BE PREPARED: >>>/prepare/1
Undoubtedly, a storm is coming and even worse than that: A perfect shitstorm.
Or, stated with more clarity, the forthcoming waves of catastrophes will be the direct result of circumstances brought on by simultaneously devastating forces greater than any individual could fully comprehend.
With that in mind, and in continuing with the perfect storm as a metaphor, one thing is guaranteed: It is always better to find safe harbor and live to set sail another day than to drown beneath waves of cataclysmic confluences.
Indeed. It would be very dangerous to underestimate the shitstorm that is about to commence in the United States and around the world.
Furthermore, as seen in the time-lapsed video above, perfect storms contain many elements working in conjunction like whirling dervishes dancing with devils; or gravity synchronously siphoning disparate fluids down a drain.
Yes, dear reader, we’re going down. The U.S. has been torn into pieces, her institutions laid waste and Trump’s economic policies will no doubt be blamed in the aftermath of a full-blown economic collapse. To be sure, the final straw will appear when any number of black swans deliver the tiniest of pin pricks to the global debt bubble.
So where does one duck? Where does one hide? Or, at the very least, how do we mitigate the overall effects and consequences of the coming perfect storm for ourselves and those whom we hold dear?
It’s Not Trump Derangement Syndrome Anymore
The Democrats don’t believe in our two-party system anymore. They utterly reject American civic norms of treating the president with a modicum of respect and cooperation. They don’t want to alternate presidential power every four or eight years. They think theirs is the only party that deserves to be elected.
Naked political power is the driving force behind our culture wars, and behind the weird war on President Trump. It has little to do with his specific policies, let alone his tweets and his pugnacious personality, except that Trump’s counterpunching and toughness have allowed him to survive.
Trump drives Democrats crazy because he won, and because he won’t give in or give up. … It’s not derangement, it’s war.
Since the election of Trump, it has been breathtaking to witness the collapse of the Deep State’s curtain thus revealing the wizards in the swamp. Even now, it is stunning to see how the likes of Hillary Clinton, James Comey, John Brennan, James Clapper, et al, all lie so expertly & naturally. Even if they are only the mid-level management serving the whims of the vampires at the top of the pyramid, they have been fully exposed as unctuously selling their snake oil and without any conscience whatsoever.
Given our history since the rise of the surveillance state, what do you think the chances of these wizards NOT getting away with their crimes might be?
I would say slim to none.
The point is this: lies have become truth in the new age; and the average ordinary everyday sleepy sheeple never stood a chance – perhaps, primarily, because they want to believe so badly in the new faith. Somewhere along the way, deceiving these fools became like stealing pieces of cake from babies.
Dmitry Orlov is a computer engineer born in Lenigrad and has written extensively regarding his eye-witness account of the collapse of the Soviet Union. In his writings, he has identified the Five Stages of [Societal] Collapse as follows:
Stage 1: Financial Collapse
Stage 2: Commercial Collapse
Stage 3: Political Collapse
Stage 4: Social Collapse
Stage 5: Cultural Collapse
Remember that heroes do the next right thing even when they are at their weakest and most afraid; especially then.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.