Finally!! Proof That God Does Not Exist

(Fox news) - June 16th, 2019
Religious believers worldwaide finally had their questions answered early this morning, when it was conclusively proven that God does not exist.

A consortium of experts who have been debating the existence of God for decades finally completed their final report, and submitted it early Sunday morning on Father's Day.

The report proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that the 'complete inability to prove the existence of god in fact proves that god does not exist', and that the entire concept of 'god' is nothing more then a tradition of delusion and imaginary hocus pocus.

Since all forms of religion are based on imaginary mythological nonsense, the burden of proof is upon those who insist God exists, and the fact that they are unable to provide any proof serves as conclusive evidence that there is no such thing as God.

"I used to tell people that their 'inability to prove god doesn't exist' proves that god DOES exist', but that was just more of the same inside Out retarded rhetorical nonsense my parents and grandparents brainwashed me with when I was a kid," said a former Christian, who ripped his Bible to shreds this morning and flushed the pages down the toilet.

Millions of believers, of every different religion, especially Christians and Muslims were all relieved upon hearing the news this morning. One Christian follower was interviewed as he turned his car around and left the parking lot of his church this morning, deciding not to go inside, "I have repeated the mindless mantra of Christianity ever since I was a kid because that's what my parents used to brainwash me, but in the back of my mind I've known it was bullshit all along."

A Muslim was interviewed as he carried is Quran and prayer mat to the garbage can outside of his house, "just like Christians, we Muslims were all brainwashed by our parents as children, and our parents were also brainwashed when they were children, just like our grandparents had been brainwashed. This is a big relief, because now I finally get to admit that there is no Allah, no God, no Muhammad and no Jesus, no heaven, no Angels, no eternal life, and no virgins waiting for us after we die."

The entire world has today exhaled a sigh of relief, as they are now free of the burden of imaginary religion, and now assume accountability for their own behavior, no longer riddled with shame or guilt or the necessity to attribute reality to an imaginary external entity in the sky.


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…and the proof is?

Highly doubted!

finally! ive been waiting for this news for 2019 years.

real news bump


Just imagine how butthurt you'd have to be to write shitty fanfics like this over someone believing in something that you don't.

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Johnny again? Look at the url if you doubt it. Its either him or someone mimicking him. Considering its not a PicsArt file, it might be someone mimicking him but the fake url is the same style Johnny often used.

That really just sounds like a logical fallacy to me for some reason.

this made me do an inventory of my faith, and I realized that shame & guilt have been the imaginary jail cell I created for myself, afraid to question a belief system that somebody else created, and one that I never truly believed in to begin with.

Literally the same amount of proof that antivaxxers, flat earthers, climate change deniers, and conspiracyfags in general have LOL.

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As a devout Christian, I have often been confronted with the challenge to 'prove God exists', and I've always tried the technique of 'turning the tables', and insisting that their inability to 'prove God doesn't exist' validates the existence of God, but my argument is transparently flawed, because just like in a courtroom, the burden of proof was on me, and if the burden of proof was on them, they would have already been proven correct because they have clearly roven that there's no proof of God's existence.

I am also devout, albeit for my Muslim faith. I have a lot of Christian friends in real life who are equally as devout as I am in their own personal form of religion. How dare somebody point a spotlight on the obvious fact that we believe in hocus pocus nonsense to soothe our fears of our insignificance?

I believe that god exists. And he's a vile, malevolent and depraved monster whose only pleasure is the suffering of mankind.


The proof is the dead sea scrolls, the numerous excavations which proved the existence of entities during Biblical times, the numerous other findings like the Gospel of Thomas (which is not even in the Bible but also proved the existence of Jesus)… not to mention we were all made in the image of God, our DNA resonates on the same scalar waves as Jesus' DNA frequency did which is what is rumored to have saved us, and by repenting our DNA sends out the same exact frequencies as Jesus' DNA and it acts as a communication to God in order to heal our souls. The Great Flood happened and thats well documented around the world, many many cultures have talked about and wrote about a global flood happening the SAME TIME the Great Flood happened, so how do you think thats just a "coincidence?" What about the giant nephilim remains since the mid 1800s that have been dug up throughout America? Same thing in the Middle East, they've found hybrid remains of fallen angels / giant offspring that once ruled the Earth before the Great Flood! Who built all those giant walls of stone all across the planet thousands of years ago with 0% electricity or machinery we take for granted today!? Come on! There is TONS of proof!

wew lad!

