guessing chemistry wasn't your favorite class in school?

A common colloquialism, meaning a 'stupid person', like somebody who voluntarily poisonous his body and destroys his liver with alcohol



$3.7 MILLION :

250 :


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Lmao @ speech to text typos

hahaha I honestly don't care

They're going to build 250 more canvas tents
At 3.7 million dollars each

Hahahahaha !!!!


By The Way….

I mistyped !! It's not $37 million

It's $370 MILLION !!!!

That $370 MILLION was only to build the ten canvas tents…. LOL

That does not include the hundreds of millions of dollars they're spending on operational costs

Reminder that the US is 5% of the population of the world.
That leaves 95% not noticing in the slightest.

I remember view bragging about Trump 'building the wall already' not that long ago…..


It looks like your information isn't very good

So I'm guessing your predictions aren't any better?

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The Only Part About This Thread That Matters:

Only christians believe in the 'end of times' myth

and less than 1% of humans are christians

so it's a moot point

Yeah less than 1% my ass

What about the fluoridation that is lobotomizing the 3rd brain?

Can't we use the passive imbeciles to repair our world by convincing them that they should live in prison cities?

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The reason why this shit is happening for over five thousand years is because YOU don't address the big elephant in the room.

I don't get why Christians suck Jew cock so hard, when Jews
A. Killed Christ
B. Couldn't even draw an "X" as a signature because it was too close to a cross, thus earning them the moniker "Kike" (kikel=circle, look it up faggot)
C. Won't even draw a proper "+" symbol in their math (again look it up if you don't believe me)
D. This is also why they can't make a proper swastika in their false flags.

Kikeroach wins again

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Canada better get busy building a wall or they'll inherit about 150 million ARMED Americans looking for gibs after the US collapse. Can't wait to hear CNN say that Trudeau is literally Hitler for not allowing a tidal wave of "refugee" women and kids to flood across the Canadian border.

Day of the Rake soon. :^)

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Funny you mention this, and I don't mean funny ha ha either. Almost all cops and most troops are red pilled preppers and they've been getting ready for SHTF for over a decade. When it goes down, they're going to "empty" their prisons. I had never thought of it before, but they've built them up with the intention of keeping people out. Modern day fortresses and castles each with a full size armory of firearms, ammo, and riot gear. They'll all rally around these prisons and operate from there. Their families will be joining them. Plenty of cells that the zombie hordes will never be able to get into. They still function off grid when the power goes down and have their own water towers. They plan to land helicopters of aid from the national guard in the rec yards. They already have plans and their plans do not include NPCs and normies. When it finally hits the fan, don't expect the cops to show up. It'll be a WROL (without rule of law) scenario almost instantly.

As for destroying highways and interstates, I can totally see that happening around major cities. People in NYC, Chicago, Miami, etc, they ain't gonna make it. If you're an user in a major city, it's time to gtfo and find a comfy spot in the outer suburbs. Move somewhere near a river or lake. All the guns in the world won't save you if you don't have renewable, sustainable, fresh water. Good luck, lads.

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The dude who told me this said the reason these guys plan on destroying chunks of the highways was to prevent the masses from fleeing the cities to ravage and pillage the local small towns and farms, because they know they'll also depend on those who know how to ranch and farm, those who know how to work hard and remain self-sufficient so they can rebuild communities together after the collapse.

(1/3rd of a billion dollars just on this handful of canvas tents)

This math….

A1 responds

What going to be left to hunt or gather?
This is just doomer fantasy porn where you think you can just stock up on a bunch of guns and then drive down the road and shoot the abundance of wildlife that will still be around. The sad truth is that most of what's edible will vacuumed up by the millions of other people looking for something to eat.

The only way to survive will be to have a hidden bunker somewhere with enough food to outlast the majority of other people and the people that turn to canibalism and eat them. Then you'll need to start growing your own food because everything laying around will have been consumed.

Then you'll have the possibility of dying from radiation poisoning when the safety hibernation mechanisms in nuclear power plants fail and start having meltdowns.

A2 responds

All good points you bring up, no doubt we are headed towards some real shitty problems in the near future. I'd say if you can, find rural refuge where land and property taxes are cheap and consider homesteading. Learn how to garden and raise rabbits and chickens for meat and eggs. Have an extra year or two supply stockup of cheap bulk foods: think oatmeal, grits, beans, rice, cereals, slit peas, popcorn kernal (to cook up popcorn), etc. along with some bulk spice in mason jars to flavor your food. If you can afford solar panels its highly recommended, so you can ration a small power supply off-grid. Maybe enough to keep a refrigerator and/or box freezer running.

Whatever you do, just remember cities will be death traps so you'll want to get away from the major cities, at least an hours driving distance away. However you'll have to transition carefully and find a way to make some income wherever you plan to move. Most retired folks can still afford doing this today, so if you are retired (or near retirement) consider this in you preps. Learn to become self-sufficient as soon as possible, before all this chaos comes our way.

You weren't paying attention.

I said I accidentally typed 37 million when I meant to type 370 million

Almost all cops and most troops….

bullshit !!!
I know several police officers and deputies…
And none of them are 'preppers', not even 'secretly', as you claim…. bullshit….

And I know lots of military personnel because I live near the air base, and none of them are preppers

You're just making it up as you go along

Some are, some are not. If they were doing it secretly likely only themselves and *maybe* their immediate family would know about it. There are people who keep their mouth shut about being preppers because they do not want to be future targets.

I actually think censorship, gun confiscation and draconian policies do the opposite and leads to an even worse acceleration. These are some of the reasons WHY I don't trust our government anymore. Think about it, would a true friend and decent human being want to censor me, disarm me and take away all my rights so they can inevitably lock me in a cage? Hell no! Thats exactly the indication of an enemy, not a friend.

People are losing faith in law & order because we see injustice. Certain people get special treatment and others get ruthlessly prosecuted. If you have enough money and influence, you can pretty much get away with rape and murder. If you are a working class man? Forget about it, you're toast!

People are losing faith in religion because its been corrupted like most other institutions, with greed and pedophilia scandals. Most major churches only preach for money now, not because they actually give a damn about the Word of God. Jesus warned us this would happen someday!

People are losing faith in government because they are acting unfair and unloyal to citizens' interests. They care more about their special interests than that of the nations. They forgot to protect and serve the people. They serve themselves.

Ahhhhhh, and any nation that dares enforce moral & decency, look what happens…. they get bombed or terrorist mercenaries are hired to destabilize their nations! Yah……. thats what you get for not bending over for the Empire.

"Some Are, Some Aren't"
I though you said "ALMOST ALL ARE"

"They're Doing It Secretly"
That reminds me of Christianity
'he works in mysterious ways'
trying to cover all the bases

Yeah, they know they will be the first targeted for mass lynching.

Yeah, its amazing what you can organize when you arsnt being targeted sith COINTELPRO in perpetuity.

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