11 Year Old Boy Ends Home Invasion: Chops Nigger's Head Open With a Machete

An 11-year-old North Carolina boy fought off a suspected burglar with a machete, sending the thief to the hospital, where he was supposed to be monitored until police could take him into custody, but he walked out, sparking a two-day manhunt.

Jataveon Dashawn Hall, 19, is accused of breaking into a Mebane house Friday afternoon and stuffing an 11-year-old into a closet in an effort to steal electronics, according to the Orange County Sheriff's Office. But the boy was able to escape from the closet and hit the thief in the back of the head with a machete.

Sheriff's deputies responded to the home, got a description of Hall from the boy, and started sharing it with area hospitals so they could be on the lookout. They got a call at about 1 p.m. that Hall had walked into UNC-Hillsborough Hospital with a head wound.

The sheriff's office obtained warrants for breaking and entering, second-degree kidnapping, interfering with emergency communications and assault on a child under 12, and instructed hospital staff to call deputies before discharging Hall.

But Hall's injury got worse, and he was transferred to UNC-Chapel Hill Hospital, according to the sheriff's office. Staff at that hospital were also told not to release Hall until sheriff's deputies were on scene to arrest him.


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11 year old Braydon Smith is a little league baseball player, who put as much elbow grease as possible into the machete swing.

And the nigger had a pistol……………………………

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This boy is my hero!

This is the kind of shit that needs to happen everyday. This article gives me just a little bit of hope for some of the youth to realize the nigger enemy

If only he chopped his head off. The dude escaped and will end up killing someone

Are you familiar with KELOIDS ?……….

lol Kunta Kinte will carry a neon sign on the back of his head forever.

Are you familiar with du rags? He probably doesn't care if he's breaking into homes

P is for PIMPIN'

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Since you can't even spell it correctly, it's fairly obvious that you're the one who's not very familiar with them?

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Be sure to check out the 'Strawberry Moon' tonight, with Jupiter alongside

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Jataveon Dashawn Hall
you could find a better story, yo.
there is a lot going on here:
CBS has the real scoop, get fucked peacock
this is how real people do real stories.

"He pointed a pellet gun at me that was located in our house. I knew that it wasn't loaded, so I just sat down and got in my closet like he told me to," Smith said. "He went into the living room to grab my phone to make sure I didn't call the 911 or anything. When I saw him try to put it in his pocket. I grabbed my machete off of my wall and went to hit him. I hit him in the back of the head like right here."
"It went by really fast. I knew I didn't have the time to think about what I was going to do. I just grabbed a weapon in the house and acted with it," he continued. "
This is Orange County. people don't play.
The boy said of his foeman, ""You shouldn't have done what you've done. You're better off getting a job than breaking into other people's houses," he said.

not exactly a member of the thieves guild amirite?
prior arrest in '17
When the victim arrived, Hall and the accomplice took an unspecified amount of money from the victim.
As Hall tried to flee, he and the victim got into a fight that resulted in Hall being injured before police arrived.

Fuck this white punk
He had a machete, black man was unarmed and he hit him from behind

A kid this age doing this?

Neighbors know what happened to their cats now

Home alone kid was always a psycho

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/killcen/ if you posted this, more like this, but refrain from your bigotry and the Zig Forums word

Jesus sees a sparrow fall in the woods

I got a chainsaw, nigger. Stand still, and I'll make it so you don't need to steal anything ever again.

no it stands for dinDU nuffin RAG, because all the lil dindus where em

That nigger boy had a pistol and got put down by a 12 year old man.

How's it feel knowing your soldiers can't beat our children?

OP's version was far superior to yours.

No, you got yor tears
You'd be all like crying in that closet praying that the big bad negro did't wanna rape yor ass after he robbed you

Of course, you being a pussy, probably prAYED FOR THAT

no /killcen/, yor version was the usual shit

because you lack any imagination what so ever and believe in B&W literal univers

you are joe friday, only batty

heh had to look that one up. is this similar to Ebola-chan, only affecting niggers, user? the links don't seem too out-front bringing up the fact it's a nigger-only condition tbh.

The centers for disease control reports that's an astounding FIFTY PERCENT of all deaths involving firearms in the United States are suicides.

Feel free to make it 51%

Nope. You simply misspelled it and now you're making excuses

I don't care whether you're black, white, yellow, green or in between.

the entire human race are nothing but niggers in my book.

I hate all of you.

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you can ALL eat my shit, directly from the source.

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this just in: Niggers are cowards and terrible fighters. If you ever get a chance to have a moderately "fair" you v 2 or 3 fight versus a nigger(s): do it.

Fuck off nigger.

