California Takes Trump Off Presidential Ballot:No taxies,no voties

The California state Senate on Thursday approved a bill to require candidates appearing on the presidential primary ballot — including President Trump — to release five years' worth of income tax returns.

The measure was approved in a 27-10 vote, according to The Associated Press. California, for the first time, will be one of the first states to hold its presidential primary in the 2020 cycle.

The bill is a response to Trump's insistence that he will not release his tax returns as presidential candidates traditionally have done, claiming he is under audit. If the bill becomes law and Trump does not release his returns, he may not appear on the California primary ballot.

"We believe that President Trump, if he truly doesn’t have anything to hide, should step up and release his tax returns,” said state Sen. Mike McGuire (D) who co-authored the bill, according to the AP.

All 10 Republicans in the state Senate voted against the bill's passage.

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It is a foregone conclusion that Trump will NOT release his tax forms. The information in his returns will reveal him as a criminal and likely get him impeached.

We may see the largest popular vote loss per capita in the history of the United States with Hawaii, California, and 3 other states already removing a tax returnless Trump from the ballot.

Didn't Trump already release his tax returns and maddow got super butthurt over it because he was clean or is this just some Mandela effect shit?

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But he didn't release ALL OF THEM!

The left has nothing but to witch hunt the prisent looking for something ANYTHING they can scream 'impeach' for. It's highly comical.

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Pleasing them isn't going to shut them up for a second. They are rab(b)id and should be put down.

More like trump is such a scumbag and has done so much shady shit in his life, they can't help but turn over rocks and find endless stuff to impeach him.
You seriously think trump is an ok dude? He hasn't even kept his promises, despite his "kept promises" banners.

He apparently leaked them to maddow too before making them public just before her show.
Hes done stuff like that before to troll people.

as the presidential election is a federal matter, shouldn't who appears on the ballot fall under the FEC's jurisdiction? Why do states get to stack the ballot?

If so, why didn't they dump all this supposed info during the election? Because they don't have jack shit.

They've been trying their darndest and they can't produce shit because he literally is an ok dude.

A lot of stuff was dumped about trump, but the american public, who is so superficial they look up to a tv reality star (is it any wonder, in a country where the kardashians are followed by more americans than politics?)
Trump raped a 13 year old girl at an Epstein party (you know the convicted pedo, and good friend of trump) , she had corroborating witnesses, but dropped her case because she and her family got death threats. That's about the worst you can have, but the MSM barely reported it (other countries reported it more than US journos)

Please explain what makes him an ok dude. I'm waiting..

Trump is finished

Trump is literally Kavanaugh

You'd think with all the things he's done for them, (((California))) would be more grateful.

the sad thing is that any mature adult with a spine and a brain in their head could get rid of the president. they use the stupidest tactics.

States can't dictate rules on Federal elections. Jesus H. Christ you mutts will fall for anything.

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parties are independent private groups, they agree to be selected from these groups

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Yes. And it turned out he paid more then Sanders did. It's just commiefornia throwing a tantrum again.

I smell a SCOTUS case in the making. States don't appear to be the ones with the authority to determine who can run for federal offices set out in the constitution.

Bullshit never happened

“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York Magazine for a 2002 profile of Epstein. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

Trump was one of them, he is one of them, and he will continue to be one of them. You need to open your eyes and accept this basic fact, he doesn't care about you or us.

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While it was never proven in court because she dropped the charges on account of the death threats, I'd believe her over the president that lies with every breath. It's also believable because she was threatened by some mysterious dude, same method as Stormy Daniels who said some mysterious dude threatened her when she was coming out with her story.
Why do you think he supports so many other sexual deviants?
Epstein, Roy Moore, Robert Kraft, Kavanaugh, did I miss any?
Trump often sympathizes with those who do the same terrible things he does, because he wants to defend his own evil by proxy.
Face it, Trump is a pedo rapist.

You’re confused… every politician lies with every breath… you nincompoop…

Let me guess, your politician is the rare politician that would t lie to you?


We are full circle now next thing you know Trump used fisa courts to spy on the Obama administration

Tenth amendment

im fine with excluding him from californias ballot as long as we can exclude their electoral votes from counting towards the potus.