Indeed. Conspiracyfags are little different than religious people. Humans have a tendency to give far too much credit to what they want to believe, rather than unbiased reality.

None of the things you just posted are true and/or actually happened. Except the possibility of some dude like Jesus actually existing. But he was just a self-important psychopath, at best.

I don't believe you, just like you don't believe me. And you have no authority to control what people believe or dictate what is/is not reality for that matter.


delusional perpetually hypocritical fools like ?

why stop there? Why stop at 99%? Why not just go all the way and admit that you have absolutely no proof that Jesus ever existed, and that there are dozens of different versions of what the non-existent persons name actually was? Yahshua, Yahweh, whatever.

This is the first time Fox News ever got anything right!

The concept of a deity is based on unconditional believe. In nature believe is always followed by curiosity, which leads to knowledge. Therefore the concept of unconditional believe is against the laws of nature, which makes it a lie.

A control mechanism designed to exchange the laws of nature with the laws of men. The concept of god acts as a roadblock to prevent the natural seeking of knowledge and instead replaces it with unquestionable believe. All the achievements of nature were also attributed to god, who's unquestionable…convenient isn't it?

A weaponized term designed to catch everyone who didn't fall for religious indoctrination in a rhetorical trap. Accepting those terms means accepting that you are a non believer, which translates to be against religion. So you accept religion, but took a stand against it…that makes it a weapon for the believers who now have an enemy.

The old testament was a fantasy to give criminal jews a holy status and the protection of their own made up deity., while being a self destructive doctrine for the gentiles, Jesus Christ was a false flag for the jews to get out of the self destructive doctrine. The new testament is perfectly designed suicide doctrine for gentiles.

you did an exceptional job of summarizing the truth. Now, if only you could use that brain of yours to tackle the insurmountable challenge of learning the difference between 'believe' and 'belief'

Based upon the enjoyability of wiping, your belief system could quite literally put Charmin out of business.

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I absolutely hate to run into these double speak traps. I always try to find the most basic terms to make people understand the fundamentals I talk about, yet the English language is riddled with these rhetorical traps that make my entire statement look foolish. I loath this shit. What else can I use? Temporary acceptance?

love, like god, don't exist

they are just biochemical flashes in the brane

"Love" is a mantle term that hides all kinds of chemical reactions, instincts, and natural traits. By creating those mantle terms you can weaponize them as a belief, a higher power, which then can be used to exploit humanity. This is why "love" is a billion dollar industry, why google has 14.570.000.000 results for "love is", and why the majority of humanity has no idea that love doesn't exist as a binding power of attraction.

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obviously, you've never had a 15 year old German girl's feces on your dick

God exists, or some facsimile of it at least, but it is pure fucking evil.

God does not "exist", for something to exist it must have been brought into existence in the first place. God is the uncreated creator, He is beyond the concept of existing or not existing. Everything that exists must have a point of origin in the material universe. The atheist may claim that everything come from space dust eventually, but where does the space dust come from? It cannot have created itself, for if that were true then the space dust must have existed before it existed.

The only honest conclusion is that there must be a creator outside the material reality. This creator is what every culture in the world has called God.

You assume the necessity of creation. The universe may have simply always existed. I find that the more likely scenario. As far the explanation for the "Big Bang" or whatever. I find the whole thing a bit unbelievable, but if that is true then it's probably a cyclical event that repeats itself. With the universe continually exploding and shrinking repeatedly. And don't bother with replying about the accelerating expansion of the universe or whatever. No one really knows. A cyclical event sounds more plausible, though.

One toke over the line . . .

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What a pleb. He didn't say anything that didn't make perfect sense. But he was going on the potentially false premise that the universe must have been created in the first place, instead of merely always existing.

This is one of my favorite memes.

It is a logical fallacy. Were those dumbasses drunk when they wrote the report?

Nope. Existence itself is defined by having a beginning and an end. The beginning represents something positive, and the end something negative. By logic the beginning comes before the end.

Now to the science of it. We are today capable to trace pretty much everything down to it's smallest core components, which are always two natural opposites…a positive and a negative energy form.

