PURE EVIL: Communist China Organ-Harvesting Dissidents While Kept Alive

Communist China is still harvesting the organs from political dissidents and prisoners, according to a former medical insider.

Zheng “George” Qiaozhi, a former intern-turned-whistleblower at China’s Shenyang Army General Hospital, provided his accounts to the Epoch Times earlier this year.

In one instance, Qiaozhi described a horrific organ harvesting procedure on a prisoner.

“The prisoner was brought in, tied hand and foot, but very much alive,” Population Institute President Steven W. Mosher wrote. “The army doctor in charge sliced him open from chest to belly button and exposed his two kidneys. ‘Cut the veins and arteries,’ he told his shocked intern.”

“George did as he was told. Blood spurted everywhere. The kidneys were placed in an organ-transplant container.”

“Then the doctor ordered George to remove the man’s eyeballs. Hearing that, the dying prisoner gave him a look of sheer terror, and George froze. ‘I can’t do it,’ he told the doctor, who then quickly scooped out the man’s eyeballs himself.”

Infowars.com reports:

Shortly after the harrowing experience, Qiaozhi quit his job and fled China.

In addition to George’s firsthand account, an independent research group called the China Tribunal concluded that organ harvesting was still being practiced on Chinese prisoners, even after China announced it would end the practice in 2014.

“The conclusion shows that very many people have died indescribably hideous deaths for no reason, that more may suffer in similar ways and that all of us live on a planet where extreme wickedness may be found in the power of those, for the time being, running a country with one of the oldest civilisations known to modern man,” chair of the group Sir Geoffrey Nice QC wroteSunday.

“There is no evidence of the practice having been stopped and the tribunal is satisfied that it is continuing.”


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Coming to Police State USSA the second you hand over your guns peacefully.

Whenever you have the government controlling everything the nation becomes despotic and totalitarian. Always has been, still is and always shall be. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Thats why commies are completely insane.

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literal kikes

kidney removal:
You will be lying on your side. Your surgeon will make an incision (cut) up to 12 inches or 30 centimeters (cm) long. This cut will be on your side, just below the ribs or right over the lowest ribs.

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too bad Zheng “George” Qiaozhi doesn't realize you can't access the renal arteries from an incision 'from chest to bellybutton'

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Weren't they Chinese prisoners and political fighters? Not hard to believe they'll make the surgery more painful for the person by doing it differently and horrible to show how brutal they are at suppressing revolts and political figures.

lmmfao @ scooped them out

you know nothing about internal medicine or surgical procedures

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I presume you are describing kindey removal where you want the donor to survive afterwards.

The story sounds over exagerated. As you might expect from someone who is trying to seek asylum in another country.
But saying it doesnt resemble a normal operation is not a great point. We know its not a normal operation because the donor is killed during surgery.

hahahaha bull-fucking-shit

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has to fabricate illogical nonsensical excuses to try and make it seem like this story is true.

again: you don't understand surgical procedures
(organs are not destroyed during 'harvesting' with haphazard removal techniques)
and you can't spell 'exaggerated' correctly

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I just re read my previous message and it should have been very obvious to any native English speaker that I am very skeptical toward the guys story. I have no reason to make the story seem true when on balance I think its not.

I was just calling your criticism out as being very poor / inapprpriate.

If they take both your kidneys you will definitely die.
Unless you are suggesting they harvet peoples organs then put them on dialysys for the rest of their lives?

Bumping Pure News!

this story isn't real. end of story.

nobody said anything about 'aftercare'.

the surgical procedures described in this transparently false story would damage the organs, are contraindicated by mode of entry, and the patient would have gone into shock, unable to 'give a look of sheer terror'.

my differential diagnosis is clear:
this is a false story.

there are two reasons why you believed this obviously fake tale:

1: you have no medical training
2: you're gullible

June 18th, 2019 was the day you proved that your 'real news' claims ARE COMPLETELY FAKE

you wouldn't know real news if it scooped your eyeballs out

If it's on one of your 2 or 3 preferred paranoid fake news websites, you'll believe it.

…………but today, you conclusively proved that you have no standards, no grip on reality, you refuse to appt any skepticism, and you'll quite literally copy and paste TRANSPARENTLY FALSE STORIES…..

That is (at best) circular logic. And at worst no logic at all.

I have mentioned three times ITT that I DONT believe the story. We share the same conclusions even though I think our attempt at criticism is very poor.

I am repeating myself for a fourth time ONLY because you got trips. I wont do so again.

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apply* any skepticism

(to maintain one's integrity, one must always apply scrutiny and skepticism to far fetched conspiracy claims before giving them your seal of approval)

See, I've ALWAYS been a believer in UFOs and aliens… And I've also always felt my integrity regarding the subject was important to maintain, because ANY idiot can be a 'ufo nutcase'….

So when I saw an actual unidentifiable hovering aircraft displaying impossible aeronautical maneuvers, it was paramount that I not jump to kneejerk decisions and instantly 'claim it was from outer space'…

I had to maintain my integrity, so I had to apply scrutiny and intense skepticism as I observed the object and had to rule out any logical explanations.

