Apartment Complex Begins Identifying Dog Shit With DNA Tests

In order to dissuade dog owners from not cleaning up after their dogs, the Parcels at Crosstown Concourse are requiring them to bring in their dog for registry with a DNA database.

According to a letter sent out to residents, dog owners living at the Parcels must bring their pet into the front office by June 3 to register them for a program called Poo Prints.

Poo Prints, according to their website, is a commercial service that uses pet DNA registry to help with waste management.

Dogs' cheeks are swabbed in order to collect a DNA sample, which then goes into a registry.
Feces left behind by dogs can then be easily tested to identify the dog and their owner.

The letter sent out by The Parcels says that owners matched to dog poo left on the ground will be fined $150.

Should residents not register their pets by the June 3 deadline, they will be fined $150.

Failure to pay the fine in either instance is grounds for rental agreement termination, the letter says.


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The original property in 1937 was a Sears and Roebuck distribution center and department store, with fully automated conveyor belt systems that ran throughout the multi-level facility. At the time, it was state-of-the-art, with people traveling from other states to come shopping in the massive building, while orders were being placed on conveyor belts en masse, continually being shipped out all across the country.

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The Sears and Roebuck distribution facility was such a success they continued building and extending the facility.

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After things changed, the Sears and roebuck building remained vacant for decades, until developers decided to renovate the entire place.

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Not surprised. LA streets are full of shit too, human feces included. Most city dwelling areas are unclean today. This likely includes many trailer parks too. Even some rural areas are known for junkers, but I rather live more rural than urban anyday.

The historic property is now home to offices, apartments, luxury condominiums, shopping, restaurants, art galleries, theaters, gymnasiums, indoor and outdoor swimming, recording studios, etc.

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They've invested millions and millions of dollars into renovating this historic facility

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It's a self encapsulated fully functional community, complete with gardens and state-of-the-art broadcast facilities

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They've spared no expense

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It's really quite impressive

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But I'll tell you who's not very impressed

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I'll tell you who doesn't give a flying fuck

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So much for progress

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Fuck That Place

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I'm contemplating going there next time I visit my family in Memphis, and defecating all over the premises

That's how you beat their system…human feces.


Won't they be pissed after swapping every residents' mouth, and still no match

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When testing gets this cheap and easy, I can find out who's been pissing in my coffee at work