So same as the dumbed down standardized tests, and requirements for police/fire/military: if fire-hydrant-shaped wymyn-of-colluh can't do it, you have to make it easier.
If DuhKwanda can wheeze her way to rescue you, why can't MuhBesity "collaborate" her way to shitty code that won't run?
Jackson Turner
your 'superiority' to women reminds me of the white supremacists who misspelled 'nigger'
Grayson Allen
A: nobody but losers and gamers
Q: who gives a flying fuck about code?
Robert Roberts
Video game computer geek losers with the ladies harbor a collective deep set resentment towards females
Who would have thought?
Jace Cook
Where else are they going to put the diversity "engineers"? Sure as shit won't be designing bridges or power plants. BigTech monopolies can still afford the dead weight.
Austin Bell
You conceited shit. Watching a yt tutorial on c# and writing 3-4 scripts does not make you a programmer. Encountering two or three women who halfass their jobs does not prove that you can outperform them as a gender.
If you actually anything about programming you'd know how many women pioneered the field and how many tools we use today were created by women generations ago, and you wouldn't talk shit about women.
Cooper Roberts
you might want to use Nature's Miracle instead of laundry detergent when washing your bed linens