Pretty Treasonous: Democrats Blocking Disaster Relief For American Farmers

Senate Democrats blocked a $13.5 billion bill for disaster relief from recent floods, hurricanes and wildfires on Monday, arguing that the more than $600 million provided to Puerto Rico was not nearly enough.

The disaster relief package combined aid for a variety of natural disasters the country experienced, including support to southern farmers, California towns hit by wildfires and mudslides and states such as Georgia, Florida and North Carolina that were hit by hurricanes. The legislation would also provide funding to rebuild military bases in Florida and North Carolina that were destroyed during the hurricanes.

Republican Alabama Sen. Richard Shelby amended the text to give Puerto Rico $610 million in nutrition assistance, however, Democrats argue Puerto Rico needs additional funds to bolster flood protection and repair the electrical grid, reported Bloomberg.

The disaster relief package was voted down by a vote of 44 to 49, falling short of the needed 60-vote supermajority to overcome the Democratic filibuster.

“I have never been more frustrated as a United States Senator than I am right now. This is pure partisan politics,” Republican Georgia Sen. David Perdue, who sponsored the legislation, tweeted following the vote.

“Washington has reached a new low — it’s been nearly six months since Hurricane Michael ravaged Georgia and other states across the country, and Congress has failed to help the very people it claims to represent,” Perdue later said in a statement. “President [Donald] Trump reached across the aisle, along with other Republicans, to compromise on disaster relief, but only one Democrat was willing to work with us.”

“Do not be fooled — Senate Democrats are using farmers in the Southeast and the people of Puerto Rico as pawns in their political game,” he continued. “It is hypocritical that Democrats say they want to help Puerto Rico recover, and yet they obstruct this disaster relief.”

“The Democrats today killed a Bill that would have provided great relief to Farmers and yet more money to Puerto Rico despite the fact that Puerto Rico has already been scheduled to receive more hurricane relief funding than any “place” in history,” Trump said. “The people of Puerto Rico are GREAT, but the politicians are incompetent or corrupt. Puerto Rico got far more money than Texas & Florida combined, yet their government can’t do anything right, the place is a mess – nothing works.”

Attached: Democrats Blocking Disaster Relief For American Farmers.jpg (3000x2000, 806.38K)

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They did this on purpose and it can't be anymore clear. We are dealing with some American-hating vermin, enemies from within!

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UN Agenda 21. Their long term goal is to force re-locate Americans out of the rural areas into major cities and suburban areas. Its about population control and subjugation, something that the fascistic communistic totalitarian Democrat party is all for. They don't want us living in rural America, but fuck them, because we ain't leaving no matter what they throw our way. What doesn't kill us will only make us stronger.

Watch Trump say a bunch of really good stuff now.
You know what I mean. Watch him "get smart" and competent, but only at the very, very end of his reign. Then when his "good ideas" get rejected, guess what happens when the next president gets elected?


There is no relief from the disaster in the oval office, or any of his idiotic tariffs, which have cost the American farmers hundreds of billions of dollars

Guess what's hilarious?…………..

A: what's hilarious is how you obviously haven't read the actual United Nations Agenda 21, because you don't have any clue what it actually says, and all you do is spit out repeated conspiracy theories from your ridiculous conspiracy theory websites….

You never research these topics, choosing instead to simply copy and paste bullshit paranoid conspiracy theories from bullshit paranoid conspiracy theory websites, blindly trying to pretend like you are knowledgeable in these subjects.

Why don't you tell me what chapter 4 on page 13 says in the actual printed record of the United Nations Agenda 21 proposal?

UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is the action plan implemented worldwide to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world. INVENTORY AND CONTROL.

This is why you should always be prepared.

BE PREPARED: >>>/prepare/1 |

Corrupt government and corrupt politicians hate you, they do not intend to help or save you. You are on your own. BE PREPARED!

true news

What a bunch of assholes.

correction: it's YOU who is on your own

Right now I'm juggling Jillian and Wendy, and this morning Heather called me

This is story is completely inaccurate because Trump wiped out the Puerto Rico relief funds for his national emergency to build a wall

And there isn't any wall because there is no national emergency

but your stupid article neglects to tell the real story

And now I am going in to Best Buy to shop for a larger television.

