Sociopaths Leading The Way To Debt Insolvency, Hyperinflation And Economic Ruin

No one seems to care that a government already over $22 trillion in debt is on schedule to borrow another $990 million this year. All of this is occurring as individual Americans further enslave themselves with higher debt loads and retail stores fail over the inability to pay back the money they borrowed. But there are many reasons to be concerned about government spending.

The debt-based system we live under won’t sustain itself forever. Don’t get us wrong, the sociopaths in government and at the Federal Reserve (central bankers) will prop it up for as long as possible, but it is doomed to fail. That $22 trillion doesn’t include unfunded liabilities either, making the situation even uglier.

According to ABC News, The Treasury Department on Monday projected that borrowing in the April-June quarter would total $30 billion. Borrowing in the July-September period, the final quarter of the budget year will total $160 billion. The $990 billion borrowing total for the 2019 budget year would be down from $1.2 trillion borrowed in 2018. But both years are up from 2017’s $519 billion in government borrowing.

The Foundation for Economic Freedom (FEE) reported that the deficits are likely to double within ten years, making this an issue that could impoverish everyone. There are 5 reasons why the national debt is a big problem and why everyone should be worried about it.

Benefits Spending: Most federal spending is for subsidy and benefit programs, not for activities that increase productivity. Subsidy and benefit programs distort the economy and generally reduce overall output and incomes. Those distortions occur whether spending is financed by debt or current taxes. But the availability of debt financing induces policymakers to increase overall spending, which at the margin goes toward lower-valued activities.

Tax Damage Compounded: When taxes are extracted to pay for government spending, it induces people to change their working and investing activities, which distorts the economy and reduces growth. When spending is financed by borrowing, the tax damage is pushed to the future and compounded with interest costs.

Investment Reduced: Government borrowing may “crowd out” private investment and thus reduce future output and incomes. Economist James Buchanan said: “By financing current public outlay by debt, we are, in effect, chopping up the apple trees for firewood, thereby reducing the yield of the orchard forever.” The crowd out will be reduced if private saving rises to offset government deficits. But the CBO says “the rise in private saving is generally a good deal smaller than the increase in federal borrowing.” Government debt may also deter investment through expectations—businesses will hesitate to invest if rising debt creates fears of tax increases down the road.

Borrowing from Abroad: A decline in private investment due to government borrowing may be avoided if capital is attracted from abroad. Indeed, huge federal borrowing has been facilitated by global capital markets, and today more than 40 percent of the federal debt is held by foreigners. Borrowing from abroad may prevent a fall in domestic investment, but it does not prevent the shifting of costs to future taxpayers. As government debt rises, more of our future earnings will be taxed to pay interest and principal on the government’s debt to foreigners.

Macroeconomic Instability: CBO warns that a “large and continuously growing federal debt would … increase the likelihood of a fiscal crisis in the United States.” Experience shows that high levels of government debt tend to reduce growth and increase financial fragility. In their study of financial crises through history, Carmen Reinhart and Ken Rogoff concluded, “again and again, countries, banks, individuals, and firms take on excessive debt in good times without enough awareness of the risks that will follow when the inevitable recession hits.” Government debt, they found, “is certainly the most problematic, for it can accumulate massively and for long periods without being put in check by markets.”

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Other urls found in this thread: debt

The media is already propagating for the government and has a hissy fit when one even suggests cuts to spending. In fact, politicians are pandering to the illogical masses about creating a huge spending program called “Medicare for All” and wiping out over $1 trillion in student loan debt. Those will just bring the eventual economic collapse closer as the U.S. is past the point of return. The country will collapse in the future.

It is impossible for anyone to take a country like this silly seriously. Consequently, American power is collapsing. Even Washington’s well paid puppets in Germany, Britain, and France are showing signs of independence that have not been seen since the days of Charles DeGaulle.

The Russians, Chinese, Iranians, and North Koreans know that they are dealing with fools, and they are not going to take any chances. They know that no agreement with America means anything and that Washington speaks only with a forked tongue.

Washington is going to be increasingly frustrated abroad as willingness to cooperate with the insane asylum vanishes. The consequence will be increasing tyranny at home.

America will learn a very hard lesson why we should not have a central banking system and why it is extremely important to have limited government. The consequences for our current policies are going to place enormous hardship and strife upon the future the likes Americans haven't seen since our Founders had to occupy and live off the land (many of which died from hardships).

