Sunscreen Releases Chemicals Into Your Bloodstream

I could easily just copy and paste the article in this thread, just like Killcen does, simply copying and pasting and copying and pasting and copying and pasting….

but I've got more respect for your intelligence.

I'm confident this story will interest you enough to click on the link and read it for yourself.

it wouldn't make any sense for me to sit here copying and pasting the words out of the article, when you are fully capable of going to and reading the article on your own.

Here's the long and short of it:
they have recently discovered that sunscreen releases chemicals that soak through your skin and go into your bloodstream.

The levels of these chemicals have been tested, and within a few hours they go above the toxicity range.

there might be changes to the sunscreen industry by the end of this year.

Now if you want further details, this is where you should click on the link and read it for yourself because I'm not going to do the copy and paste bullshit in here like Killcen does.

Attached: sunscreen-593250504.jpg (1164x873, 144.55K)

Other urls found in this thread:


PS: I already know this, but yes, it is TRUE. Toxins are everywhere in consumer products! Learn how to make your own! Yes, there are DIY tutorials for almost anything now days.

I did post the article, in the form of a URL

If you are unable to lift your arm and use the tip of your finger to click on the link, there's a good chance this article won't have any value, because you're not going to be able to apply sunscreen either

Oh, you posted a REAL URL for once? Thank you. You should have copied/pasted most the report too, or at least the highlights of the report.

The joke's on you! The sunscreen can't penetrate my aluminum foil, and I get absolutely no exposure to the sun down here in my basement.

I did list the highlights of the report.

They tested people's blood, and discovered that within three hours the chemicals from the sunscreen head reached levels above toxicity in the subjects' blood streams.

and there might very well be changes to the sunscreen industry by the end of this year.

I disagree with you. I say it's time to do things a little bit differently around here. It's really getting old reading the copy and paste nonsense.

It serves no purpose.

You're smarter than that, and it would be an insult to your intelligence for me to sit here copying and pasting shit.

All you have to do is click on the link and there's the original article.

By now, you’ve probably been taught to gird your sun-starved skin for battle with cancer-causing cosmic rays every time you go outside. Choose a spray, choose a lotion, but by heavens, choose something! Legions of doctors, parents, and YouTube beauty influencers are unanimous on this point. But with sunscreen application evolving from a week or two at the beach every year to a constant daily slather, US health regulators want to know more about how all those photoprotective chemicals interact with people’s skin.

If they sink into tissues and get absorbed into the bloodstream, that could be a problem. Then, like other over-the-counter drugs the Food and Drug Administration oversees, sunscreens should be studied to make sure they don’t mess up people’s hormones, affect their reproductive systems, or cause cancer. Such safety testing has never been done on the active ingredients in sunscreen, because those chemicals were approved decades ago, before anyone suspected they could be absorbed into the body. Now we know it’s more than just a suspicion.

Today, researchers at the FDA revealed the results of a small clinical trial designed to test how four of the most common sun-filtering molecules on the market behave after they’ve been sprayed on and rubbed in. The results, published in the journal JAMA, show that contrary to what sunscreen manufacturers have been saying, UV-blocking chemicals do seep into circulation. Now, don’t panic and toss your tubes. There’s no evidence yet that they’re doing anything harmful inside the body. But the revelation will have serious impacts on sunscreen manufacturers going forward, and may change what options you’ll find on drugstore shelves before the year is out.

“Everyone had always thought that because these are intended to work on the surface of the skin that they wouldn’t be absorbed, but they are,” says Theresa Michele, director of the FDA’s division of nonprescription drug products, and coauthor on the FDA-funded study. Her team found that it took only a few hours after the application of sunscreen for the photoprotective chemicals to infiltrate the bloodstream and shoot up to concentrations above the FDA’s toxicology threshold that triggers further safety testing.

