Communist EU Dictatorship Says NO More Democracy, THEY Will Decide 'Election' Results From Now On

The EU will ensure that eurosceptic candidates are blocked from securing top jobs in Brussels regardless of the outcome of the elections this May, EU Commissar Despot Jean-Claude Juncker has threatened.

In an interview with Polish media, Juncker boasted that an increase in populist politicians in the EU would not affect the globalist European Union destabilization project.

Well how 'liberal' of them! reports:

The EU will ensure that eurosceptic candidates are obstructed from securing top jobs in Brussels no matter that outcome of the European elections in May, Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the European Commission, has boasted.

In an interview with Polish media Juncker shot down the notion that the increased support at the ballot box for national populist parties predicted in May would – in any way – affect the globalist European Union integration project.

“In these elections, those who promote foolish nationalism will pay the price for it,” Junker threatened.

“Nobody knows this, but last time I rejected the candidacies of six of the Commissioners presented to me by national governments,” the unelected bureaucrat gloated.

“Do remember that governments merely propose commissioners. It is the president of the Commission who accepts them and allocates their responsibilities,” he ominously added.

While he spoke with a journalist from Rzeczpospolita, Juncker sneered that regardless of whether Poland’s national populist ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party wins November’s national parliamentary election or if it’s beaten by an opposition coalition backed by globalists in Brussels, Poland would have to stay in the EU due to its financial dependence on the transnational institution.

The unelected Luxembourgish politician went on to claim that Poland’s membership in the EU is essentially contingent upon its shared ‘common values’ with other countries inside the EU, smugly adding that money from Brussels ‘is not a gift, but a recognition of the magnitude of the reforms carried out’ since joining the bloc.

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They're evil.
They're insane.

They're completely evil and they've gone insane. Everyone is corrupted and no one is innocent.

They're fighting for what they believe in and winning.

Belief isn't truth.
Strength isn't truth.

Only truth is truth.

If what they believe is causing all the world harm, and making everyone unhappy, then they're evil.
And if what they believe is illogical and wrong, then they're insane.

Why are THEY the ones who have the power? Why not us?
Who set it up this way? Why do they get to be the ones to choose the fate of our nations? What makes THEM worthy?

Nothing! They're liars.

No, they're fighting for the destruction of Europe and real democracy so that the people don't have a say, so the people can't throw their old corrupt treasonous asses out. They're fighting for their own power cult and special interests. Thats evil.

But WHY?

Isn't having land and a family enough? A peaceful community, where you have friends and neighbors who support you? What's wrong with having a family? Why are they doing this? Who would trade love and friendship in exchange for power?

And once they get the power, why would you go even further, and do evil things with it? I don't understand!

Because they are genuinely convinced they know what is best. They've fallen in love with an ideal and quite simply do not see human consequence related to it. They can not fathom why anyone would disagree with their goals and because they can not understand the positions of their opponents they demonize them.

Power corrupts minds and destroys the ability to love others, thats why. Why did the US Founding Fathers fight for limited government? Same reason! Power corrupts, and destroys your ability to care about other people.

Greed is like a powerful drug. When you are greedy, you want more, and more and more. Its like getting a fix. Like a heroin junkie. The more they get, the more they want. When they fail to get what they want, they convulse, spasm and seizure all over the place much like Hillary Clinton when she was running for president. Thats what they do. Greed is a drug, and greed turns people into power-hungry despots. When they can't have their way, they often kill other people or kill themselves along with other people taking as many down as they possibly can. Thats what they do. Human nature.

Do even Soviet Union of Europe? Why, well, you know, it's good for the people, and if they fail to see it, they'll just have to teach harder..

There has never been a problem that cannot be solved with properly applied violence

Why has no one wrung his pig neck?

The article cites one interview in Polish. According to google translate he doesn't say any of that. But he does say that even if the nationalist populists win, there will be no Polish exit from the EU.

He does imply that this is because of financial dependence on the EU, however.

and the spiel about common values, too.

They know exactly why people (white europeans) would disagree with them. They've been plotting our destruction since 1889 at least. The dissolution of our nations and the consolidation of power into the EU is just another step forward on their agenda.

They're being controlled by a computer that keeps reinforcing it's intelligence because none of you will do anything about it even if your smallest action could have a profound impact on the outcome of everyone turning into brain dead zombies.

It's the hard truth.


The Eu seems to be an equivalent to Europe as what the USSR was to Russia when commies were in power slaughtering white Christians. Correct?

And what could we do to better this? Find and destroy the super computer?

well now we know who put the death nail in the coffin of the EU. it was a good idea but without reform it will become even more corrupt. reform is needed, everyone knows it but those in power now. Juncker should clearly be removed from his job. Surely there is a method to do that?

The problem is they're trying to make it impossible for people to make that choice, usurping their authority and power like dictators often do. And what amazes me is they don't even try hiding it, they are naked emperors gloating how they "love democracy" while destroying the ability of the people to vote and make needed changes.

These are disgusting and sociopathic people.

Every single leftist is like this.

Good. Now Europeans have an enemy they can actually openly attack, so destroy all the EU symbols in your countries, burn EU flags daily and march under the flags of your own country. this will create nationalism faster than the speed of light, it will make local politicians impotent to work, and it's an open revolt against the jews they cannot shoot down with anti-Semitism. Come on, get on it. Death to the EU - Europe forever!

Jewish supremacy, that comes from their narcissism. Dumb cult, as always, gaining power and wealth.

Stay calm and remember what Call of Duty 1, 2, and 3 taught you.

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The answer to all of your questions is Jews and the criminals they employ. Jews have been doing this and worse for five thousand years.

That's an artistic Israeli flag.


