This will start an uproar if it spreads
Maybe best not to use the word SH but this needs to be spread across all media and put the entire cast of actors behind bars.
Their real name is Jones NOT Parker , Emilie/ Alyssa is alive and well.
My gosh there has to be a 500 word essay to start a new thread? That's crazy lol
Still not 500, well we all know what happened in SH … NOTHING and now there's proof, these are only 4 pics of a large album i hope to get downloaded before the site is taken down once word gets out.
Now a link..ok (ignore)

Attached: robby.jpg (1366x768, 467.48K)

Attached: 0.JPG (1067x1600, 131.94K)

Attached: 1.JPG (1600x1067, 216.44K)

Attached: 2.JPG (1600x1067, 194.41K)

Attached: 3.JPG (1067x1600, 296.43K)

….What is this about?

Dirty peg was a fake-ribbon!!!!

Op is scum
Not just a conspiracy nut, but genuine scum
a lower human
with no friends
no woman
not even a dog
he will die a lonely death
he most likely will off himself

Idiots these are the pictures stolen in 2012 to create the Parker family. If you don't know that SH was fake then i can't help you

Attached: IMG_5401 (2).JPG (1600x1200, 296.15K)

Attached: 0dd4.jpg (750x500, 120.83K)

Who? What the hell is SH? Explain, nigger.

forget it i see im i'm the wrong board

Explain, nigger.

Sandy Hook?

One more try, the shooting at Sandy Hook December 2012 was FAKE and here's proof
Here is obama with the Parker kids except the Parkers are NOT the parents these kids last name is Jones.

Attached: obama.jpg (781x838, 138.26K)

pics on top are the Jones kids but the Parkers used them for the hoax

Attached: family.jpg (700x700, 401.56K)

more pics

Attached: 1.JPG (1600x1067, 216.44K)


Attached: Alyssa 035 (2).JPG (1600x1200, 285.35K)

Attached: IMG_1209 (2).JPG (1600x1067, 279.8K)

Attached: IMG_1545 (2).JPG (1600x1067, 161.15K)

Attached: IMG_1585.JPG (1600x1067, 237.09K)

Attached: IMG_1979 (2).JPG (1067x1600, 194.67K)

Attached: IMG_3018 (2).JPG (1600x1067, 156.41K)

Attached: IMG_3791.JPG (1600x1066, 87.18K)

Attached: IMG_3790 (2).JPG (1600x1066, 105.32K)

this is Alyssa , a first grader that was killed in Dec 2012

Well it sure don't look like she did now does it?

Attached: alissa5th.jpg (1600x1066, 115.75K)

and some later pics if Alyssa and her sisters

Attached: IMG_0199.JPG (1600x1067, 194.41K)

Attached: IMG_0268.JPG (1067x1600, 214.43K)

Attached: IMG_0286.JPG (1067x1600, 281.98K)

Attached: older1.JPG (1600x1067, 258.3K)

Attached: IMG_3796.JPG (1600x1066, 153.3K)

Attached: IMG_3802.JPG (1066x1600, 163.69K)

Attached: older darker hair.JPG (1600x1067, 273.56K)

So Emilie was supposed to have died Dec 12 2012 but some of these were posted in 2013 and 0214 BUT her name is Alyssa

The Sandy Hook Shooting was a complete lie and they made millions , Newtown got millions and this was all set up for obama's gun grab.

Attached: older.JPG (1067x1600, 227.56K)

he will die a lonely death

he most likely will off himself