That 'whooshing sound' you're hearing is the sound of me leaving, and a gigantic echo afterwards because I'm the only one whoever responds to your threads anymore

When diseases, drugs, arms, cartels, criminals, killers and armed foreign troops are coming through the borders at record rates, that IS considered a CRISIS. Anyone who denies that is literally fucking insane and may need psychiatric evaluation!

Apparently you voted for somebody who doesn't consider it to be much of a crisis

Because since he came into office, the number of illegal immigrants has increased tenfold

And while he declared a national emergency, and looted money from the Puerto Rico relief effort, he hasn't spent a single penny building a wall or preventing immigrants

And I don't think you're one to speak about psychiatric evaluations, because you have moved all of your possessions down into the basement, surrounded yourself with guns and built fortified barriers around your house, convinced that the world is going to end tomorrow, believing in an imaginary Jesus, while self-medicating because you have no control over your addiction.

Meanwhile, you have never read a single page of the United Nations Agenda 21 report

Yes I have. They use a lot of key words, you have to decipher it, and when you research and break it down, it all comes to population control, de-industrialization, land grabbing, gun grabbing, forced-relocation, deliberate destabilization [forced migration as we are seeing today], etc.

Good. You vote for uncompromising shitbag res public and, you get to drown in the results.

Decipher: in other words you just made up a bunch of bullshit and pretended like that was your deciphering?

how coincidental that those are all of your catchphrases you're always talking about

And how ironic the United Nations Agenda 21 paper does it talk about any of those subjects at all

You literally just make it up as you go along

But you never make up anything new

it's just always the same old crap we've heard a million times from you, and nobody even pays attention anymore

In other words, I know damn well what they're up to and what they really mean when they say they want "sustainability"….. I know their trickery. "Green New Deal?" Nope! Green OLD Deal, 1992.

You're always barking the exact same thing, over and over and over and over and over and over again

When are you going to mix it up a little bit?

wrong. I have a copy of the United Nations Agenda 21 proposal, and it mentions nothing about any of that shit.

you have to apply your predictable template of conspiracy theories on to everything, so you claim there are 'keywords' and you replace them with your own fabricated concepts.

To you, life is like a Rorschach test, and you give the same answer every single time.

"I know their trickery"

Lol no… No you actually don't…..

You actually don't know very much at all, other than what you THINK you know, and very little of it has any bearing in reality whatsoever

Your paying attention to me, obviously. This agenda has been around a long time, its well exposed, its documented and its happening not only in just America, but all over the globe. There have been people fighting against this for years, including a few dozen prominent politicians too. How Agenda 21 works is mostly local bureaucratic takeovers. They start by regulating resources on lands, water, municipalities in local areas too, they outlaw hunting and camping in areas, they set up laws and enforcement agencies to police their ever growing regulations against farmers and ranchers and homesteaders and preppers and outdoor enthusiasts and hunters and fishers and hikers and residents. Typically they target rural areas, because their goal is to control resources and eventually regulate us out of existence from being able to utilize those resources and land. Thats the goal. They want to FORCE people out the rural areas, but if they can't, they try regulating them out (which is basically the same thing, just takes longer and become a bigger burden for all involved). Its communism, plain and simple. They want to seize the means of production and force you to be a mindless consumerist city dwelling pleb. Thats the intention, and their so-called "green" firms then gobble up all the stolen resources and rural properties, so they can exploit them and make shekels off the likes of people like you.

And…. if you deny this is a global issue, here is an Australian politician fighting these so-called "sustainable" agenda 21 laws.

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah


You know what I'm saying is true but like a child you can't handle it, so you refuse to listen to the warnings. Don't argue then, I don't like arguing with children who refuse to listen.