Man Falls Into Art Installation Called Descent Into Limbo:Artist-Wile E Coyote

Art can sometimes play tricks on the mind thanks to optical illusions, although rarely does this kind of art put anyone in real danger.

But one art installation did, as a man visiting the Fundação de Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art in Porto, Portugal on Aug. 13 accidentally fell into the work of famed artist Anish Kapoor titled Descent Into Limbo — which features a hole in the ground made to look like a mere spot on the floor.

The visitor — reportedly an Italian man in his 60s — allegedly wanted to see if the void was indeed just that and subsequently fell about eight feet to the bottom of the installation. To the illusion’s credit, there were multiple caution signs set up around the piece as well as a guard tasked with keeping visitors away from the hole.

Although the man did have to be hospitalized after the fall, a spokesperson for the museum told Artnet News that “The visitor has already left the hospital and he is recovering well.”

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great show! where did he go?

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That must be a lot of fucking paint for it to appear circular at multiple angles. Those things typically look wonky if there's not enough paint.

I find increasing solace in the fact this planet will eventually be struck by an asteroid and all record of this clown world will be buried under a mountain of ice and rock

fuck you pleb

the hole was an optical illusion that took a lot of work to create

it took very little work to convince you that you are redpilled

you are inferior

That's even worse. Instead of applying his free time into learning anatomy and trying to make something beautiful, instead he wastes it by making a hole. What a retard.

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Mabey we could put jews in there

Nobody fell into anything, this is a painting, and this story is propaganda to drive sales. That's how jews create art…by selling lies.

I always love traps like these. These people are the reason there's warnings on shit like hair dryers that say "do not use underwater or while asleep". You put something clearly dangerous there, surround it by signs saying "DON'T DO X", and some retard goes and does X. We should have more of these to weed out the coddled retards ruining everything that would normally get removed from the gene pool via hazards in a natural setting.

Probably a S. Italian nigger of the like is spamming 8ch with the med kike bullshit.

the only hole you're good at making is the empty space that you make in this world with you're existence

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it's a god damn ficking hole you branelet, not a painting

no the insides of the hole are painted, so if that's what you meant, than I'll suck your cock

probably the stoopidest remark i've ever had to one of my posts

If you're under 15, forgive me child, and i'll suck your cock

That is what he meant you cocksucker



I love interactive art like this, where one can fall into it

I just came up with this "art". It's called The Ultimate Dilemma, and consists of a gas chamber with a dollar bill in the center.

I'd say that's worth the risk goy

so do i

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Animals are not beautiful.

I have bad news about your brain… there's a hole where it should be
I'd tell you to go back to school and learn proper
English but I'd be wasting my breath

Jump off a cliff for ever saving that shit onto your HDD

your right about my spelling

but you still need to make room for a more productive person

What if he is just high or drunk?

What if he is just making a facetious comment on some ambiguous user board, so he doesn't care about his optics right this moment…

What if that individual has been stuck in a failed education system where his very existence has been punished and discouraged for his entire life, and the sadistic pseudo educators are slowing driving him into a suicidal funk?

What if you're a retarded loser whose only accomplishments in life is appreciating shitty art on a shitty image board properly with proper English?

What the fuck ever. At least I'm not pretending I'm anything more.

thank you for defending me user

but you sound mentially handicapped and should be steralized soasnot to pollute the gene pool

forgive me if you're a foreign speaker,and i'll suck your uncut cock

Better yet, put inside a gold bar like pic related, but made of fool's gold.

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From what I understand, A big hole with a sign saying "do not fall in big hole" is a perfect trap for Italians.