CNN guest:'When a woman is pregnant, that's a body part,not a human being inside of her'
Friday, May 10, 2019

CNN guest: 'When a woman is pregnant, that is not a human being inside of her'
by Julio Rosas
| May 07, 2019 05:57 PM
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Debate on CNN's "Cuomo Prime Time" caught fire Monday night after a guest proclaimed that a fetus is not a human being.

When host Chris Cuomo gave Christine Quinn, the former speaker of the New York City Council, the last word, she said a fetus is effectively a body part. Her comments drew Cuomo, Quinn, and guest Rick Santorum into a heavy debate over Democratic Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam's comments about whether a newborn baby should be permitted to live and New York's new late-term abortion laws.

"When a woman gets pregnant, that is not a human being inside of her. It is part of her body, and this is about a woman having full agency and control of her body and making decisions about her body and what is part of her body with medical professionals," Quinn said. "Those are the facts and that is the law."

Santorum replied: "So the baby is their property and they can do whatever they want to it. They can maim the baby or torture the baby."

Santorum has a point. If you can kill it because it's not a human being, if you're blind why can't you pluck out its eyes in the womb? Why can't you take off the arms and legs?

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when im raping a women my penis is inside and therefore an extension of my body so at that time i doing nothing wrong

Definitely true on day 1 of the pregnancy. At the end of 9 months its a bit more complicated.

What about all of the people who got extended prison sentences for double homicide when they murdered a pregnant women?
Maybe the Democrats see killing an unborn child as some sort of bonus for aociety?

When I eat someone they're food. What's you're point??

You dont get a "double murder" charge in most of the world. Places that do that are wrong and the laws should be struck down.

You can go right back to biblical references to confirm that a fetus is not equal to a person. The modern christian and muslim nonsense saying otherwise is simply wrong.

youre so right if we dehumanize fetuses then its not wrong for the muslim who rape them

a new born baby is not as smartas a pig and i'm eating pork now

them things has good stem cells to make me skinny

muslims rape pigs too


She's absolutely correct

And NO, you're mistaken.
Technically, until the umbilical cord is cut
it's a part of her body…..

And let's be honest….
It's nobody's business but hers….

And this world would be a lot better off if 75% of people were aborted before they got a chance to fuck their lives up and fuck up everybody else's existence as well.

But the "thing" inside of her has body parts. Body parts don't have their own body parts. Obviously incoherent.

Fuck your biblical references

The Bible is the most mass-produced volume of toilet paper on Earth

As long as the umbilical cord is attached it's a body part

You guys should stick to playing video games and watching sissy boy cartoons

and let the women deal with the complicated stuff

But Jewnny, the woman is also a part of the fetus's body until cut, which means that hypothetically, if a fetus had the physical and mental strength to do so, it would be the fetus's right to post-birth abort its own mother.

The fetus is technically a tumor

And like all tumors… All fetuses should be eliminated

For all practical purposes the fetus is a parasite

And like all parasites……
It needs to be eliminated

what if the mom is actually the tumor instead though
i mean think about it for a second, if the mom is in a position where she's thinking of having an abortion, she's already more likely than a fetus of indeterminate future life to have been dumb enough to get herself into that situation
because single mothers are one of the biggest tumors of society (case in point, this generation was raised by them), you have actually been looking at this from the wrong angle
abort moms, not fetuses

It's interesting how you project 'single mother' onto the topic of abortions.

resentful about something, little guy?

i dont wanna eat no pig with muzzie cum in it,9SAC) EVEN IF made it taste better

what pig farms hire muzzies?

I've convinced two of my wives and four long term girlfriends into exterminating the parasite I implanted into them


drinking again, are we?

Fuck Humans

Humans ruined EVERYTHING

and fuck babies !!
they'll grow up if you don't prevent it


i got some of thAT GOOD Canadian gov weed in the mail 3 days ago and my head is as thick as a brick

I shall stop for 3 days and see if my head gets lighter

it don't take away the pain but i keep falling asleep so fuck the pain

i shall nap til 3am then prowl my neighbor hood

I am extremely happy that I'm no longer self medicating…. I've never seen weed ruin anybody's life, but for me, when I quit getting high, I quit all of it

I smoked one joint on November first….
didn't even feel it, even though it was gangsta'

If I ever self medicate again, it will be weed
but I have no plans on doing any such thing

at least not in the foreseeable future

But yeah……

It's none of your business if somebody gets hit by a car while trying to stupidly run across the expressway at night time….

It's none of your business if somebody gets shot during a robbery…..

It's none of your business if a state executes a prisoner on death row….

It's none of your business if somebody dies of cancer…..

It's none of your business if a 24 year old person suddenly dies of an aneurysm….

And it sure is fuck isn't your business what a woman decides to do with the fetus inside of her

The REAL problem is people putting their nose into other people's business….

Maybe people like you should worry about their own problems, and stop trying to focus on other people's lives….

Is it the business of the man that put that child into the woman in the first place? A woman can't just have a child, it's not a thing that only involves her and noone else, y'know

Only bodies have body parts. That "thing" is a human, whether its convenient or not, its a fact.