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update: if it's human, it's a nigger

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unironically, I've watched lots of stupid worthless niggers beat the ever-livin' dogshit out of some badass white dudes in my life.

and the funniest part ?…..

black FEMALES will beat your ass down like a bitch

Black girls simply GO APESHIT, relentlessly beating guys asses into the sidewalk.

I've seen some nigger women open up a can of whoop-ass that turpentine can't rub off

I know what you're trying to say….

I've seen it many, many times before, where they attack in 'packs'………

but I've also seen some young 90s baby niggers mercilessly beat grown ass men into the hospital.

especially in jail, where after meeting fists and feet, the next thing their victims meet is concrete or steel.

never underestimate the vicious strength and lack of reasoning from a god damn gorilla.

as far as I'm concerned (and I've been studying this phenomenon for over half a century so far) if it's a human, it's a NIGGER !!

I'm not sure where ANY particular skin color gets the idea that they are 'superior'….

superior to WHAT ?……

humans are the most inferior form of life on the planet

I hate the entire human race with an indescribable passion, including myself……..

the ONLY answer:
the elimination of the ENTIRE human race

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Hitler's flaw was in his narrow scope.

….why stop?… finish the job…..

return the planet to it's rightful owners

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I can honestly say that I have never seen a human being benefit this planet in any way shape or form

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and I can also honestly say that I've never seen animals destroy the planet….

the answer is self-evident

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now, every other human on the planet should have their cranium split in two with machetes


hahahaha…. yeah, right

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I'm certainly not saying whites are 'inferior' to niggers

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I'm simply saying how can you look into a toilet, and say that One Turd is 'superior' to the Other Turds?

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fuck niggers…..
fuck whites…..
fuck Asians….
fuck Hispanics, and Indians, and middle easterners and Eskimos and EVERY HUMAN BEING


As happy as it makes me that a nigger got put in his place by a white child, I'm quite sad that the nigger lived through it.

This means the nigger will live to commit more crime. And maybe even go back for revenge. Hopefully the kid will finish the job if there is a next time, and won't become a victim.

Again….. you continue to deplete precious resources every day, wasting oxygen, water, food & fuel….

and you contribute nothing more than any stupid worthless nigger

your existence is nothing more than a futile hamster wheel of staying afloat temporarily

you've never done a motherfucking thing to benefit the planet

and you never will

I see very little that validates your existence, or that separates you from a nigger

or a mold spore


on second thought, many forms of mold are actually beneficial and serve a purpose

we can tell youre white. nice bait though. you forgot to shuffle and say "muh dick"

Rofl. Look at this kvetching kike who can't help but cry and cry at my extremely accurate statements. waaaaah~

ME ?…. WHITE??!!….

lol I'm far superior to any white person….

im jewish, you dumbass

RE: cry

why the fuck would I be upset that YOU are a diminutive-penis effeminate lazy soft white sofa-spore mushroom boy?

hahaha you stupid little man, you

here's an incredibly accurate statement:

your videogames, anime & imageboard culture are the closest things you'll ever get to a girlfriend, and you have done absolutely NOTHING to earn your pompous sissified self entitlement…….

you're literally a welcome mat

you're a punching bag

you're my mule

(time to play some more fortnite, super Mario)

there are only THREE PEOPLE who have ever come to Zig Forums who AREN'T videogame sissyboys…..

I'm one of them………

and you're NOT one of the other two

I've quite literally got more notches on my pubic hairs than you'll get on every headboard you'll ever own…..

and the reason ?………….

Because I'm not a self-entitled video game sissy boy

Oh, the monumental supremacy of whites……


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your mommy did you a great injustice in reenforcing your foolish notion of superiority

look where it got you, Raiden

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i can absolutely GUARANTEE that I could talk you into licking my balls…….


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it would take very little coercion

(and this is the part where you insist you're not a videogame sissyboy)

…………………………. bullshit

Jews aren't real. they're fictitious characters like the Easter Bunny or Mohammed

if I laid my dick out on the tabletop, you'd realize how mistaken you were

not being an ass………

just stating a fact

just a reality check


I've got to run……….

this has been great fun

everybody in Zig Forums be well

i imagine that is fictitious as well

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I couldn't possibly give any less of a flying fuck what you imagine

Have you been hitting the meth pipe again Jonny?

yet you responded. dilate, bitch

u mad nigger?

Cute kid

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Lmao nigger

This kid is my new hero

Based shota

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The hero we need but don't deserve …

Fucking based. Too bad fully-grown white men
can't do the shit this lad accomplished.

what are you babbling about you fucking retard turn your computer off and then smash it with a hammer

Chop dem niggrs.

go away
Zig Forums is off limits and only the clique can post here

very cute boy!

Get punched Zig Forums