All political candidates should be required to release their tax returns, down to the local dog-catcher. For example State Sen. Mike McGuire (D) would be a great place for Californica to start.

Shit OP, simply regurgitating MSM here on polchan.

why does anyone care about tax returns from any politician?

Your quote doesn't back your claim. You are full of shit.

lel, you actually think this is going to fly?
Get real bro.

How do you know?

Meaning IN REALITY, she probably got paid off and dropped what was a false accusation in pursuit of money.

The same reason they vote and think its counted.

Not my post, but what part of that one do you not agree with? That Trump was friends with Epstein and attended his parties where it's already been proven Epstein had underage girls? Because none of that is in dispute. Trump's own words. He always thinks sexual deviants are "great guys" and endorses them, because it helps legitimize and normalize his own deviancy.

keep telling yourself that, if it will make it easier for you to vote for a pedophile rapist.

Private data can't be forced out of someone to run for office. Kinda protected by the 4th.

Trumpenstein won't do shit. He'll lose to Pocahontas and make some ebin tweets.

I'm okay with this because I don't want another 4 years of Trumpstein.

you're confusing him with ol billy clinton. he just cant stop raping kids or killing!

Naw, they both raped kids

The difference is the evidence for clinton scum is right wing blogs. The evidence for trump raping a girl with epstein is from his own mouth and the court records that were filed.

Wow, so much for "democracy", they just pulled a political tactic straight from Putin, NOT allowing any competition!! lol. Well, commies will be commies.

cake for you but no eatie

1. Capone cheated on his taxes so that image is retarded
2. Californicators are well-known shit-biscuits, but illegally interfering in a federal election is a new low.

Not releasing your taxes is also a new low, since it hasn't been done in what, 50 years? The reason there's no law that says you have to do it is because in America, people believed that naturally their leaders should be above any slimy corruption and would willingly release them. Of course trump is not the kind of guy who would follow what is right and just and what is naturally expected of a trustworthy leader.
I guess we have to make laws to make presidents release their taxes now, because who would have ever thought the president would willingly hide any potential conflicts of interest?

NPC's have severe brain damage for believing any negative news about Trump. 100% of all bad news about Trump is 100% fabricated and fake in every way. Even approval ratings are fake, and polls are fake too. Nobody asked me what my opinion was, nobody counted me in in any percentage. They literally pull fake polls and fake statistics and fake news out of their sore burning asses to lie to the american people and the entire world. It's absolutely disgusting, and even more disgusting is that so many brainless fully 900% retarded NPC's gobble it all up like shit pudding and they love it. Even if they are aware that it's completely fake and made up by people who just hate Trump for making america a better place, they choose to intentionally and knowingly be ignorant even as they are self aware of the fact that they are choosing to believe lies that they KNOW ARE LIES. It's so twisted and disgusting and dishonest. These sick sick people just run around screaming "ORANGE MAN BAD!! LETS HATE TRUMP FOR NO REASON!" while the deep state pushes this fake bogus bulllllllllllllllllship agenda of russia collusion that was proven fake 99hundred times to try to coup the government and go full blown communist socialist satanic UN globalist hell government world wide and genocide the whole planet in some cheesey fake made up WW3 scenario that the deep state planned to depopulate everyone because they think we're lesser than the most boujie booshwah rich assholes in the world. (Trump is cool though, didn't take more than a dollar payment for being president). I don't care if you like trump or not but if you have any self respect you should absolutely refuse adamantly to believe any actual lies in any way. You don't have to like the man but don't believe actual bullshit lies they are pushing to try to shut him down and stop him from saving what's left of the world.


You might want to get yourself checked for the gay.


wow, well california, I guess you just invalidated your electoral votes. heh, that makes the 2020 campaign much easier.

They know they can only win…. BY CHEATING.

Thats all this comes down to. And they will stoop so low, no doubt about that.

Any outsider seeing this who has no idea who Trump is should immediately realize the left is pulling something messed up. The lengths gone to silence him are dictator level. You see this shit in places like China and with the Soviets.

Anybody who sees this should immediately recognize that people have to take drastic action to fight against dictators. Trump just recently floated the idea of giving himself two extra years because he didn't like the Mueller investigation taking two years. Nevermind that he can still get impeached for obstruction, regardless of what his lawyer Barr thinks.