I didn't stutter, motherfucker

good point

abortionists like to push the "fetus is not a person, but a part of my body" rationale because it makes it easier for them to deal with killing a baby if they can get people to agree with them that it's no different than an inflamed appendix. You people are sad. It isn't just a "part" of your body, it's another little person growing inside you.
If you had a parasite in or on you, like worms in your stomach, do you consider that a part of your body? Or a separate entity? (I know the answer, don't bother)
What about conjoined twins? Let's say they turn 18 and can make decisions. Which one gets to have the other killed to give themselves a better chance at surviving to old age?

It's just rationalizing so you can justify killing a baby.

No, you just typed some stupid bullshit.

tbh it's the definion of the word, I mean fetus is unborn human, and baby is a born one, so it's literally quite stupid to call abortion killing a baby, when it is killing a fetus

just glass the fucking planet already

It’s fascinating how Christian doctrine keeps flip flopping. The first Christians condemned abortion because they still adhered to the Mosaic law. Later, St. Augustine tried to make the creepy cult more appealing to educated people by introducing into it a kind of dumbed-down neoplatonism. Among these doctrines was “delayed ensoulment”, the idea that it took the Almighty precisely ninety days to shape a fetus into a vehicle capable of carrying a soul. Accordingly, first trimester abortion was accepted, legal practice in the Christian world for a thousand years. Augustine also endorsed Aristotle’s crackpot teaching that women were merely deformed men, as this fit in so well with the traditional misogyny of Judaism.

Incidentally, abortion was the leading form of birth control in early America. It has been estimated that by the 1830's there was one abortion for every four live births. Our old newspapers are filled with ads for abortion providers and abortion-inducing nostrums, coyly marketed as “speedy relief for married ladies” suffering from “menstrual obstruction”, i.e., the presence of a fetus. Abortion became illegal in this country only in the 1870's, thanks to the efforts of the newly-formed A.M.A., exploiting Victorian prudery to consolidate the health care industry under the control of its all-male membership.

Thanks for doing your part to decrease the number of Jews in the world.

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That's where you're wrong. Women are stupid and should be allowed to make ANY decisions, regarding their bodies or not.
The decision is the man's.

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- samefag

Shut up, you mentally-stunted bitches. You're not welcome here.
All women should be raped and beaten. Period. That's their place,
Enjoy your "rights" while you still have them. You'll become property again really soon…

based and redpilled

A woman trying to remove my penis from inside her should be constituted as an abortion because my other body parts cannot live without being put on machines while being outside her.

Actually no it isn't true on day one.

The complete zygote is a different human being. It has a unique permutation of human DNA - it's another body. Biology makes this very clear - the ontogenesis of a human being does in fact start at conception for multi-cellular organisms. The second the sperm fertilizes the egg you have absolute beginning of human life. That's second zero of a human being in the eyes of biology.

So no, the difference between an 84 year old or a 6 second old zygote is merely superficial in terms of biology. The 84 year old is just an 84 year old human zygote. That's what happens to a human being if it isn't killed by an incompetent bitch who couldn't keep her legs shut when she decides she's too lazy and weak to take personal responsibility for her fuck up by committing an act of homicide that's legally sanctioned because millions of other people just like her pressured government to make it legal.

This would be a good point if limbs (like the embryo you murder) had a separate consciousness from you.

Let me guess… you don't consider yourself part of that 75%. You're a member of that exceptional and superior 25%, correct?
Truly, it takes a sociopathic, supremacist mindset to defend feminist rhetoric.

Re-read your shitposts in this thread and then really consider the lengths you need to take in order to make feminism look like the more reasonable of the two sides. You cannot contrive such a straw man without first acknowledging that you are pure evil, can you? I mean, can anyone be so blind?

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says the guy who wasn't aborted.

Every living person that denies the fertilized egg is not an individual person is a hypocrite.

After you rightfully classify abortion as homicide, then you can discuss when it is feasible and when it is not, when the mother has full discretion about the pregnancy, when not.

Using the 'not a person' excuse to interfere with said discussion is obviously in bad faith.

So, build your own opinion about the circumstances in which abortion is justified, but don't listen to the hypocrite malevolent individuals or you will not make the correct decision.


You sound like such a sexually frustrated teenager it's almost redundant to point it out

It's living human tissue, so it's "human" but not "a human being" yet. The early trimester has the brain at a stage on par with the most simple of reptiles, incapable of true awareness, learning, or doing much more than keeping organs running and some reflexive responses. It's a human being waiting to develop, essentially. Once the neocortex starts to grow that's when the baby has some actual awareness and can start learning things in the womb. Before it reaches this level of complexity and consciousness, it's not much different from any other lower lifeform, just with the potential to become a human being if it manages to get carried to term and not die/ get miscarried in some way (which is more common than you'd think). This is neither an avocation nor a damnation of abortion. I've just done a lot of brain studies and shit related to intelligence/consciousness and find these debates interesting to watch.


What's your definition of "person"?

That's the only sentence in your paragraph that really means anything in context.

also, she's also a part of your body and therefore your property

meant to quote the full post

you will burn.

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i think she must confuse having sex with having an abortion.