Border Hopping Meximonkey Kids Curbstomped as Trump Refuses to Pay for Their Beaner Soccer Classes

The Trump administration is canceling English classes, recreational programs and legal aid for unaccompanied minors staying in federal migrant shelters nationwide, saying the immigration influx at the southern border has created critical budget pressures.

The Office of Refugee Resettlement has begun discontinuing the funding stream for activities — including soccer — that have been deemed “not directly necessary for the protection of life and safety, including education services, legal services, and recreation,” said U.S. Health and Human Services spokesman Mark Weber.

Federal officials have warned Congress that they are facing “a dramatic spike” in unaccompanied minors at the southern border and have asked Congress for $2.9 billion in emergency funding to expand shelters and care. The program could run out of money in late June, and the agency is legally obligated to direct funding to essential services, Weber said.

The move — revealed in an email an HHS official sent to licensed shelters last week, a message that has been obtained by The Washington Post — could run afoul of a federal court settlement and state licensing requirements that mandate education and recreation for minors in federal custody. Carlos Holguin, a lawyer who represents minors in a long-running lawsuit that spurred a 1997 federal court settlement that sets basic standards of care for children in custody, immediately slammed the cuts as illegal.

“We’ll see them in court if they go through with it,” Holguin said. “What’s next? Drinking water? Food? . . . Where are they going to stop?”

More than 40,800 unaccompanied children have been placed into HHS custody after crossing the U.S.-Mexico border this year, a 57 percent increase from last year that is putting ORR on track to care for the largest number of minors in the program’s history. Federal law requires the Department of Homeland Security to move unaccompanied minors from austere border jails to more child-appropriate shelters, and they must do so swiftly.

An average of 12,500 children and youths were held in federal shelters nationwide in April, according to HHS. They stayed an average of 48 days until a case worker could place them with a sponsor, usually a relative. While they wait in the shelters, minors attend school, study math and English and participate in extracurricular activities such as ping-pong, soccer or other sports.

Most of the minors are teenagers fleeing violence and poverty in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

An HHS official sent an email Thursday to shelters across the country notifying them that the government will not pay for education or recreational activities retroactive to May 22, including related personnel costs. The official characterized those costs as “unallowable."

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Send them back. We have enough low IQ, violence-prone nonwhites in this country already.

fr, what is with this administration. why the fuck can't we just put them back where they belong?

The Democrat half of the globalist cabal wants votes and more ethnic groups to leverage for Balkanization and cultural collapse. The Republican half of the globalist cabal wants to replace the American populace with a low-skill, low-IQ labor force that can be easily economically exploited and controlled. About 50% of the American population has been propagandized into self-flagellation and self-hatred to the point they are practically begging to be cucked by the third world. So, basically, the ruling class has lots to gain from this type of unfettered immigration and the stockholm syndrome leftists are their Renfields.

Hola Hola gibs de la socca bolla

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Obviously not. Because those things are "necessary for the protection of life and safety".

If they were concerned about safety, they wouldn't let these animals into the country in the first place.

Anytime a state or city school board complains about budget cuts, direct them to situations like this where money was wasted on illegal alien non citizens. Rub it in the public's face every fucking time until it clicks in their minds.

Forget municipal boards. Be sure to remind negroes that there's no money for the inner cities but their liberal rulers are frothing at the mouth to dump money into education and entertainment foe illegals


And this site is chock full of low iq violence prone whites. So what? At least they’re ambitious.

The real news here for me is the fact they even provide any of this shit to them to begin with. Like holy fuck, they should be using them as slave labor, not giving them all these programs that I a legal citizen don't even get.

then let them stay in their own shithole country and use that ambition to fix the problems there.

No it's not. This site is notorious for how peaceful it is and for taunting each other to do violence they never do. While niggers don't need any reason or motivation and will just do violent acts for no fucking reason at all unprovoked and all.

If you love spics so much go live under the fucking cartels in one of their countries.

actual news

Why the hell are we paying for their soccer classes in the first place when there are tons of Americans that are on the verge of bankruptcy today?

OP is a daddy cock loving bigot who aint even funny

They're training your replacement

Oh you are? Shame on you.

magnificent choice, absolutely a good decision.
america first it's the path of righteousness !
and this is no usanon typing here.
godspeed and god bless to all honest u.s. americans !

Yes, but this is a slap on the wrist. Its not winning a war, or even a battle, its merely scoffing in the face of a mass invasion force with Anti-American traitors backing it. This either gets stopped, and soon, or the US faces inevitable third world destruction. Which I am well prepared for that to happen, and will not be caught off-guard when it does.

What's next? Prison?

pathetic title loser
Jumpin Mexicani jr beaners refried as Trump refuses to pay soccer classes

You are not funny


If we treat them great when they get here then they'll never leave and many more will come. If we separate the families and make sure the kids can't even play soccer then maybe the rest will think twice before they invade our space and our lives. So it's a good thing that these kids are being treated so poorly.

That would require more digging than in Holes.