I'd say women

thus sprak (sac)athrura

Attached: fear & safety.mp4 (720x404, 1.47M)

Thus Spoke Z(Sac)rathustra

my thrustra as ineeeeeebreeeated


i will eat yor liver OP

gimme money

Andy McGovern is a sociopath who encourages young men to commit acts of domestic Terrorism within continental N America.
He then lays the blame on a harmless old user known as /killcen/

But despite this, they are still trying to keep things stable, aren't they?
Do you really think that they are bad guys?

I'm not saying they aren't incompetent, but it's worked this long, hasn't it?
Surely if we just keep going, we can find a point where peace really is an option, and we can just forgive debts.


Yeah they won't even let me have sex with farm animals for free, they want to charge me for it. They just want to take everything and they have no desire to make it. These people are creeps, spooks, carpetbaggers, rental whore-pigs.

evil and stupidity reigns.

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legit actual rational news bumparoo

No, its capitalism working. Using your credit card makes you rich, instantly.

legit news

You don't know what capitalism is, clearly. The United States is the biggest welfare state on the planet, most of our industry is outsourced (GONE!), we have no productive economy anymore (hell, half the cheap shitty "smart" IoT crap that the masses mindlessly consume are made in OTHER countries!)….. that's not exactly qualification for capitalism or capital growth! Nor is our government recklessly going into debt! How is that "capitalism" …??? Its debt insolvency and economic decay, if anything a collapse of capitalism in America.

Capitalism was dying in the late 80s to early 90s due to outsourcing, the death knell being NAFTA which outsourced what was left of the productive industry in America destroying well over 1 million middle class jobs from that horrific 'trade deal' alone. Then comes automation by the mid 90s and starts replacing more and more manual laborers up till today. The only jobs left are government jobs, legal counseling, construction (which is being taken over by cheap Mexican labor), janitorial work, jobs in the educational sector (from what I hear those jobs absolutely suck ass today), electrical maintenance, public sanitation maintenance and burger flippers (the fast food jobs being the next ones to be replaced by machines if they allow it to happen). The programmers are being replaced by Indians. Doctors are fleeing due to Obamacare regulatory issues (and foreigners increasingly taking their jobs too). There's really not too much left. Maybe gas station clerks, truckers, waiters/waitresses and good chefs that can get hired in upper scale restaurants. But as far as industrial production and manufacturing, its been pretty much neutered (and thats where most the middle class jobs came from).

what can the layman do to keep himself safe from whatever this is?


63,000 per citizen. GOOD LUCK!

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kim jong un, in case u r listening… i dare you to launch nukes at america - the land of the bastards. :D :D :D & 8ch, u can go fuck ur dead mother for all these captchas! guess 8ch is more cucked than the jews!!!!!!

kim jong un, in case u r listening… i dare you to launch nukes at america - the land of the bastards. :D :D :D & 8ch, u can go fuck ur dead mother for all these captchas! guess 8ch is more cucked than the jews!!!!!! motherfucker 8ch.

Don't worry user. The WN knuckleheads are obsessed with avoiding the subject of government elites

lol you have no idea what you're talking about

fractional reserve banking is why i hate money

all the money in our pockets was loaned at interest, but there is never enough money in circulation to pay the interest on the loan, so MORE MONEY MUST BE LOANED… Literally created out of thin air

Its designed to be a never ending merry go round to ensure bankers will always have a job… Because at any given time it is phyaically impossible for all debts to be ever be paid off

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Andy McGlownigger cracks me up!

So many jews are these here

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Whenever I bring the white government up, all I ever see is "You're a jew" for bringing it up.

So being a white Lawyer is ok?

No, it was designed to succeed in taken the nation down.


Falling Empire.

Yeah the sociopaths want to punish me for trying to have sex with farm animals, because they blame me for their debts because I wouldn't spend money to buy my own animals. These people just won't take responsibility for their own actions and that's why they want to punish me for my responsibility to practice freely my beliefs of sex with farm animals.


Wednesday, February 3, 2016

by Anna Von Reitz

The Federal Reserve Banks were participants in the Federal Reserve System so far as I know, even though they are each separate corporations apart from the old Federal Reserve System. Also as far as I know they all sprung up and began operating– both the banks and the "System" – as part of the schemes of the same actors at Jekyll Island– the Federal Reserve System being orchestrated in cooperation with members of Congress by the same group of conspirators who organized the banks servicing the Federal Reserve System.
Since the Federal Reserve System acted as the mechanism for the fraud and the banks acted as administrative hubs and depositories for the Federal Reserve System I tend to see the banks as just as much a part of the problem as the systemic abuses – please comment and correct if I am wrong and explain.

