Nearly 50% of Japan's singles have no dating prospects

At this point I'm just going to work to accellerate the total collapse so I can rape and kill with wild abandon because the only way I am ever going to have a family is via brutality in the post apocalyptic wasteland of our collapsed civilization.

50 years ago your assumption was spot on correct. 50 years ago it was not nearly as difficult to get by: there were more middle class income jobs, there was no massive student loan racket in those days, homes were much more affordable for the average worker (and so was rent), the government actually limited spending and punished corruption/mismanagement (a polar opposite today)….. This is no longer the case anymore as the newer generations are being shafted with debts and price inflation is far far higher than the rise of wages. Why are the loan sharks still allowed on the streets and who's protecting their predatory lending practices?

Starting in the 80s and 90s, via very bad trade agreements, the government exempted massive industrial outsourcing (which should have been met with instant tariffs against the companies that outsourced). More recently the government legalizes and exempts mass fraud by big banks, even bailed those corrupt entities out after caught deliberately creating the subprime mortgage ponzi scheme (all based on massive loan sharking and fraud which for many generations was considered highly illegal)…. the government created the student loan crisis in similar fashion, exempting predatory loaning and then nationalizing the student loans by removing bankruptcy protection for students' insolvency. To make issues worse, today our government helped facilitate a border invasion which takes away more jobs from hardworking Americans and lowers wages in all affected areas. Not to mention increases crime and disease outbreaks! Now the government has the nerve to tell everyone 'we have it too good' and we should adopt carbon taxation as monopolies like Amazon are clearly exempted from taxation laws! Give me a fucking break. This whole system is rotten to the core and deserves to collapse USSR style.

Lose weight

Was 230, Just weighed in at 160. Probably dying. At this rate another 16 months and I won't exist. Good.

join the chads and pump and dumb whores
if they won't give their pussy voluntary, get it without consent, especially somewhere at night

it's not outsourcing what is killing economy. it's capitalism and rich people that steal entire wealth. we need to kill all rich people and take their wealth to the society


Speak the name of the problem or stop pretending to care.


World-wide narcissism.

Nah, I do think that's part of it but it's just as much anime and such over romanticizing things to the point any real relationships wouldn't satisfy either party.
Then it's a culture of workaholics or shut ins apparently so people are either busy working themselves to death in an office somewhere or rarely going outside.
Women only partly contribute, but the expectations of being treated to gifts, food, etc, does make it harder. Because why I have a real girl who wants to drain your wallet while never really giving you much of the anime esque love you want when you could just get to watch some harem shit and masturbate away your sex drive?

Women love to have sex but if younger men are not willing to engage them to satisfy their lustful desires they will see them as weak and often exploit them for every cent they can before telling them to go fuck themselves. The younger male Japs are not aggressive enough it seems, maybe that has something to do with too much video games/cartoons/soy?

Sex is primal. Civilization is in opposition to primal urges. Japan is such a polite civilized place that it becomes a real socially awkward society that mostly cannot act on their primal desires. The same thing is happening in the West with feminism and toxic masculinity and rape-culture shaming, and discouraging men from hitting on women while encouraging degenerate reproductive dead ends like faggotry and internet porn addiction.