Studies show the Rich are greedy, dishonest and cheat,which came 1st: greed or money?

There's a wealth of psychological research that correlates wealthy people in the real world with negative traits like
Rudeness (people driving fancier cars are less considerate of pedestrians and their likelihood of cutting off another driver is correlated to the cost of the driver's car)

Greed (rich people take more candies out of dishes set aside for kids than poor people);

Generalized unethical behavior; Cheating at games of chance; and overall stinginess.

One possible explanation for all this is that getting rich is easier if you're dishonest, lack empathy, and cheat whenever you think you can get away with it.

But consider that in a rigged Monopoly game,
players who won due to an obviously unfair advantage (being given twice as much starting money and twice as many dice-rolls) acted like dicks throughout the whole game, and then boasted about their "brilliant tactics, their finesse at the game of monopoly and their daring moves."

So maybe the causation goes the other way: maybe getting rich is mostly a matter of dumb luck, which we justify for ourselves by convincing ourselves of our superiority, which leads to us treating others as inferiors.

But why are they more likely to cheat, lie and to cut off pedestrians? And why are they less likely to give to charity?

It may be in part because they are cut off from the reality of poverty – living in an upper-class bubble. But primarily the researchers found that greed is actually viewed more favourably in upper-class communities.

“We reason that increased resources and independence from others cause people to prioritise self-interest over others’ welfare and perceive greed as positive and beneficial, which in turn gives rise to increased unethical behaviour,” the researchers concluded.

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something something corrupts, something something else corrupts absolutely…or something like that

absolute power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely

if you're so smart. why aint you rich?

Rule of Acquisition #10:

Greed is eternal.

It probably doesn’t help that the penalties for shitty behavior seem to decrease as a person’s income level rises. It disinhibits, like anonymity on the internet.

Once a person realizes at any level of consciousness that the cost of hitting some schmuck with a car can be wiped away with a bit of money – and not enough money to make a dent in the driver’s wealth – then the schmucks are in trouble.

▶Anonymous (You) 05/30/19 (Thu) 21:05:48 No.2904728>>2904731

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The place I used to work was owned by a millionaire. I heard stories about how he would go to lunch with upper management, and he would fill his pockets with sugar packets, jellies, anything not nailed down, pretty much. Maybe it was just him, or maybe it’s a common personality trait among the wealthy? Don’t pay for something if you don’t have to, and take everything you can.

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Greed drives the accumulation of wealth. Some greedy people are just really unlucky or not too bright so then they’re just regular jerks. There are also stories of winners of lotteries who end up broke in a year because they threw too many parties for their friends.

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So maybe the causation goes the other way: maybe getting rich is mostly a matter of dumb luck, which we justify for ourselves by convincing ourselves of our superiority, which leads to us treating others as inferiors?

you must be rich you so smart

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I would say both. Greedy unethical behavior helped them get ahead in the first place. They saw that it worked well for making money, so they did it even more and saw even better results. So it became a positive feedback loop between behaving like a kike and getting rich. The next thing they know they have converted or married into Judaism.

He doesn't have to be "rich", just have enough to accomplish whatever goals he may have. Money itself is not the end for most people, unless they've been brainwashed.

There is a text hidden on the net that is the original 'Capitalist Manifesto' that the founding fathers used to create the current system. In this text it is stated from the beginning that the system was devised by devout Christians to be a fundamentally perfect paradox.

1. The system was designed around interactions with pockets of hundreds of people => overriding this to serve millions catered to modern efficiency model, but destroyed the value of agency/employment choice/competition and allowed for swings major/minor to potentially serve the death sentence by starvation to millions of Americans.
2. The basis of 'profit' was originally a discouragement as profits can only be achieved by knowingly taking advantage of somebody. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR A 'RICH' PERSON TO BE INNOCENT.
3. The system was based on wage grading. An executive made the most, but they were somewhat evenly paid with minimal disparity. It is now common for a film executive to earn 10+ million and a banking executive to earn 100+ million. THIS IS CLEAR EVIDENCE OF MONOPOLY BECAUSE ONLY BY INTEGRATION CAN A CHAIN LADDER OCCUR. This devalues the bottom eg. burger flippers and janitors.
4. Because agency was eliminated by making participation mandatory efficiency model (which destroyed Rome and others) set in causing catastrophic failure of competition and extreme declines in entrepreneurship, which the freedoms guaranteed in the constitution are appended to. This is why companies can overturn you're free speech by paper as a condition of employment.