On Wednesday, February 3, 2016, Anna von Reitz wrote:

There IS No "National Debt" Owed By Americans
I keep running into this idea that we have a huge nineteen trillion dollar debt to pay, and this is totally FALSE. The IMF doing business as the UNITED STATES, INC., a governmental services corporation in bankruptcy owes $19 trillion and has falsely named us as its "sureties"— think co-signers – for its debts. They've tried to swindle us the same way the Federal Reserve Banks swindled our parents and grandparents back in the 1930's.


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That cow was underage and you know it.


it's ok to be white.


I think you are mistaking me for someone else. I only like adult cows.

The more debt you pump into the system without the ability to pay it off, the more you wreck the value of your currency.

In the 1960s you could buy a can of soup for 20 cents on average, and the cans were much bigger too. Today, you can get a small can for $1 if your lucky. And as time goes on, the more we go into massive debts, the less we will be able to afford over time because it creates price inflation. Why this isn't being taught in economic classes today is beyond appalling!

Doesn't matter if we pay the debt off or not. Thats not the real issue. The real issue is that the more you create debt, the more you end up devaluing your currency. In the end, massive debts act as a virus that eats away at the value of the money supply. It gets so bad where one day, a nation eventually faces hyperinflation, prices become unfordable for many people and chaos ensues due to fiscal ruin. If we continue going deeper and deeper into debt, this will inevitable catch up to us, causing hyperinflation. You can't keep creating fiat currency and increasing debts forever without fiscal collapse.

The same people who think endless debt ends up in a social utopia are the same people that think everything can be produced and supplied for FREE. The same people who often sponge off the gravy train and think they're privileged free handouts forever.

Doesn’t matter.
Money isn’t real. The only thing real is labor and production.
Debt is not real. Debt is FAKE value created by usurious jews that is used to purchase labor and production without reciprocity.
Ultimately all real wealth rests on labour and production, not on debt.
We have more than enough labor and production to meet our needs for wealth. Debt is just a tool that allows the jew to accumulate wealth from others without reciprocating the contribution of labor/production. We’d be best to do away with it entirely and let the whole Jewish sham fall apart.

Think Outside the U.S. Dollar

Agreed, increasing amounts of debt are definitely devaluing the United States Dollar, but at the same time, there are factors outside of the control of the United States that are currently in play. Call me an optimist, but the change doesn’t necessarily have to be a collapse. I think it’s going to be more of a “reset.”

In response to increasing sanctions placed against them, and even though the U.S. Dollar is the world’s reserve currency, increasing number of countries are refusing to purchase oil in dollars. China, the world’s largest consumer of energy, and Russia, possessing the world’s largest supply of natural gas but not having its necessary infrastructure in place YET for processing and distribution, have already developed alternate systems and are gradually buying more and more of their oil and conducting business without U.S. Dollars. These same two countries are also significantly reducing the amount of Treasury Bills they purchase, especially Russia.

Another big development is blockchain technology — make no mistake, this is NOT a “trend.” Bitcoin was just the beginning of a massive change that is ALREADY HAPPENING. Look at how ALL central banks initially panicked with Bitcoin, so threatened by its underlying implications they clandestinely developed alternate markets that secretly took over the Bitcoin market, causing it to crash, and undermining the public’s faith in this nascent technology, but they’re wasting their time!

The entire problem with currencies, banking, information, etc., is that the vast majority of it is being controlled by to too few entities, thus giving too few parties incredible control over governments, institutions, societies and more, since the beginning of the human journey. How much bigger will Google’s, Amazon’s, etc., server farms have to be just to be able to control and manage the exponentially increasing amounts of data that’s growing a lot faster than they are? It will reach a point where it will require far too much energy just to sustain their current business models – it’s already showing cracks. Blockchain will remove central control of ALL of these, and an infinite number of interlinked systems, far more secure than anything we have today, will distribute knowledge and systems over a far greater range than anything we have today.

Finally, again, this “U.S. Debt,” is NOT ours. The “debt” was created by an alternate banking system that is lawfully not allowed under the three original Constitutions FOR the United States of America. An extreme over-simplification is that debt was created under a separate corporate entity, the United States of America, INC. All of that “debt” is actually owed to us!

Learn more, if you’re so inclined:

The American National Credit debt


What crypto does anyone own? I got raped last year between bitcoin ethereum and xrp but things are looking up so far in 2019

Yes, however the fiscal ruin that takes place will negatively impact the masses very hard, and will likely cause unrest and turmoil. And yes, mass death tolls too. Perhaps thats necessary to recover, however if you intend on surviving it, you better be very well prepared for whats to come and learn to be self-sufficient too. Learn how to farm/ranch/fish/hunt/homestead as well self-defense preps too.

