I don't see whats so funny about adding injury to insult. OP, hopefully one day this will be you and you can see how "funny" it is.
Isaiah Scott
If I were the parent of one of these kids: punish my kid and tell the other parents to do the same, take away their iphones for a couple years, chores without any allowance for another year or so, and what was going to be their future allowance used to buy that poor old man another tent and a free meal. With a forced apology by the kid. This is what would have happened back in my day.
Nolan Edwards
Based children cleaning up the streets.
Jeremiah King
No, they are just causing more pollution, damage to property, attacking innocent people who have done nothing wrong and, possibly, wasting taxpayer money if there were a lawsuit filed against the State for neglecting their duties to protect the public.
These kids are spoiled brats, likely some to end up in the same situation as these homeless men today as economic situations get much worse as they grow up. A perfect example of declining moral, arrogance, hubris, lack of judgment, parental pampering and societal decay which we see on a daily basis in the Western World.
Daniel Gomez
So hilarious that you get 6 years in prison for doing it. Goodbye school, hello youth detention facility.
Ryder Butler
I see 4 girls and a nigger. Where's the video?
Joshua Cooper
I’d rather watch this generation hunt down the filth on the streets than sit around engaging in degenerate activities like video games and Netflix
Juan Thomas
The REAL scum are the foreign mobs entering the country, being enriched by welfare at the expense of hardworking taxpayers, one of the same failed governmental policies that is increasing taxes and bankrupting average workers like yourself which ironically could one day put you out on the street too. See how this PSYOP works? Deliberate Destabilization.
Benjamin Thomas
With Torah in hand, all as planned, to kill off the white man.
Andrew Hall
fuck niggers
Jason Rodriguez
lol maybe the hobo shouldnt live in their town.
Ryder Peterson
I think he's being sarcastic
Ayden Parker
based boomer
Robert Bailey
and redpilled
Jonathan Harris
Every member of those foreign mobs that I've met has worked a hard, low skill and low pay manual labor job. The real solution is to band together with those foreign mobs and collectively demand more from our corporate and governmental overlords.
Blake Taylor
Pick one redditfaggot.
Alexander Wood
This OP now He is psycho;ogicaly homeless in that he is a sociopath
Nathan Moore
How about those foreign mobs fix their own shithole countries with their hard work ethic and we'll continue to do fine without them in ours? Also, how about you kill yourself you race traitor boomer?
Hunter Brooks
Who is the op? The headline is degenerate. Stop trying to make Zig Forums look bad, Al Jazeera.
Michael Williams
Bait headline. Fuck off back to cuckchan, thanks. These little shits need to have their homes set on fire in compensation. If i were homeless I'd follow these kids home, pan handle enough money, and go to work in the evening. If you've lost everything, might as well go all in for revenge.