By Jenny Cohen:Study Suggests Adolf Hitler Had Jewish and African Ancestors

Adolf Hitler may have had Jewish and African ancestors, according to a recent DNA study by Belgian researchers.

In the decades since Adolf Hitler’s death, the Nazi leader’s ancestry has been a subject of rampant speculation and intense controversy. Some have suggested that his father, Alois, born to an unwed woman named Maria Schickelgruber, was the illegitimate child of Leopold Frankenberger, a young Jewish man whose family employed her as a maid. (She subsequently married Johann Georg Hiedler–later spelled “Hitler”–whose surname her son adopted.) Others have claimed that Alois’ biological father was also the grandfather of Hitler’s mother, Klara Pözl, making Adolf the product of an incestuous marriage.

To unravel the mystery of the Fuhrer’s roots, the Belgian journalist Jean-Paul Mulders teamed up with Marc Vermeeren, a historian who has written extensively about Hitler and his ancestors. The duo collected saliva samples from 39 of the infamous dictator’s living relatives, including a great-nephew, Alexander Stuart-Houston, who lives in New York, and an Austrian cousin identified only as “Norbert H.” Tests were then conducted to reveal the samples’ principal haplogroups, which are sets of chromosomes that geneticists use to define specific populations.

Writing in the Flemish-language magazine Knack, Mulders reported that the relatives’ most dominant haplogroup, known as E1b1b, is rare in Western Europeans but common among North Africans, and particularly the Berber tribes of Morocco, Algeria, Libya and Tunisia. It is also one of the major founding lineages of the Jewish population, present in 18 to 20 percent of Ashkenazi Jews and 8.6 to 30 percent of Sephardic Jews. In other words, Hitler’s family tree may have included Jewish and African ancestors.

The tragic irony of the discovery, of course, is that Hitler’s Nazi regime systematically wiped out an estimated two-thirds of Europe’s Jewish population between 1933 and 1945. People of African descent were also considered enemies of the Aryans, whose supposed racial purity and superiority were central to the “Mein Kampf” author’s lethal rhetoric. As Mulders put it in the Knack article, “One can from this postulate that Hitler was related to people whom he despised.”

As part of its continuing quest to pin down the Fuhrer’s heritage, Knack hopes to conduct DNA tests on a jawbone fragment and piece of bloodstained cloth retrieved from the Berlin bunker where Hitler allegedly committed suicide. The Russian government has held these artifacts in its archives since 1948 and continues to vouch for their authenticity despite a contradictory 2009 study by American scientists.

Since the publication of the Knack academics have been quick to point out that this does not necessarily mean the man who inspired the Holocaust was either Jewish, African or a combination of the two. The E1b1b haplogroup runs in other ethnic groups, for instance, and DNA analysis remains an inexact science. But one thing about this study’s results is certain, as Ronny Decorte, a geneticist interviewed by Knack, remarked: “Hitler would not have been pleased.”

Attached: hitler jew.jpg (1131x1600, 344.14K)

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This is the stupidest shit I've heard yet.

so they are tacitly implying that being jewish and/or black and/or incestuous is a bad thing neat

i bet they also find that the goodest goys are racially pure kind of like how you are called a repressed gay if you are "homophobic"

No they’re not.

Your decision to use Hitler as the standard of what is good and righteous does not make him the standard of evil for those who opposed him.

Some people judge the acts of nazi germany on their own and do not require anyone else to define a “right” and “wrong” or “good” and “evil” before they can draw conclusions.

Angela Merkel is Hitler's daughter.
Hitler injected bill semen into his veins.
Hitler had one testicle.
Hitler had a micropenis.
Hitler drank bull semen.

Also; they don't have his DNA so this is odd.

what are you talking about you autistic imbecile take off your fedora

hitler is synonymous with evil in the public sphere this has been the message of virtually all (((modern institutions))) ad nauseum for some time he is seen as the standard of evil for normies everywhere

He has living relatives


If only, there would be a lot less jews around if that was the case.


If Hitler was a Jewish Nigger wouldn't that mean that whites were the real victims of WW2 and all those moon-crickets and hook-noses should be paying us money to fund our ethno-state?

Attached: 7cc310c744ffd46e4312b4f56c27a79d90982f42879f5ca4a85231ce86276c50.png (486x750, 348.79K)

So Hitler was the victim of racism and anti semitism after all?
I fucking knew it.



When retards try logic

Hitler's mother was half Jewish. This is well-known and documented

If it's so well known and documented, why don't you post some sources?

Lol no its not show us

can we believe Miss (((cohen)))?

I've always wondered why he didn't look very german. You look at the Nazi youth and SS guys from old footage and Hitler looked nothing like them.

It also seems odd to me that Americans romanticise nazism as they won a battle against germany. Or did pro Hitler sentiment exist before the war? Does it have anything to do with Americans rooting for underdogs? They destroy Germany and feel bad for them. And now all the underdogs of the society feel empathetic towards the defeated nation. Make any sense?

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What I’m saying is actually pretty simple and you both should already understand it without someone having to point it out.

Hitler has a mustache. He exterminated people for various reasons. That doesn’t mean everyone with a mustache is a would be genocidal dictator.

Now replace “mustache” with “Semitic ancestry” and see if you can follow the same logical path.

It doesn’t matter if you consider Hitler evil or if everyone considers him evil. His deeds, not his ancestry, are the reason he’s considered evil.