I have faith in the blockchain technology, but face it, it needs A LOT of energy and infrastructure to run (just like our internet does today). The minute there is a serious financial crash, kiss all that goodbye (likely our internet connections as well electricity consumption) for at least some odd years, till things finally recover. The downside is half or more of the country won't be prepared to survive this crash, and when things finally recover the Jackboots (govt) and Oligarchy ((((central bankers))) will easily manage to subjugate those left, even with the hot pockets of resistance they'd have to deal with.

Unless you literally move to the middle of buttfuck nowhere in a tiny town too small to be located on a map with a population under 90 with no basic internet and lots of land to farm/ranch/homestead you are not really all that safe.

There are literally THOUSANDS of cryto currrencies that exist or are in development. Bitcoin mining is only one model. These would include those NOT RELIANT on the U.S. internet and/or electrical grid, as well as those not using the globally predominant Bank of International Settlements.

Again, think outside current currency and infrastructure models.

Blockchain also has potential applications far beyond bitcoin and cryptocurrency.

Attached: Cryptocurrency, Understanding the Evolving.jpg (1525x1051, 273.35K)

As stated and illustrated, Bitcoin is ONLY ONE EXAMPLE

Good. College is absurdly expensive these days. There is no sensible reason for that, it's pure gouging.

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I like that graph, does a good job explaining some uses for the blockchain [excluding the shilling of autonomous cars which I really do not have any desire for] but yes this technology has potential. Potential, that is, IF our current economy fails to completely collapse. That is still a possibility considering the level of fiscal insolvency we see today and its getting worse over time. As time goes by, more infrastructure crumbles, the more costly everything becomes (including the costs to repair crumbled infrastructures), the more social tensions and moral decline will prevail over sanity and stability….. so regardless how good the blockchain tech is, there are many real-life problems on the horizon that could potentially derail the great possibilities for this (perhaps for the US, that is). Reserve currency status does not last forever.

I actually agree with this on ONE condition.

That US taxpayers not be stuck paying their bills. That the default on all these student loans hurts the perpetrators of this massive racket and loan sharking: the banks and universities!! And NO bailouts!

lol, just wait until it comes out who the real developers of blockchain technology were, let me tell you it sure as fuck wasn't a little asian guy.

I kinda speculated something like this, see pic for example.

However, the blockchain itself, not talking just cryptocurrencies but the p2p technology as a whole, has a lot of potential. Some good, some bad. Depending how its used and by whom.

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I haven't been on here for a few days. I'll let you all in on what I've been up to in less than a week, but I like that you're talking about bitcoin.
Pleeze donate bitcoin to Neppy NAO!


Attached: qr4Neppy.png (200x200, 409)

How do you know my bitcoin address?
Do you have my private key also?


Dubs of truth?
Post proof.

Killcen won't let me.
He says it's bad OPSEC.
You can still donate to Neppy. I'll make sure he gets the coin.

It doesn't matter who the developers were, the technology itself is not reliant on any one person, group or entity. IT'S CORE PRINCIPLE IS DECENTRALIZATION!!!

One of the biggest jokes is banks and other traditional financial institutions, who are agents for central banks, offering crypto currency "services"! This is their pathetic attempt to somehow stay relevant and maintain some type of nefarious control in a new world where their third-party "services" are no longer needed for the development and evolution of crypto currencies using blockchain technologies.

The principle deterrents preventing blockchain from progressing faster than it currently is are, 1) the relentless propaganda machines portraying it as some unreliable, questionable trend that will always be subject to reliability and security issues, and 2), admittedly complicated, most people’s lack of understanding of the block chain technologies (clearly being displayed in some comments in this thread), 3) it’s lack of more streamlined exposure, making it appear as some sort of “dark web, underground” apparatus.

The Economist is frequently used as a psychological fear-porn societal manipulation tool. While having some excellent coverage of global affairs, it is also depicts some issues as hopelessly inevitable, regardless of changing worldwide power structures. I can assure you in 1988 they didn’t see crypto currency nor block chain technologies coming, creating a significant setback in the globalist agenda.

Don’t continue to allow your energies to be looshed, sapped and manipulated. There are billions of us and only a few hundred thousand or a couple of million of them. NEVER FORGET THAT! Block chain technologies are a powerful tool that will allow power structures to be decentralized and resources (wealth, information, knowledge, healthcare, etc.), redistributed.


Thank you user, you made some good points. I don't deliberately mean to fear porn all day, I was just pointing out some speculations is all. I am excited that this technology exists and really hope that we can utilize it someday to defeat this criminal mafia-tier central banking system. One good thing to take into consideration is we need to make this semi-normfag friendly, so its not too complicated. I'm not all that tech savvy myself but even I know more than most people these days and that really creeps me out because I'm pretty out-in-the-boonies dumb compared to 99.9% techies out there.