Yah im goin with "who's a good goy but hes better than the alternative" for 800.

That bullshit is limited to voices in your head

California is bolshevik jew territory, they hate trump. It's the New York zionist jews that love him.

They can pass the law and I it will lead to Civil War. Mark my words. Talk is over.

So wait, there's more than one kind of Jew?

Over 16 states already ABOLISHED the electoral college already. Civil war? Oh yah, it very well could be coming because they are deliberately dismantling our Republic as we speak. Unprecedented levels of treasonous activity going on today, by the usual side.

Why should they release their tax returns? Serious question.

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If you don't believe, you're free to look it up yourself. The New York court records are publicly accessible for anyone that wants them.

Why does trump refuse to release his? REALLY serious question.

This quote was made in answer to why he released his taxes…
"People have got to know whether or not their president is a crook. Well, I am not a crook."
-President Nixon

He's doing it to prove a point. And to be honest, even if he did do some shady tax related shit, who really gives a fuck?

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You deranged leftists are so funny! "Imma post a picture of Blumph with Epstein. That will show them!" So riddle me this Batman, who was actually convicted of sex crimes with minors, and who wasn't?
If I post a picture of Obama with Farrakhan does that mean Obama was an antisemite? Serious question.

because he campaigned, and continues to brag about what a great business guy he is and that's why he's qualified to run a country. If anything proves that to be wrong, it undermines everything he's said for the past couple decades. And would you look at that, somebody just got a hold of his earlier returns from the years before 1995! It turns out that Trump was one of the WORST businessmen EVER in history as he singlehandedly had the worst losses of any other single taxpayer in the US! He alone accounted for 1% of all the US.
But really, at this point it's not even a question of "is trump lying?" He always is, about everything. I'd be interested in the section about how much foreign taxes he was paying in russia.

At first you were like "bullshit" it's not true!
Now you're like "but it was never proven in court!"

keep denying it buddy, like I said, it will help you sleep better at night if you don't have to think about supporting a scummy, pussy-grabbing, disgusting pornstar-renting liar who raped a 13 year old girl.

It doesn't really matter, he's on the top earners list and that's how they figured out his tax data. The fact that he hasn't had to pay any income tax is because of issues with the unfair tax system. This is just another sad attempt to turn voters against Trump nobody cares about any of them because there isn't a better choice. Liberals don't even understand the issues.

He's also claimed to be the most charitable person, but it seems that idea gets blown out of the water too. He discontinued his charity last year and it seemed it actually gave very little to charities. During the campaign he organized a fundraiser for vets instead of going head to head in a scheduled debate because he wanted to chicken out with a "worthY' reason. Then it was found out that over a year went by without any of that fundraising money actually making it to vets, and trump only wrote the first check out to a vet cause the day before a reporter told him he was going to report that fact.
He's scum. his taxes are only one more of the dozens of data points that proves it.

Believe it or not, but there are A LOT of corrupt millionaires and billionaires that take advantage of bad taxation laws, legally. Funny you blame one corrupt entity as the sole reason for all these loopholes when he didn't right those loopholes into law, establishment bureaucrats did. All he did was take advantage of an opportunity granted to him. Wouldn't you if you could?

The only mystery these days is how there are still retards who think goalposts exist

Because rule#1 you don't ever cave to leftists because they'll just smell weakness and come at you with the next ridiculous demand endlessly.
Furthermore caving would set a precedent that every future presidential hopeful would have to deal with and lets be honest here, the left with the full cooperation of the MSM is in the business of generating controversy and the illusion of impropriety over fucking nothing while ignoring full blown corruption on their own side.

Yep. I remember that because it was one of my favorite things that happened that year. I still recall how succulent their rage was. Would gladly pay for more.

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You have no proof of any of this. In fact, trump himself does not back you up, because he only defended himself by saying the charges were politically motivated. He never mentioned anything about trying to get money from him.

face it, you support a pedo rapist.


Luckily California does not control federal votes and trump will be on the ballot despite their butt hurt law.

Trump gives Melania xtra money for sex

The prenup she signed ill get her shit all if she leaves