NO! The Economy Is NOT 'Booming', Government Lies, Thousands More Jobs Being Lost


If the U.S. economy is “booming” and very bright days are ahead, then why are many large US corporations laying off thousands of workers?

Layoffs are starting to come fast and furious now, and this is happening even though the government denies the US is in a depression or great recession. Of course many are convinced that we are actually in a recession at this moment. In fact, according to John Williams of if the government was actually using honest numbers they would show that we have been in a recession for quite some time. But the narrative that the mainstream media keeps feeding us is that the U.S. economy is “doing well” and that the outlook for the future is positive. Well, if that is true then why are big companies laying off so many workers right now?

Let’s start by talking about Ford Motor Company. On Monday, they announced that they will be laying off approximately 7,000 workers…

Ford Motor said Monday that it is laying off about 7,000 managers and other salaried employees, about 10% of its white-collar workforce across the globe, as part of a restructuring plan designed to save the No. 2 automaker $600 million annually.

The cuts, some of which were previously announced by the company, will be completed by August, Ford CEO Jim Hackett said in an email to employees Monday.

Another large firm that is laying off thousands of workers is Nestle…

Nestle SA’s U.S. unit will dismiss about 4,000 workers as it stops delivering frozen pizza and ice cream directly to stores and transitions to a warehouse model that’s becoming an industry standard for Big Food companies looking to trim costs.

And we also recently learned that 3M is planning to get rid of about 2,000 workers…

3M plans to cut 2,000 globally as part of a restructuring due to a slower-than-expected 2019.

The maker of Post-it notes, industrial coatings and ceramics said Thursday that the move is expected to save about $225 million to $250 million a year. The St. Paul Minnesota-based company anticipates a pretax charge of about $150 million, or 20 cents per share, this year.

Did you catch that part about these layoffs being due to “a slower-than-expected 2019”?

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The only real wealth in a nationwide fiat ponzi scheme: land ownership, nearby sources of fresh water and food, physical assets and precious metals. Those are the only REAL wealth you are going to find in a system like this to protect your ass when it all collapses. Stocks, bonds, ETFs, paper money, digital money it will all be devalued garbage no longer worth anything.


That is correct. REAL NEWS. Confirmed by OP. Stamped with approval from the Foundation United Constitutional Kin Of Freedom Fighters.

Literally all of these companies can crash and burn for all I give half a fuck. They're all part of the corporate globalist agenda to sell the US for scrap and turn over global economic control to the red chinese. Call it growing pains for the new American century, bitches.

I can agree with that. There will be some hardship if we are going to be forced to re-industrialize, but once we do, things will be a lot better economically.

Because the media is lying to the boomers so that they won’t pull out their investments,

Attached: amazon-gif.gif (616x335, 2.66M)

Thats why we need to Boycott Amazon. I've done my duty. Have you?

Reminder that its the central banking ponzi schemes that really loots whole nations and their workers in the end by debasing their currency through mass fraud, debt insolvency, loan sharking and legalized counterfeiting. And they fund both sides of every war too so no matter who wins, they win and you lose.

You better believe it buddy.

It's because logistics and many other jobs are being replaced by automation. Modern warehouses are almost entirely operated by robots and maintenance guys now.

Well they're destroying our society. Boycott all these major companies then!

Not really, since it creates new jobs for people have to maintain our new robot overlords.
It's not that different we're just replacing zogbot drones with actual robots.

I'm sure the retards who can only work labor and the kids just starting out getting job experience can immediately jump into the robotics field with no cost or time investments to make up for all the loss.

Thats the problem. I tell you what. I'm going to support the companies that do not automate and still hire people, and I will boycott those that I find out automate things. Same as the local diners or bars. Humans for hire or I won't support them at all. Everyone needs to start doing this because by thinking this way, we save our own society from rapid decline.

Automation is going to make poverty skyrocket: IF we allow it to by supporting those who do it.

Third world, here we come.

That's a social mobility issue, if it's difficult to retrain then it does create problems.

When's the last time you've worked somewhere that's properly staffed? I'm a hobbyist guy by nature, and none of my hobbies are particularly financially productive, so I usually keep to entry jobs. I have never once, in my entire work history, worked anywhere in restaurants or retail that actually bring in the minimum required employees to complete daily goals, and you're always getting less than 30 hours a week (often less than 20)

If that's not a sign that we're still in the shitter, I don't know what is, and this trend isn't getting better. People are just taking on 2 or 3 jobs to make do.

there's your problem bud, you work in two dying industries

Those two are the most basic supply/demand chains, when they die you already have collapsed industries and live in a third world country. So what you just said is proving this OP to be 100% correct.

PS: governments are ALWAYS the last to admit the countries they occupy have become "third world shitholes" so be forewarned. They deny it till they day they themselves fall.

Listening to interviews with people like the guy who runs uber is pretty scary.

He envisages a world with about 100 working people. Millions of robots doing the work and over 10 billion people whose only purpose is to exist and consume.

These rich lefty tech lunatics have no idea that this system just won't work. Do the math someday. Its simple. How is the government funded? Taxpayers! Who pays taxes? Workers with income. How do corporations make money? Consumers! Who consumes their products/services? Again. Workers with income.

So now imagine taking the workers with income OUT of this equation. No more tax revenue for governments. No more consumers growing net profits for corporations. Result? Everything implodes! You could tax the corporations like 50% to keep this rotten despotic system going, but the corporations would be losing money hand over fist regardless of their robots and maintenance crews!

Its not just that simple either, unfortunately for the big tech oligarchy. The standard economic system is now GLOBAL. This means to have this kind of world, you need 100% global consensus to follow this shitty despotic technocracy they desire. What happens when, say, countries like Russia and/or China tell them to go eat crow? lol! Then they may be able to try this in some countries, but everyone in those countries would be migrating to greener pastures where they don't have to starve, where they could make a living, an income! These technocrats seem completely delusional about how economics really work! I suspect these big tech companies are much, much more heavily government-subsidized that I already suspected, leading to delusions of grandeur of just how REAL economies actually work?

Online retail is stronger than ever, its in-person retail stores that are dying, genius. That's not a sign of a dying economy, it's the sign of changing consumer preferences

Tell us more, user.

Oh great, so we'll have Big Tech monopolies dictating what we can or cannot buy soon, spying on all our financial transactions? I'd much prefer supporting the local chains and any ma & pa shops that still exist. I don't know about you but I'm going to keep supporting the businesses that hire American workers till I end up 6 feet deep.

I presume he expects the big corporations to fund society with the money they saved from not having to employ people. So giant corporations would be the only places that make money. They pay that money to the government and the government redistributes it to people who then pay the corporations for goods and services.
Obviously that means him and his cronies will be able to hold everyone else to ransom.

It scares me because the people proposing this insane stuff actually have power, wealth and influence right now.

No. There are millions of independent retailers online and the significantly lower overhead for online retail makes it easier for small, independent businesspeople to start a store.
this is defacto state policy already. what do you think the NSA and IRS are doing all day?
I do too, and i also support independent online retailers as well. But fewer and fewrer people think the way we do, so don't get too attaches to the ma and pa shop down the road. You may have to get stufd from their website soon

I've been avoiding them for years already.