The word is "legs". Werkin' on spreadin' 'em nao.


What's going on in here?

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Is that some new barcode for the mark of the beast?

Try looking it up!
All Neppy needs is a few donations to carry on his devilishly good works, and there will be moar to see.

oh, I'm sure there will. waiting with baited breath.

I swear, I was just trying to help it over the fence.

I am confuse.
Is Johnny glownigger or walrus?

He is angelic.

I'll be back soon. I'm about to have Seconds, and adapt to L

lol @ Killcen & (sac) scuttling back into their dens of fear.
Nothing nefarious is going on here guise. Just a few reshufflings behind the scenes, getting ready to provide everyone with more avenues to celebrate freedom. Fear seems to be a great motivator, but probably not the most effective motivator for positive change; so here's hoping the fear levels can calm down a bit soon all around here there & everywhere.
Authenticity is unafraid.

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Lol I'm at a girl named April's house, a chick from AA

she's taking me to the 8:00 meeting where there's going to be more food for Bubba's birthday

Tell April I May do her before June.


Tell everyone at the meeting that Killcen wants them to donate some bitcoin to you, Neppy!

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actually, bubba is 90 years old, and he's really funny. He gives people hell all the time at the meetings, telling them that they're full of shit, that they're making excuses, etc.

he's still a real sharp old bastard

and April is insanely hot for a middle aged chick, but she's got a boyfriend. On our way to fellowship hall now

Attached: Neppy.Needs.Love.png (1394x2251, 273.12K)

Besides the obvious military implications, that’s why they’re licking their chops to try and get into the last few countries whose banking systems are not completely controlled by the IMF (International Monetary Fund) / Federal Reserve; Iran, North Korea, Venezuela and later on down the road, Cuba.

They need a fresh supply of dependent victims to offset the U.S. Dollar’s dwindling control over global economies.

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While I am not a big fan of ZeroHedge, they were one of the first to report “Federal Reserve Confesses Sole Responsibility For All Recessions”

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Fix the foundational issues that lead people to permanent dependency on welfare, ya sociopathic jackasses. Social security can’t be fixed that way - or can it? Start rejuvenating old people with stem cells, blood transfers, printed organs, cosmetic surgeries… You can get rid of social security if people aren’t old anymore!

Hell, lie about it. If the tech is good enough to create a three year breather from age decay (it’ll go the distance) it’ll be good enough to prevent riots when socsec is taken down.

Imagine if we replaced ALL OF SOCIAL SECURITY with a remaker biotech fund for experimentation and implementation of radical life extension. That would be a LOT of money, and if it worked your resulting biotech subsidies would be politically easier and economically less disruptive to cut during future budget deliberations.

Who cares about future Americans, they will all be spics or nogs. Who cares about the people of Brazil? No one

Your dreams can come true with BLOCKCHAIN.

Poor op wants the goy cattle to keep the fraudulent system afloat indefinitely.

The very first!
lol idiot

Fuck man, very blackpilling

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There is a withered old tree that needs a whole lot of nourishment friends. The tree is in your heart. It lives on the blood of dictators, corrupted officials and the business of petty dishonest oligarch's.


Go to your bank or credit union and demand for your accounts to be denominated in “lawful money.”

All banks and credit unions are obligated to “denominate” the digits representing funds in our accounts as “lawful money” if and when we request this.

In real terms this means that your digits have to be interpreted as United States Notes instead of Federal Reserve Notes. It may seem like a small thing, but it's not. Every penny that gets redefined as lawful money reduces the US National Debt by the same amount.

Not that we write that many checks any more, but if and when you do, or when endorsing a third-party check, above your signature write:

Redeemed in lawful money – 12 USC 411

X__Your Signature__

The same thing happens when we endorse every check or other financial instrument with a "limited endorsement" that says, "Redeemed in lawful money – 12 USC 411". It makes no difference to you or your creditors or vendors, but it reduces the US National debt by the full face value of the check or
other instrument.

If every American did this same thing religiously and converted all their…accounts and checking and savings and insurance and mortgage accounts and started "redeeming" them all in
lawful money, the US National Debt would plummet like a rock, and…Americans would enjoy the added security of knowing that their funds were no longer subject to seizure by the banks. Lawful money is a material asset, not a credit. The bank has to carry lawful money as a material liability.

Correct/complete endorsement should be:

Redeemed in lawful money
12 USC 411
by ______ ©
All rights reserved

legit true factual news