Trump Slaps 5% Tariff On Mexican Goods, Will Increase Until Mexico Helps Prevent Border Invasions

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In a surprise announcement that could compromise a major trade deal, President Donald Trump announced Thursday that he is slapping a 5% tariff on all Mexican imports to pressure the country to do more to crack down on the surge of illegal invaders crossing the border.

He said the percentage will gradually increase “until the Illegal Immigration problem is remedied.”

Trump made the announcement by tweet after telling reporters earlier Thursday that he was planning “a major statement” that would be his “biggest” so far on the border.

“On June 10th, the United States will impose a 5% Tariff on all goods coming into our Country from Mexico, until such time as illegal migrants coming through Mexico, and into our Country, STOP. The Tariff will gradually increase until the Illegal Immigration problem is remedied,” he wrote, “at which time the Tariffs will be removed.”

Trump has accused the Mexican government of failing to do enough to crack down on the surge of hostile invaders who have been flowing to the US from third world shitholes including El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala.

The White House said Trump would be using the International Emergency Economic Powers Act to implement the tariff.

“If the illegal migration crisis is alleviated through effective actions taken by Mexico, to be determined in our sole discretion and judgment, the Tariffs will be removed,” the White House said in a statement.

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Hopefully they'll get the message and finally crack down on these caravans.

Who cares about somebodies Sim Coty 2000 ecomonny


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At least its something, something must be done. The border wall needs to be built already, the fact it is not shows the complete CONTEMPT they have for the American people and our nation!

what a crap move. tariff on top of tariff. hurts economy [that'll kill trump + make us look stupid for supporting it}. but a build up of us troops on iran's border!>>781604

I don't know whether this is part of the deliberate destabilization as well, or just complete utter desperation knowing he presides in a failed, rapidly declining Empire. Perhaps his ties with Israeli lobbyists and big banks are very tell tale signs it could be the first. Or there is the slight possibility (although hard to believe) that this is utter desperation and he may even intend to collapse the economic system, presiding over its bankruptcy/defaults after a 2020 win.

No, it is racism. Xenophobia of brown people. Plain and simple.

Kids these days. user, America has suffered worse than Trump. Its economic situation blows commie blackbag China and boldface-criminal-oligarchy Russia out of the water. Please, do entertain us with more bullshit you pulled out of the corner of your mouth after you got done blowing the Kremlin.

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look at the numbers it's a genuine concern

as the labor pool decrease the wages go up thus encouraging more immigration. Since Trump has been elected my job's starting rate has increase two whole dollars an hour.
ya'll NEETs need to join the labor force.



I MAY just be crazy enough to work. Who knows? I guess he is hitting them where they are most vulnerable: their stock portfolios.

Trump being a useless fucking faggot.

Real news is back in town.

Trump is not the one comprimising the Trade deal. Democrats doing not a Damn thing about the Open Border n resisting any form of "doing work' besides anti-Trump shit.
Are the reason for the Tariffs to Mexico.
Trump has given Mexico n @DNC

Media n Democrats in DC are the only ones (Not aware) that America has a illegal problem at the border.
democrats just Run their Mouths n do Nothing. Media picks up on the 'Run your mouth' of the Dems.
When you PAY the Media. They will say anything you want them to.

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Trump is backed into a corner, both commie Dems and cuckservative RINOs want open borders. Remember: when RINOs were in control of both chambers of Congress, they didn't do jack shit to help fix this mess either. All of them refused wall funding!

Trump needs to get brass balls tough and needs to just stop backing down. Don't sign any legislation or budget until he gets that funding. As with Mexico, keep increasing the tariffs every month until this stops, increase it by 5% to 10% to 20% to 40% if need be. Hit them till they can't do anything anymore and their blood money starts getting cut off. Hit them for their jugular, even if there is massive collateral damage done to all economies on Earth. This cannot continue.

And this all goes to say…. IF Trump is for real and not playing us like fools, which I highly suspect is the case.

Good. Can't wait for Mexico's economy to collapse.

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