It's your wallet or your neck, son.

Jews fear Europeans because there are more Europeans with an IQ above 160 than total jews on the planet. Thus we have to be destroyed, they will take away everything out of fear and their fear will be what causes us to act against them. It happened in Germany in the 20th century and it will happen in every white country in the 21st. That or we die out.

Considering Jews caused ALL the 'revolutions' (read The Nameless War ) starting earlier than the French revolution (Cromwell in England) and then of course the French Revolution actual, this has been going on for hundreds of years and designed a thousand years before that, these Jews mean business.

If now is not time for a ruthless takeover, then I do not understand war at all.

In Australia, a country with almost no guns, Jewish schools are protected by armed guards with Machine guns!! Machine guns in Caufield Melbourne! Machine guns are totally illegal in Australia except for the military yet Jews have them in the open. This is unbelievable!

Evidence to support your claim?

the only thing that matters is winning
there is no good or evil, truth or lie
there are only winners and losers
learn to win

You know awful control freaks that wake up every day looking to get offended, scoff at how backwards others are, or impose their will on random strangers. They have hyphenated names, green hair, pronouns in their bios, and jobs that only exist as dead weight for someone else to pull.

Now imagine that mentality scaled up and directed at crushing entire (Western) nations. They dream of being the royalty to hordes of low-IQ third worlders, with no resistance to their grand visions.

Welcome to the USSR.

total news

I agree, these kinds of people need to be beaten bloody and taught some good manners, the hard way. Back when I was young spanking your children over bad behavior was legal and millions of parents spanked their children, pretty hard, for having bad manners and acting up. I'm sick of this shit today, we need to legalize a good spanking, and public ass whooping, for those who act snotty and ill tempered. It would teach these brats how to behave, they won't grow up thinking everything should be their way or handed to them on a silver platter.

the man is not lying. if anything the EU is being quite transparent. EU politburo (aka commission) members are appointed (unelected) by national governments and the head of the commission gets to veto them if he doesn't like them.
Poland is a total failed state that is so dependant on EU handouts their economy would make the greek crisis look like a walk in the park. It is clear the eurocrats want poland to leave so it can serve as a warning to others. This game could have been played a whole lot better. Poland could have joined the euro, then it could have misbehaved and the EU would not be able to do anything about it because the eurozone's credibility would be called into question everythime there were threats to leave. tl:dr poland can't into diplomacy

transparently against democracy, freedom of speech, and safety of their citizens

And national sovereignty.

As an American I really look at EU like the Soviet Union. Its not that I hate Europeans, I didn't hate the Russians either, but their communist governments are really fucking corrupt and mean-spirited. Same way I see America today, fellow citizens are for the most part good people, but our government stinks with institutionalized corruption. I would imagine these bureaucrats at the EU are much like some in our own corrupt government, thinking they know whats best for us, that they're better than everyone else.

Smart people should rule by fiat
fools like the OP would no longer vote in hucksters

i am a smart person(sac), therefore you must give me some of your Jew gold horde OP so i can rule over you

I wouldn't do it for nothing(double negative for rhetorical effect to appeal to the masses)

Thats called mafia rule, and in most countries its illegal. And the EU is far from smart, they are despots deliberately destabilizing Europe. They're not smart at all, their criminally insane greedy arrogant scumbags.

What's legal is what we fiat rulers say is legal.

If you had a superior brain like me,(sac)you would know this.

Once all the weapons are confiscated,99% of sheep follow the shepherd to the fleece house

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You can make some more fleece for us after we have shorn you

When you can no longer produce, it's soylent gold time for you

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Show up to confiscate the guns and we'll give the scumbags bullets. No ifs, ands or buts. You want mob rule? You'll see how destabilizing that all becomes.

These are disgusting and sociopathic people.

I would hardly call ruling over a shithole and being forced to cater to the whims of a migrant horde to be "winning", but hey better to rule in hell then to serve in heaven.

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europe really needs reform. I can't believe the tax payers do not fix the situation. maybe a tax protest or a tax walk out or,
what if every tax payer went to brussels to protest?
I mean Eu has freedom of movement and surely the tax payers should be able to protest, right?
I mean the whole thing stinks and needs to be overhauled. how could non elected people wield so much power over a supposedly free people?

You don't even have to go anywhere and protest where you'll end up get shot with gas canisters and rubber bullets upaide the head and your hands flashball'd off with TNT by riot police (who don't act so violently against leftists and muslims when they protest, since they don't represent a threat to the state). Just don't show up to work. It's that easy. If enough people did that, the whole fucking EU would fall apart. It doesn't even have to be everyone, just enough people. In 1968 France, a small percentage of workers not showing up was enough to send the government into a panic, and the president even fled the country. Today with the logistics being super-tight, it would probably be even more effective.

I’ve been saying that this would happen for many years…

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Thats a great idea. If it gets bad enough, people should protest by simply staying home, refuse to pay the bills, let the economy tank and the government would be throwing a pissy fit and theres NOTHING they could do about it.

Civil/Race War or extinction white man…

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Let me know when Zig Forums feels like doing something and actually start fighting, otherwise I'm not going to end up chimping out just to be the only one ending up being thrown in prison while all you are still talking here.

Also, violence doesn't always end so well, even for us good guys. It can, but doesn't always turn out too good. Economics is their real weak spot. Always was, always is. You hurt their profits, you hurt them.

Shame no one will see.

That's exactly the kind of nonsense that the evil contrive to validate their behavior. Winning what? What is exactly the competition here?

Nothing is ever enough to him for whom enough is too little. Parasites exist only to fulfill their hollow life cycle. Bloat. Spawn. Die. Repeat until you're exterminated or until your host is a husk and you starve.