Deep State Attacks Baltimore City Government After ex-Mayor Catherine Pugh Charged For Corruption

One week after troubled ex-Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh resigned after a criminal probe over her children's book series, the entire Baltimore City computer network system was shut down after a ransomware attack, The Baltimore Sun reports. Across the city, multiple intergovernmental agencies sent employees home Tuesday after email servers and communications platforms went dark. And according to a press meeting on Wednesday morning, the city’s communication system remains down.

Lester Davis, a spokesman for Mayor Bernard C. "Jack" Young, said the 911 emergency system was not affected but provided details about how the ransomware paralyzed important communication servers.

City officials had isolated the ransomware to computers associated with severs tied to the city's communication network, Davis said by late Tuesday afternoon, but how the infection penetrated the city's firewalls and the scale of the problem still remains unknown, he said. Davis also had no timeline about when the affected systems would be back online.

Dave Fitz, a spokesman for the FBI Baltimore Field Office, told The Baltimore Sun that special agents from its cyber squad were on site investigating the serious incident.

Don Norris, a professor at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, said the ransomware attack underlines how municipal governments struggle to protect their networks from hackers.

"You’ve got increasingly sophisticated and very persistent bad guys out there looking for any vulnerability they can find and local governments, including Baltimore, who either don’t have the money or don’t spend it to properly protect their assets," said Norris.

Ransomware is a type of malware designed to block operators from using computer systems or specific data until a ransom is paid.

The Baltimore Sun said the ransomware was identified as RobbinHood. The hackers demanded cryptocurrency as the preferred payment to unlock the files.

"Everybody has been instructed to unplug the Ethernet cable and turn off power to their computers, printers and such," Dorsey said. "It’s apparently spreading computer to computer."

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Deep state? Sounds like typical nigger incompetence.

How do you come to the bizarre conclusion that this is a "deep state" attack on the state?

Apparently, you know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the SamSam Ransomware Attacks….

SamSam is from Iran

Deepstate, my ass

don't mind him.

he knows very little, because he can't afford to access legitimate news

he can't even afford basic cable

and he has OCD, where he's compelled to apply his delusional conspiracy template onto everything

SamSam isn't even targeted at any individual city

it's simply let loose, and it finds vulnerabilities

it's infected tiny towns and large cities alike

and it always asks for minimal amounts of money

A tiny Town in middle America was hit by SamSam

and I'm talking about a TINY Town
like a 4-way stop sign of a town

they asked for $50,000

same amount they asked from Atlanta

SamSam is two hackers from Iran
neither one named sam

hint: there is no 'deep state'


Thats just a term for the corrupt people that infiltrated their way into US intelligence agencies.

Considering the 'hackers' ordered the city government to shut their computers down and wipe their hard drives I'm thinking this "ransom" wasn't really about money……. it was about covering up treason and high level corruption (considering one of their buddies was recently busted).

And if you don't know how corruption works yet, don't argue because they do anything to cover up crimes these days.

Yeah, I seem to remember 'hackers' had something to do with 2ch getting taken over and 'hackers' seem to be the ones responsible for Zig Forums getting taken over. Good thing we had Jim to save us from all these 'hackers'.

Attached: PicsArt_05-08-10.55.24.png (2391x1338, 2.39M)

Is it true? Or is Killcen and/or Johnny just messing with our minds for mere fun, satire? Beware this is a notorious shitposting site and its hard to tell without IDs.

What if the most "insane" people on the board actually were the most sane ones here, simply using this site as was originally intended. To stir debate. To stir conversation. To stir critical thinking. To stir questions, leaving others to conclude for themselves?


Thats a term I haven't heard in a while, if I recall thats a dedicated NSA server that mimics other servers on the web to gather data and exploit users of targeted sites, correct?

The intelligence agencies of various countries collect exploits and malware sometimes by even buying or trading their own less dangerous exploits off to cyber-criminals. They don't provide any information of these vulnerabilities to national government, so important infrastructure like banks, local government, power plants etc could easily be targeted by anyone with knowledge of the security exploit including them. The intelligence agencies don't have any way of proving their own innocence except by releasing this information privately so any security problems can be fixed.

If you want to stir debate and critical thinking why would you post disinformation and nonsense? It has the opposite effect because people read dumb shit and think it's a waste of time to even discuss any issues.

Who is the sole arbitrator to say what is "disinformation?" What some find to be truth others will reject as false, and vice versa. There are no 'good' or 'bad' sources, there are only opinions and conclusions made by individuals. We are not and should not be a hive mind.

Disinformation is just opinions and conclusions that are deliberately and easily provable as false. The intent is to muddy the waters as for who decides it's easy for anyone to prove what is nonsense or not. That's different from a genuine opinion or conclusion. If you just want to waste people's time then don't bother life is too short.

that's because:
1: you can't stop insisting that everything is a conspiracy
2: you always need to pretend you have special insight
3: you haven't researched the SamSam Ransomware attacks

If you researched it, you'd learn that all of these ransomware attacks asked for minimal amounts of money, because they are not 'specifically targeted at certain cities', but are just free roaming strings of code that find vulnerabilities in any given city's infrastructure. The Iranian programmers who wrote this code knew that not all cities could afford large sums of money, so they had a better chance of receiving the Bitcoin payments if they kept the ransom amount low.

AND ?…. oddly enough, every city that has paid the ransom got the encryption key, as promised, and the criminals honored their agreement

So YES ….


your conspiracy shit is really predictable

By asking for $50,000 or $70,000 ransom

instead of asking for Millions

their chance of receiving payment

are greatly increased

and to make the chances even greater

it was important to honor their agreement

and every city who paid the random

regained access to their servers and files

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

they've done this to dozens and dozens and dozens of cities in America, from huge metropolitan cities to tiny townships

The majority of cities who got hit with the ransomware attacks haven't released the information publicly

if they didn't honor the agreement
and give the cities the encryption keys
then the next cities who get hit
are less likely to pay up

Atlanta got hit
and the random was only $50,000

but instead of paying the tiny ransom,
Atlanta spent Million$ on rewriting
everything from the ground up
…………………….it took months

meanwhile, a tiny little town simultaneously
got hit with the same ransomware

they paid the $50,000
and got the encryption key
and got their system back up