I could go on…

Go on then.
Too bad you don't do it in a place where people are ever likely to see it. The subject matter is more interesting than Zig Forumsormal.

fair and equal trade

I'm touring boards this weekend, I'm your 5th visitor. Post it.

Lol, some idiot is spouting dime store wisdom.

Yeah good always dehumanize the enemy, you holy makers of justice by redistribution of colored piece of paper.

The following steps of enlightenment for you:

It's not about money, it's wealth.
It's not about wealth, it's power.
It's not about power, it's control.
It's not about control, it's devil worship.

In the meantime, friendly reminder that
- the truly rich flee before real trouble knocks at the door
- those that remain become poor
- after all those above you become poor you will be the rich one

have fun, useful idiots.

(((studies))) also show negro men are shot more by police when the real data shows they're shot less often per crime rate and per capita than whites.

I have the answer of which came 1st

please bear the length and read, as it may change your life

I am the prophet known as (sac) and SHE has spoken to me

There are only the 3 religions that came out of the demonic influence of the one Semitic tribe

Judeo-Christian religions

Jews, Christians and Muslims

These 3 religions are responsible for every evil in the world today


Satan appeared as a burning bush unto Moses/ Zoroaster and said, "There is only one god, and I am he(she wore a false beard), and Ye must spread this word

The word was spread at the point of a sword and ,well, it's still happening today
An example:
Hindus just wanted to be left to do their hindooing, and the Muslims invaded and slaughtered

Satan saw and she smiled, but the great winged one saw that one day the humans would fly high and dig low and see that she was the mother of all lies so she had step 2 to do

Now, she looked about and she saw how her original children, theJews suffered in the lands of the other 2 off shoots of her original idea and she had multiple orgasms and after she had these orgasms, she saw that there was still a part of the earth that did not suffer from her influence as much she liked(and the digging and flying high stuff)
So she came up with
Step 2:

She appeared to the Jews as a giant golden shekel with a false beard and she said, "Oh my children, they have driven ye from yor land and destroyed the temple, and if Ye want to inherit the earth and be chosen like I said you would, then you must worship me as I appear before you in this form, known as Mamom".
She spake and even spoke further:
"And a great nation will rise up in the west which will be controlled by you, the first of my children, and the entire nation will worship me, through you".

"And this nation will someday return your homeland, the promised land"
Thus the last great offshoot of the Judeo-Christian tradition was born

Judaism>Christianity>Islam>Mamom(aka greed)

The last of these Satanic religions to hold to the old idea of spreading the idea of Allah(may I kiss her feet) is Islam.

Although mammon shat oil under them to corrupt them, it's still goanna take a little time.

Now, unlike, what some people think, Satan doesn't want all this to end in some big nuclear ball of fire, or fizzle out in some climate catastrophe.
No, she is the biggest supporter now of middle eat peace and taxation for saving the planet from climate catastrophe.

Satan is a parasite after all who feeds off the suffering of sentient beings , and you don't want to kill the host,

Another name for her is 'Gaia'

Every planet in the universe with sentient life has it;s own Satan

And all these little Satans are a neural network that make up the "Great Satan" of the multiverse

It's known as the 'big bang theory

it states that

A series of she satans are big gang banging the multiverse and using the universal jew(EG Earth jews or the ferengi) as their proxies to do it

How do we come out from under her influence?
Fucked if I know
I am her prophet after all

Thus the prophet (sac) has bespaken the words of the thing I was just discussing

Hello 5th visitor
I will be your guide during your short stay here

I am the prophet (sac) and if you want to know eggZactlyˢʰᶦᵗᵐᵃʳᵏ what Zig Forums is about,read this

Fuck the nigger-jew-bitch alliance

It doesn't help that a fringe radical group of Jewish fundamentalists did takeover the media of the era. As a result a series of communist investigations were launched within the entertainment industry. It is a known fact that executives threw their actors and underlings under the bus, then when the whole thing blew over they went back to 'agenda as usual.' Over the decades they shrouded their wrongdoing by releasing film and television that demonized the governments attempt to quash them.

Every billionaire is a policy failure.