Only after going through a checklist, looking for telltale signatures of human manufacture, could I honestly say that my final analysis was death of the object I was observing was not of earthly origin.

OP apparently has no such system of scrutiny or skepticism…..

which completely eliminates any possible integrity or veracity to his claims.

yes you will…………..

"I have mentioned 3 times that I don't believe the story, but I posted it anyway, presenting it as 'real news', completely contradicting my claims that I don't believe it"

oopsie!! speech to text typo

"Only after going through a checklist, looking for telltale signatures of human manufacture, could I honestly say that my final analysis was that* the object I was observing was not of earthly origin."

inb4 I have to teach you what speech to text is again



Im not the OP. I didnt post the story. Im just passing comment like everyone else.
My posts started here:

Technically im not repeating myself because im explaining a different fact to you. Even though thats what you are trying to bait me in to doing because I said I wouldnt



after this stupid thread, nothing you ever post from this point on will ever be taken seriously

so you believe the story?

got it 👍

I don’t doubt the brutality of the regime, but this account doesn’t really make sense.

during (sac)s double nephrectomy, they laid him on his back, sliced him from his chest to his bellybutton, removed his kidneys, then scooped his eyeballs out.

that's why he believes the story

the account of the surgical procedure disproves the idiotic assertion that Zheng “George” Qiaozhi is a 'medical intern'….

Plus, anyone who believes a Chinese guy named Zheng Qiaozhi is nicknamed 'George' probably pays for a yearly subscription to newspunch

exposed his two kidneys

how ironic that his diaphragm stomach and intestines weren't exposed, and this political dissident was born with his kidneys in the front of his abdomen.

similar to the way you can open the glovebox of an automobile and expose the rear wheel well?

(left to right)
Linda, Susan, Billy and George

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HINT: "harvesting organs" is not a legitimate medical terminology, and is only used by conspiracy nutcases.

hahaha the Epoch Times is run by a group of Chinese Americans associated with the Falun Gong spiritual movement, who publish Western-slanted far-right pro-trump conspiracy nonsense, that has been repeatedly proven to be biased at best, and more often than not completely fabricated.

wow…. you're THE most gullible person I know.


False Flag Mass Shootings…..

Harvesting Organs…..


False Flag Mass Shootings…..
Jesus Existed….
Trump's Pretending To Be An Illiterate Moron…
Harvesting Organs…..
Exposing Kidneys Instead Of Intestines…
Scooping Eyeballs Out….

god damn, dude

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it's not like you had much to begin with

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lol @ the nickname "George"

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A: nobody

Q: who will ever believe another one of your claims?

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the good news:
Nobody ever gave any credence to anything you've ever said in the first place.

So it's not like you lost much

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I'm a 'medical insider' named Timothy Smith

but all my friends just call me XIAO-SHUANG

I had an appendectomy performed by my surgeon Dr. Robert 'Xue Liang' Williams.

Considering the mode of entry used to access the kidneys, I'm surprised they didn't go through the guys ears to remove his eyeballs.


today, with this idiotic thread, I have written you off completely, and can no longer put any value on any of your assertions again.

You really shot yourself in the foot with this stupid story


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I would say that on how they treat food animals this wouldn't be that much of a surprise. But at the same time the facts are probably embellished to get people to care about China's black market organ harvesting.

They don't treat the people they harvest organs from any better than the dogs they butcher in their stalls.

fucking saved

but still, fuck the CCP, glory to the chinese people, overthrow your capatalistist masters and create a republic without the party!

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chinese are not humans, we need to brutally holocaust all of them

The kikes of the east. Chinks need to be exterminated.

They're probably doing this in the USA also. That's why most of these people won't let us have sex with animals because they're paranoid about diseases infecting the organs they intend to steal from us. Something really has to be done about these psycho organ monsters they're interfering with literally everyone's lives.

Dick head.



Piece of shit.


Communist sympathizer.

Ass hat.

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scooped out the mans eyeballs while he looked on in terror

Dr Ching mengele

i hope he had sum opium at least

Hostel chinese style

Fuck you /killcen/

Is it possible to scoop someone's eyes out with a spoon?

You would have to sharpen the edge of the spoon. The eye has numerous muscles, nerves, and blood vessels attached to it that wouldn't simply break that easy. I think that if you tried to do it with a dull spoon you would wind up just mutilating the eye which would make it a lot less exciting to have afterward.

. One group of researchers hope to be able to perform whole eye transplants within a decade. However, when someone receives a transplant today, they are usually having a corneal transplant.

So possible if all one wants is the cornea, so just scoop thta eye out and put on ice

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Harvested Alive (2017) Since 2003, China has been harvesting organs from live prisoners to create it's thriving transplant industry. Avg wait for a liver in the US? 24-36 MONTHS. Avg wait in China? 14-21 DAYS.


Coming to Police State USSA the second you hand over your guns peacefully.

bumping real news