​Why Are So Many Mass Shootings Committed by Young White Men?

"The tragic mass shooting at an historic black church in Charleston fits an all-too-familiar pattern in modern America where the most entrenched class is prone to violence.

When Dylann Storm Roof ended Bible study at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in South Carolina and unleashed a hurricane of bullets, he secured himself a place in the dark history of young, white American males who kill strangers indiscriminately. Of course, we've known for some time that most violent crimes are committed by young people, and that men are more violence-prone than women, but in recent cases like Roof's, Sandy Hook's Adam Lanza, and the Aurora Theater's James Holmes, it seems like this newer breed of psychopath is more dangerous than its predecessors."


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OP is a communist nigger lover.

White men smell the stink of subhuman shitskin filth and feel the need to remove filth.


Get the fuck out lampshade

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A mass shooting is considered 3 or more fatalities whether or not it is premeditated, thus niggers shoot shit up (and miss) far more than White males who are usually busy taking care of their own. You are a pussybitch intern from VICE and an ultra cuck. Tell Elle Reeve to come interview me, so I can sell her pussy to The Cartel and have her tortured to death. Faggot.

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>why does the (((media))) not count nigger gang shootings as mass shootings

Minorities have real problems to deal with and know their lives and legacies will only get worse if they commit mass violence.

White kids are spoiled, have no real adversities to overcome, and tend to mistake their own lack of passion and motivation for the world conspiring against them.

Gangs don’t target non gang victims like mosques and elementary schools and movie theaters. When they kill kids and bystanders it’s accidental.

Then go shoot up a college then, virgin boy

Becaise niggers have a sense of brotherhood whereas honkies don't

Because then they'd have a new mass shooting every other day. They wouldn't be able to exploit any of them as they wouldn't have the time to play it up for maximum feels and people would just stop giving a shit about the term pretty rapidly.

real problems like the government handing them everything on a plate? or real problems like being displaced in their homelands? You can try and denigrate the heroes but you can never detract from their heroic sacrifice

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hmmm i wondere. nothing bad will happen if you provoke civil war 2.0 right?

Wasn't the last mass shooting a black guy? lol?

Someone should make one of these for white population and compare it to prove the difference with statistics.

They're just more efficient at it and it gets more attention. Way more people get shot via here.

ISIS is just like a big jewish gang tbh. Brenton was targetting one of their safe houses.

Your thread just got Craddock'd.

Niggers travel in bunches, not packs. Fuck a bunch of niggers.