The researchers saw the same patterns in all 24 of the volunteers they recruited—12 men and 12 women, who were randomly assigned to apply one of four commercially available sunscreens: two sprays, a lotion, and a cream. The participants applied their potions according to recommended labeling; four times a day for four days to 75 percent of their bodies, roughly the amount of skin you’d be showing in a bathing suit. For those four days, and three days after, the researchers collected blood every few hours to be analyzed for the presence of avobenzone, oxybenzone, octocrylene, and ecamsule, 30 samples in all. They discovered that while it took only a few hours for the UV-blocking chemicals to spike over the target, for three of the four formulations, those levels remained elevated through the end of the study—three days after participants had ceased spraying and smearing. Only the cream users saw their chemical concentrations tail off sooner.

And notice that I didn't make any wild claims or paranoid assertions. I didn't add anything to the story, or claim that I had some kind of 'special insight'. I didn't resent the story as a conspiracy, and I'm not offering any advice on how to prepare for anything.

That's not 'news'…..

that's just repetitious showboating…..

All I did was provide a link to the story and give a brief synopsis, which is really all that should be necessary.

lol made ya' look!!

I made ya' look !!

If you were to actually compare many of my threads to their original reports you would notice I do aggregate much of the information. I'll keep the most important parts in and exclude other statements. Sometimes I edit out the lies to and replace with actual facts and truth too. I don't usually conform even with much of the 'alternative' media. Sometimes I include links to several sources, like the one thread I created about Trump's taxes this morning which you IGNORED.

You're just stuck in your old ways, and not open to the new changes around here

The days of 'copy & paste' are over

There wasn't a thread this morning about Trump's taxes ←— go here ←– there and check posted timestamp


That's an extremely misleading way to word that. In the article, it just says that the amount goes into a range that says they need to test effects, and that they don't know what those effects are or if they even do anything yet.

Further proof OP needs to kill himself

lol urine idiot

OP your summary is a lie. You don't happen to be the US Attorney General do you?

This board is trash, cant filter by ID, which means you have to endure no ending shitposting. Also you have all the factions struggling over some bullshit which shits up the board even more. No wonder you guys gets so much attention in the frontpage.

is this what is making the frogs gay

This Just In:
Air releases oxygen into the bloodstream.

But oxygen is a known carcinogen! We should regulate air right now!

It's worse than you think. Oxygen is actually a poison. That's why us Jews are eliminate oxygen from this planet. It's to save all life.

This is true.
Where are the solutions?
Why did the Jews do this to us?

Good God! I thought it was bad enough the Jews were forcing all that Dihydrogen Monoxide into our food chain to poison us

Rashomon is a 1950 Japanese period psychological thriller film directed by Akira Kurosawa,(sac)that is relevant to you

The film is known for a plot device that involves various characters providing subjective, alternative, self-serving and contradictory versions of the same incident.
A murdered man and his raped wife and and their abandoned baby


At the gate, the woodcutter, priest, and commoner are interrupted from their discussion of the woodcutter's account by the sound of a crying baby. They find the baby abandoned in a basket, and the commoner takes a kimono and an amulet that have been left for the baby. The woodcutter reproaches the commoner for stealing from the abandoned baby, but the commoner chastises him. Having deduced that the reason the woodcutter did not speak up at the trial was because he was the one who stole the dagger from the scene of the murder, the commoner mocks him as "a bandit calling another a bandit." The commoner leaves Rashōmon, claiming that all men are motivated only by self-interest.

These deceptions and lies shake the priest's faith in humanity. He is brought back to his senses when the woodcutter reaches for the baby in the priest's arms. The priest is suspicious at first, but the woodcutter explains that he intends to take care of the baby along with his own children, of whom he already has six. This simple revelation recasts the woodcutter's story and the subsequent theft of the dagger in a new light. The priest gives the baby to the woodcutter, saying that the woodcutter has given him reason to continue having hope in humanity. The film closes on the woodcutter, walking home with the baby. The rain has stopped and the clouds have opened revealing the sun in contrast to the beginning where it was overcast.

Will you give me hope in humanity /killcen/?

Will you try to tell the truth not as you see it, but as it might really be?

are the chemicals more dangerous than getting blasted by UV radiation?