Thanks To Demonrat Poverty Pimps Of Commiefornia, Third World Disease Is Now Back In America

As the homeless population in Los Angeles grows, so does the unfortunate revival of many third world diseases…

Despite hundreds of millions of dollars flowing through Los Angeles to stem the rising tide of homelessness, a resurgence of medieval diseases has the city – and neighboring states – on edge. Typhoid fever and typhus, borne by fleas, body lice, and feces, are turning the once glitzy and glamorous city into a third-world worthy environment.

Yes, Typhoid Mary is back, in a sense, living on the streets and wreaking havoc on unsuspecting people in the State.

These diseases, along with an uptick in tuberculosis, hepatitis A, and staph, are easily and rapidly spread and have wide-reaching consequences. They’re highly contagious and can infect anyone through casual contact.

An LAPD officer was recently diagnosed with typhoid, and several other city employees are exhibiting the classic symptoms of high fever, muscle pain, and weakness. Left untreated, the disease can be fatal – and let’s face it: The malady wiped out entire populations during the Dark Ages and took a heavy toll on American Civil War soldiers and early American settlers. Some historians blame the malaise for obliterating the Jamestown settlement.

Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority recently released a report showing 59,000 people living on the streets in Los Angeles County – a 12% increase since 2018 – with 36,300 of them within the city limits of Los Angeles. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), reports that “California accounted for 30% of all people experiencing homelessness as individuals” throughout the United States.

The progress of these once eradicated and near eradicated diseases is so alarming that the politicians who once spent copious amounts of time covering up the warts and putrid pustules in their liberally run cities and state are now showing disbelief and disgust.

Voters passed Propositions 47 (2014) and 57 (2016), downgrading theft and drug offenses to misdemeanors and redefining many felonies from violent to nonviolent to release a horde of inmates – some addicted to drugs and suffering from now untreated mental illness.

And they wonder why there are so many people on the streets living, sleeping, and breathing surrounded by urine-soaked sidewalks and piles of human feces?

Garcetti is doubling down on his homeless housing project, but his highest hurdle is his choice for building sites. It seems no Angeleno wants drugs, typhus, and hepatitis bubbling and festering on their own block. A short story made long, aside from Proposition HHH, there is no solid plan to curb the worsening rotting of Los Angeles.

Here we are in the throes of the 21st century with running water, inoculations for just about every known malady of the last millennia, and welfare programs to heal the poorest of our citizens. Yet Los Angeles remains a hot, malodorous, infectious mess – and it could be spreading toward a city near you.

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You're next, Texas.

From what I've heard things are pretty bad in Texas, what a shame too. Used to be a great place and destination spot for a while. I'm sure Texas still has some decent small towns still, but with the third world invasions and all that won't last too much longer.


I jerked off to a video of a person stomping out a homless nigger.

I jus came in to share some Sage Wine & Sage Derby Cheese with you, Satan.

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You can eliminate typhoid by boiling your drinking and cooking water for 1 minute. Actual boiling though and actually for 1 minute.

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Splendid. How does one fight these diseases?
Zyklon B.

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Are you clinically retarded or just trying to bait? This is goddamn huge, especially since anti-vax is on the rise. We're literally looking at a cauldron for the next pandemic. Shit, most people's immune systems are already compromised garbage due to standard American diets.

There might have been a point when I cared about stopping this. But at this stage we are beyond saving. We need to have a huge culling of the useless eaters in our civilization before the mutt hoards grow too large. I live far away from the red zones so me and others like me will be able to repopulate after the massive die off and raise the collective IQ of humanity in the process. This cycle has been repeated many times in past civilizations and there is no point in trying to stop it now, we are too far gone to help.

While I'm not totally against the thought, guess how hard it will be to control or stop a bacterium or virus with this many vectors to mutate? There will be no controlling it, new vaccines will need to be made. At that rate we could reach Black Death or Spanish Flu levels. All I'm saying is, you better have some good bodily functions before rolling this dice.

It's not wrong though. Go back to plebbit nigger. You aren't welcome here.

I'm actually going to start using DemonRat right now, it's actually pretty accurate

There isn't a pejorative about liberals et al that isn't accurate.

1 minute is just going to warm it up.

I have thought about these kinds of possibilities too and often feel the same way. Its getting pretty bleak and hopeless, but hang in there and be prepared. All you can do is wait for the shitstorm to really blow over and the chaos to ensue, and at that point it will be eye for an eye, everyone on their own, no holds bars society for a while and you can do what you need to do to ward off threats to yourself and family.

all sages denied

bumping real news

shit news sage

How progressive.

off to commiefornia with you commie
i can't think of any other thing to call it,because i lack any imagination what so ever and believe in B&W literal univers

i are joe friday, only batty

just the facts as i see them, just-kiss-it commie

I copypasted from kikepedia. The people in los angels are very unhygienic and might not know about the basic hygienic rules.

More copypaste.

In other word, if you are infected then you are fucked. It’s not easy to get better user. Wear the insect repellent, don’t own the animals, use insecticidal sprays, stay away from the children because they are very likely to have head lices, vacuum the carpet frequently or remove carpet completely and burn the carpet, refuse anyone to enter your houses, disinfect everything daily, water pressure the front outside floor, plant the mouse traps, boil and filter and reboil the water and wear the Anti-Flea, Tick, & Mosquito Collar.

Yes, Typhoid /killcen/ is back, in a sense, living on the internet streets and wreaking havoc on unsuspecting people in the all over the globe

meet /cringecen/ aka /killcen/




these young see you
really see you, you creepy old guy

You should be playing bingo with the old folks

Zig Forums be /killcen/'s board now lads
He posts and we roasts and toasts


fucking a user

the ol' nail on the head

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you fuck off assholes, or you're gonna drive him back to the bottle and we won't get top tier news
Better than crabs and trump and propane

I like ho you stressed the typhoid mary angle OP
1st rate jounalism

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bad as Redumblican, adolecsant


William Mount coined the term and is 60-something years old now.

true news 2

“So one might imagine that in these countries of freedom and wealth [capitalist democracies], unheard-of public prosperity exists. … On the contrary, in those countries class distinctions are the most crass one could think of: unimaginable poverty on one hand and equally unimaginable riches on the other. These are the lands that control the treasures of the earth … In these lands of so-called democracy, the people are never the primary consideration. Paramount is the existence of those few who pull the strings in a democracy, the several hundred major capitalists. The broad masses don't interest them in the least, except during elections. In these countries money in fact rules. That ultimately means a group of a few hundred persons who possess enormous fortunes. As a result of the singular construction of the state, this group is more or less totally independent and free. . . . Free enterprise this group understands as the freedom not only to amass capital, but especially to use it freely; that is, free from state or national supervision" –Adolf Hitler, address to Berlin armaments workers, December, 1940

i came here just to cringe some more

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nigger do you know what "boiling" means?

Fuck you faggot


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bumping actual news

No, the victims are all Americans you fucking nutcase. These policies are going to lead to the demise of our whole nation you fucking idiot. Enjoy living in the third world as your reserve currency status you take for granted also vanishes in the near future, and everything you worked so hard for becomes inaccessible!

Fortunately most conservatives live in small towns and rural areas…. its the CITIES LIKE LA where most liberals are. And guess what? Thats exactly where these new third world plagues are developing too! Hahahaha! Bad karma I guess. Go right ahead, Commifeornia, take the suicide pill!