So that means that the beginning must be a positive energy. We also know that one cannot create out of nothing, because nothing cannot exist. At the beginning everything was just energy (can't be called positive yet, because that name can only be defined by it's natural opposite). So how can energy create something on it's own? Well there was another player available in that scenario, that everyone takes for granted to the point of forgetting all about it…TIME. Time is immemorial, which means we have two things reacting with each other. Time and energy. And voila…Energy over time creates a negative energy, which makes the rest of the energy positive and now we have two natural opposites who can happily procreate with each other to create new things.

"Laws of Nature" user just flipped the tables on all known human science. Cheers. I have to go to bed now.

There is only one god and his name is Jim Watkins.

Read a book nigger

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Just think, if the universe is truly cyclical and infinite that means that eventually the circumstances that lead to your creation will be repeated. Imagine, trapped forever in a constantly dying and re-birthing world, never to realize that you are eternal, experiencing the pain and fear of death over and over for all eternity.

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Fake news shit shill

That and his entire story reads as a mashup fanfic for Zarathustra crossed with Osiris.

Ting is though, there would be no continuity between these "probablistic doppelgangers."
Much like how two manufactured items struck from the same mold years apart may be identical, but are still different objects and wholly separate.

It has five letters, and sounds vaguely similar,
but only one of them actually existed.


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If these people are free now maybe we should put them on dark matter and see if they can disprove that.

As predicted, New York is 20 feet underwater and they still deny climate change? Morons!

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>Steven (((Holzner)))
Sorry, user, I don't base my knowledge on organized crime.

Atheism is a hell of a drug

Decades are not enough time for this test only life

Brick people traveled the world and took slaves while telling people if they quarried large stones they wouldnt need the slaves and they would bring them all back but then they showed up later and said they madde to many so they had to be taxed for their greed, and for using the brick peoples earth, and for not thinking about the brick peoples need for the quarry people in their slave market. They even told them it was rude to deny their customers this merchandise.

What is unbiased reality other than time itself?
Is this your God?

The fundamental premise of all religion is that there are unseen powers in the world that are responsible for what occurs within it. This hypothesis introduces the presupposition that there are exceptions to materialistic or physical causality. Hidden spiritual agencies are conjectured to be responsible for what occurs in nature. In seeking to explain natural phenomena whose causal mechanisms were not apparent, ancient peoples attributed them to animistic causes. Our ancestors theorized that other animals and even material objects possessed an inner consciousness just as humans do. They deduced this property was somehow separate from the physical body, as it could not be directly observed by them, and personified it in the form of noncorporeal beings. The ancients further postulated that such entities could be influenced to produce outcomes favorable to humans by adopting certain states of mind and stylized behaviors, i.e., prayer and religious ritual.

Such magical, anthropocentric thinking is the natural state of pre-logical cultures. The theist’s problem today is that centuries of scientific investigation have not verified the existence of these entities. In the process, science has instead discovered the actual, purely physical explanations for the formerly inexplicable things that so baffled our ancestors. Science has not “proven” religion false, but science has convincingly demonstrated that the core suppositions underpinning religious faith are misunderstandings of the natural world and of the human place in it.

False. There is no proof for a abstract concept of god, but there is a proof for a existencial and fenomenological concept of the christian god. And this proof is empirical. And it goes like this:
The inner experience is a fact.
A feelling, a sentiment, is a fact of inner experience. You cannot doubt in inner experience that you are having and in that sense the inner experience is an fenomenological fact. Now you have a number of inner experiences all emerging from the christian way of life. This inner experiences there are only posibile by the mean of the apparition of the "son of god" or christ itself. In this way the christian god exist by the mean of his son christ and by the mean of how his son changes and re arranges the inner life. The re arrange of the inner life and the group of experiences attach to this re arragement are the experimental fact that proves the reality and the existence of the christian god.
And this because of the following: it is also a fenomenological fact of inner life that it is imposible to a mere human being to have control or the capacity of create or modify the internal experiences or feelings.
The only thing you can control as a human are emotions, but no feelings. You cannot chose to love or hate something or somebody, you simply are driven by them to do so.

