Anti-vaxxer retards banned from raising money on GoFundMe

Anti-vaxxers have been banned from raising money on GoFundMe in an attempt to stop the spread of conspiracy theories and misinformation spread by retards .

The crowdfunding platform announced it was carrying out a “thorough review” following reports that one savy graduate of Trump university campaigner had gathered nearly $80,000 (£60,000) in donations from retards.

Larry Cook, who promoted his fundraising efforts using Facebook adverts, targeted retarded Christian mothers with claims the medical community was covering up baby “slaughter”.

GoFundMe spokesman Bobby Whithorne said: “Campaigns raising money to promote misinformation about vaccines violate GoFundMe’s terms of service and will be removed from the platform.
However The Independent has found several campaigns promoting the retarded anti-vaxxer message still running on the site, three weeks after GoFundMe’s decision was reported by The Daily Beast.

One, titled “Stop Non-INFO World Vaccinations for clueless moms”, spreads claims about a “national emergency” due to the US Centre for Disease Control injecting mercury into children and pregnant women to vaccinate them against flu.

The founder of the campaign, “Jebidiah Boston Dawson”, claims he aims to “get the laws changed on vaccines”. So far his campaign has raised just $5, based on a single donation from himself.

Other campaigns claim to be raising money for disabilities blamed on vaccinations.

A total of $1,010 has been raised to help a Californian woman who is said to have suffered sight loss after having the shingles vaccine which caused her to stare at a solar eclipse and another has collected $220 based on claims that a pet dog was paralysed after receiving a vaccination for rabies and the vaccination caused her dog to open the door in a dazed state and run into traffic.

Anti-vaxxers also remain active on Facebook, with the Vaccination DisInformation Network and the Truth About Vaccines Docuseries both attracting more than 100,000 followers and likes. The “Vaccine Injury Stories” group has 26,000 members.

YouTube has demonetised anti-vaxxer videos, Pinterest has blocked search results for the term and Facebook claims to have reduced the prominence of posts spreading misleading information.

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If your vaccines worked like you claimed, you wouldn't care if others were not vaccinated. So fuck off Big Pharma $HILL.

Alternatives To State-run Social Media: >>>/prepare/20 |

12.7k points ·
2 days ago

They'll just head over to GoFundMeasles

I am a Jewish alchemist,(sac)and I have discovered a method where by I can transform the foreskins of goyim into gold.

All your glittering horde will be worthless /killcen/

We shall see what race id the greediest when the Gentiles offer up their child's foreskins to me

I discovered my formula while searching for a method for extracting toxic heavy metals like lead from organic matter like soil and human feces

Attached: 4c00309ebbaf6fea6c119f0c092c85fe.jpg (303x475, 33.92K)

They even got a new sport.. it's called Water Polio

Nobody wins because they don’t take any shots

And now that it's the first round of playoffs, the fans are going absolutely wild out there! It's absolute dyptheria!

my boy got a shot and he got the autism bug, but he's the next wayne Glensky

Yeah, let's make sure everyone's bodies can fight a disease.
Not like that'll cause strains of diseases that are impossible to vaccinate against.
How did Super (Antibiotic-Resistant) Gonorrhea comes into being?

actual rational

ration your rationals

I trust vaccines like I trust a trojan horse botnet like Windows 10.

Nope. Shove it!

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your failure to understand science does not make you correct

Do you know the difference between a bacteria and a virus?

My Laptop caught a bacteria

I took my laptop to have a shit and shit post here,i forgot to wash my hands after wiping my ass,(sac)and some e-coli got on the keyboard
I washed my hands after,later i was eating a pickled pork foot and while shitposting here, and the ecoli got on my fingers and into me

i got sick

this is how my laptop caught a virus and gave it to me

it involves snot and colds and i will expound further when my brain werks better

Here's an antifa commie. Spread this. Do to him what he has done to others.

Oops. Here's a picture of the guy.

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I love how morons like you have to resort to half a quote in order to try and fit your paranoid delusions. What he quite clearly said was that people would't need to have a dozen kids hoping one or two would survive to adulthood anymore thanks to vaccines


They censor because they are afraid of the truth.
Why do they fear people who question the "truth" and demand to investigate vaccines? Why do they censor people who demand double blind placebo controlled studies on all vaccines?
The truth fears no investigation

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The better question is, does he know the difference between a vaccine and antibiotic?

you're ignorance is amusing. you talk about science and facts yet you are the one spouting off delusions. You actually believe that an untested medication, with countless negative side effects and preservatives that are admittedly in the vaccines if you look at the actual insert of the medication they spell it out for you in black and white. and what about the Vaccine damage court that has payed out over 4 billion dollars to date from these non harmful vaccines. or what about the fact that most of those who got the measles survived with 0 problems yet the measles vaccine alone has payed out millions in their own vaccine damage court. the science behind creating antibodies with an inoculated or nuked virus is sound. they add retarded preservatives and immune response triggers that fuck up young children before the age of 2 because as you also failed to mention in your sciencey a childs immune system doesn't even exist until the age of 2. and even then it's infantile to assumes you can pump a newborns body full of nasty shit (read the insert goof).

TLDR fuck off Pharma $hill

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