Avenges Endgame: Becomes the World’s Second Biggest Movie Ever: Good news for Marvel fans, now Avengers Endgame becomes the world’s second biggest movie of all time.
This weekend, Marvel’s latest juggernaut amassed another $282 million from 55 foreign markets, taking it to $1.569 billion in ticket sales overseas. That puts “Endgame” ahead of “Titanic” ($1.528 billion), and behind only “Avatar” ($2.028 billion) at the international box office.
Titanic made a lot more, if inflation is taken into consideration.
David Clark
Just goes to prove that there is a global epidemic where males are being born without the ability to produce testosterone.
Jeremiah Perry
Brandon Scott
Avatar SUCKED !!! That was one of the worst movies ever made. It was awful… Deplorable… Nauseatingly boring…
Titanic is the film equivalent of receiving estrogen injections… One of the shittiest movies I've ever seen in my life…
Avengers: HOMO MANIA Nobody that gets pussy would ever have any interest in going to see The avengers. Watching The avengers is the entertainment equivalent of wearing diapers into adulthood.
There are 14,146 McDonald's restaurants in the United States in America, but only 1 Le Bernadin restaurant, located in Manhattan.
So I guess you would tell me that McDonald's is a better restaurant than Le Bernadin, just because they have more customers?
HINT: when something is a commercial success, It generally means that appeals to the lowest common denominator
Anthony Thomas
Fucking haters. I am an old comic nerd and I approve of those movies, for the most part. Captain Marvel and Black Panther were SJW pandering shit but the rest of it was pretty damn good.
They made a TV series for theatrical release. 20+ episodes over 10 years. It cost billions and made billions. A historic first.
I worry that the direction Disney is taking things is the same direction the comics took which was ever increasing SJW pandering until sales collapse, but despite that corporate push, I think Kevin Faige was/is a real comic book enthusiast who wanted to make good and comic book faithful movies. Maybe it will turn into total dogshite the way Star Wars did, but we had a good run.