Philippines President Duterte Publicly Confesses That He "Used to be Gay" But Now He's "Cured"

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte claimed this week he “cured” himself of being gay.

During a speech in Tokyo on Thursday, Duterte claimed Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV, a frequent critic of his, was gay based on the way he moves.

“Trillanes and I are similar, but I cured myself,” Duterte said, according to the Rappler, a Filipino news publication.

“For me, I only [want] beautiful [women] now, I don’t want handsome [men] anymore. Beautiful [women] only,” he added.

Duterte said that he “became a man again” when he began a relationship with his former wife, Elizabeth Zimmerman.

“Duterte is gay. So I am gay, I don't care if I'm gay or not,” he later said.

The president’s positions on homosexuality have been inconsistent. Before he was elected president, he expressed support for legalizing same-sex marriage and said the Bible should have recognized homosexuality. Once elected, he backed away from legalizing same-sex marriage.

In 2016, Duterte called Philip Goldberg, the U.S. ambassador to the Philippines, “gay” and a “son of a whore.”

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Homos are gross and you can't ungay yourself. One gay act and you're a queer for life in my book

no, i sucked cock and got ass fucked and did some ass fucking, but i as never more than 50% faggot, and as i got older, im no about 25% homo
I get a twing from big black cock occasionally aand my mouth waters, but it goes away

so basically, he's not homophobic ?
what a based man
Duerte for USA president

oh, this guy likes a lil cock on the side still

Since it's known that this shit doesn't work, he's an overcompensating faggot.

You're son doesn't count Johnny

Gays should never be leaders. I don't care what country they are from, even if it's a shithole like the Philippines. Gays should never lead anything because by definition they are mentally ill!!

I agree. Good thing he cured himself!

Philippines has a massive ladyboys epidemic, sometimes you can't tell who's a ldayboy and who's not

maybe this is what he meant by a handsomeman

handsome & beautiful in flip lingo are similar

dR (SAC) Ph.D Philologist

same thing happened for me. people don't believe it but you can cure yourself. pussy is so much better too bros.

I've lost all respect for this fag.

Zig Forums btfo yet again

isn't this a big no no in Freemasonry ? (you're not supposed to question / switch sexuality)

What's this wily old son of a bitch up to ? He's trolled the Catholoic Church, maybe he's having a crack at freemasonry now

Criticizing Duterte is now homophobic.

There's ways can measure levels of sexual attraction a person is experiencing when looking at someone. I wonder if he would submit to testing at all, though if it came out that he likes men the results would probably be censored in some way.

Pederasty isn't cured

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a Straight woman,If given a choice between you and any woman in the world, will turn lez

yu are the cure

Dr (sac) has diagnosed

Homosexuality is just immaturity. Just sex without the responsibility of reproduction. It shouldn't be idealized, nor should it freak anyone out.

You can ungay and untrap yourself.
The solution is not biological.
It is one of honor, and respect for your bloodline.
National-Socialism reverses degeneracy.

It is not about who you find attractive. It is about having a family.

To be fair, though, if you can't satisfy your wife you're subjecting her to a cruel fate.

Females are breeding machines.
Their happiness does not matter.

It sounds to me like he wanted extra progressive votes when running for election, and now that he's won he's backpedaling.
Using their own tactics against them.

If you fuck good she'll have more babies.

Based Duterte. Commie SJWs BTFO again.