Largely longer than that, there are sings of atheism in ancient Greek philosophical writings

It's ultimately arguable, you can make a coherent definition of existence without referring anything other than present time.
For god, this existence need a more precise definition as it's obvious that god exist as a concept in human mind and languages , it would lead to a paradox to deny it.
You need to decide what's god to sort out his/its existence

So you are saying that everything in the past never existed? That's your argument? Well, my counterargument is logic. Time existed.
Also there is no such thing as present time. Time is a flow. Don't believe me? Try to hold onto the present…see? Gone!

So does the flying spaghetti monster. Joke aside, all figments of our imagination are based on knowledge we got from nature. On top of that, every non fictitious achievement that is attributed to god can be proven to be done by nature…creator of everything, law maker, power that connects everything, the one that takes us in when we die, the ultimate truth. That's all nature, and it makes absolutely no secret out of sharing it's wonders with us, so that we can learn from it.

A deity cannot exist without unquestionable belief, otherwise it will be forgotten. The concept of believing in nature is always followed by curiosity, which turns into knowledge. Belief is the start of the path towards knowledge. A deity is a roadblock towards knowledge, that's against the laws of nature, and therefore a lie. If stop adapting to danger by giving up the seeking for knowledge, you die in nature.

I got a paradox for you…Nature came before men, men came up with religions, men came up with gods, men attributed natures achievement to god. In other words…Humans claim that what created them (nature) was created by their own creation (god). That's a paradox, unless we're talking time travel.

For humans it's a roadblock to the laws of nature, so that other humans could control them with a new set of rules (the laws of men). For jews it's a get out of jail free card. I mean imagine being a criminal and writing yourself a holy status and your own god, just so that you can commit crimes for the next thousands of years undisturbed?

Man did not create God by observing his works any more than he created light or wind by observing their influences. Man only attempts to understand God using whatever tools are at his disposal: words, logic, faith, etc. You aren’t the inventor of algebra for having completed high school. You just know a little bit about it.

In a way saying that the big bang repeats has no meaning as time may have been non existing before

Ah, of course, everyone knows that the idea of god resonates on a higher frequency than godlessness.

If God exists in New Jersey he will help me find a place to have sex with farm animals. If you are out there, let your servants hear my email is [email protected]

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To even think that whatever we see is and whatever we don't isn't is astonishingly daft (and don't talk about radio waves). I'm not for religion, in fact I find it too fucking much. Yet, you fag fuckers who rejoice at being athiests are not looking for the truth, you're just another npc looking for hapiness. You just want to have a well-approved justification to put that mice dick of yours into anything that has a pulse or not a pulse.
YOU are just another Bernard of a Brave New World. A sad little fuck.

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You are doing it again…you use natural occurrences, which have provable, natural explanations and you attribute it to the concept of a deity, which cannot be proven, but which is also fundamentally against the laws of nature. We know how light is created, how winds works and we learned mathematics by watching nature. Furthermore you attribute words, logic and faith to a deity, despite the fact that we are doing this ourselves. This is not how logic works…it's called fanaticism. How is it that all the questions that misguided followers were asking about god over the last 2k+ years can all be logically answered by the laws of nature?

At what point would you question your belief? There has to be an amount of lies that are just too much for the human mind to ignore. I refuse to believe that infinite, oblivious gullibility exists.

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Just to say that you don't need to refer to creation or destruction times to talk about anything's existence

The question being precisely of comparing god existence to his noddly appendage's existence
No paradox nor time travel needed, either religion are right or wrong about that, beliefs don't have to influence creation
Jeovah /yaveh is evil in many parts of the Bible. Jew only gets this kind of special protection from those who believe in this'd same god.

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We didn't have proof of Pluto until recently, so I guess it didn't exist during the renaissance because no one could prove it at the time.

You mean you find a cyclical one more comforting.

This has NOTHING to do with logic or science. This is all about political power.

The fact is that "God" is a metaphor for all that is incomprehensible to man's mortal mind.

Mankind is made out of subatomic particles, and so is the universe.

Would it really be such a stretch to conceive of the possibility that the universe itself is conscious?

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I do not see him
He does not exists !

"That table never used to exist until someone made it, and now it exists."
"Yes Steve but we could burn the table"
"Yeah you could but you'd still have the idea of the table"

Atheism is rooted in arrogance and atheists are morons who make the faulty assumption that they would somehow know whether or not gods exist.

Gr8 b8

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