If “they’re implying” anything it’s basically what they explicitly stated: that Hitler wouldn’t be happy to find out his genetic background is composed of the very same elements he considered inferior.

consider also:
hitler got funded by (((london)))
hitler did not genocide jews oppa the armenian way so, he directly or indirecly helped sionism
hitler went against german generals, else he'd not lose the war so easily
nationalism got a bad name thanks to?

so if it turns out hitler was a jew, it merely proves he was the ultimate troll.

This explains why he was such a genocidal maniac. We must get rid of all people with Jewish and African ancestry so that such a travesty cannot happen again.

>(((Jenny Cohen)))
More Lügenpressen, please.

Ms Cohen is her married name
Her maiden name is Celticaryangerman

It's more of a sympathy with Germany, who was also morally and economically ravaged by kikes. Only a kike would be unable to understand this.

You think the war might also have played a small part?

Pro-NatSoc sentiment did exist in the Friends of New Germany and later the German American Bund, which dissolved after the US entered the war.
It could have to do with the fact that German ancestry seems to make up the largest percentage of white Americans. In lack of identity they look toward their countries of origin and find the appeal of National Socialism, which is why Hitler is more common than Mussolini or Hirohito.

Just like clockwork. We're all mutts and if you're not, you're litterally retarded.

i herd about this

hitlers nephew was tested and he;s got nigger and jew dna and he only had irish on his side of the family

no, i;m sayin' fAM, that ol unc hitler had nog dna

is you a mutt?

This means that Father Hitler was The OG Kang and these false jewish nigguhs wanted to put him down so Wakanda couldn't be formed. KILL ALL THEM ISRAELI MOTHERFUCKERS!

Now I finally understand this video.

Seriously, your boy don't count Johnny. Your gonna have to find a real man to let you "anoint his tongue with your seed" for it to count


If Hitler was part African and Jewish does that mean he couldn't be racist against Jews?
Is antisemitism just a lie?

And where would they get it? It's not like in the 40s people thought there was a reason to save a genetic sample

whats funny is that the cohens in israel are a protected family bloodline by law.

The old chestnut that Hitler was Jewish was an Allied “Sykewar” operation. The work of SHAEF’s Psychological Warfare division is documented in the book by that name; one of its primary functions was to weaken German morale by creating libels against her leaders.

Hitler was as dedicated to breaking the power of international capitalism (today it’s called globalism) as he was to eradicating totalitarian communism. Here’s a link to the full text of Richard Tedor’s study “Hitler’s Revolution,” the best one-volume account of what National-Socialism was actually about and what it accomplished:

Also even the orthodox Holocaust legend says that “the final solution” was not put in place until 1942, fully nine years after Hitler became Chancellor. At least this is when the first version began to appear in western newspapers. It is not coincidental that this media campaign started after Stalingrad. The gloves came off in the public relations war when Germany’s enemies realized the hitherto invincible Reich could be defeated after all.

And as Germany’s cities burned in the relentless RAF air campaign, their tolerance for enemy alien nationals understandably vanished. Imagine what would have happened to the inmates of the California concentration campaigns if the Japanese air force had annihilated San Francisco and Los Angeles as Dresden and Cologne had been.

only a jew would know this

did you know that Andrea McGovern is a virgin on craigslist in Macon?
And she's looking for someone to deflower her?
And looks or money or age don't mattar?

Could you elaborate on which european ethnic group he (((exterminated)))? Also removing ethnic jews from your country via the authority of the state backed by the German population at the time does not amount to an extermination nor a moral evil.
If you come to the conclusion of the final outcome of world war 2 being anything than the outright extermination of the German peoples then your retarded
Hitlers deeds are subjective and based on the perspective taken to analyze them
If your implying that Hitler was more or less more responsible for the high number of wartime deaths than the German high command, the soviet high command or any other nation that fought in WW2 your once again being intellectually dishonest and your opinion is worthless
Hitler was not a racial supremacist. Hitler was a racialist. He believed that any ethnic or racial group had the divine right of God to defend its own interests and create a state and a nation based on the interests of that particular people first. Hitler along with the national socialists made the completely truthful observation that a group of racial supremacists of the Semitic caliber had taken it upon themselves to conquer the whole world by purposely economically controlling, displacing often quite violently and immorally various peoples of the world in order to disenfranchise them of their cultural, ethnic and racial identities in an effort to rule over them via the power of finance and social control. Hitler was put into power by the German people due to the absolute brutal treatment of their people by the international gangsters. He isolated the problem to a specific ethnic group and removed them from the society that had requested they be removed from. Then in keeping with his promise to his own people and their divine right to self determination the world gangsters agitated a war and destroyed their society.
You have no moral leg to stand on. You don’t even have an objective leg to stand on unless you come out straight forward and admit that ethnic and racial european groups or any other group for that matter have the right to self perpetuate and determine their own futures, within their own nations states with a system of governance to their choosing. I always find it funny with your lot that LARP as some sort of quintessential opposition to an evil that takes bravery to oppose based on the genocide of a european peoples but yet you fall in with a group whose sole virtue is cowardice and the result no matter how much you moralize it with false equivocation, hyperbolic moral dilemmas and fabricated history still cannot actually rationalize that by any real natural or moral standard you are the very evil that you fear and accuse everybody with from a position of which you make no form of self sacrifice to take. You assume that you are brave for holding your views but you are the greatest example of the characteristics and virtue of a coward.