Sac) here,I will be indisposed june 26-? help control /killcen/ j-k-i

My drug degenerate nephew is a bad influence on me will be paying me a visit on June 26-29? and I will be fucked up for a week
He's bringing me 3x12 mg of hydrmorph
1 gram of coke or crack..undecided as of yet
And I will have 2x40 oz bourbon that I am supplying

The drugs are for me, as he has his own

He wanted to bring his 20 yr old GF, who looks like a young Rose McGowan, but there are too many people in the house(4) so I would love to have had a taste of her, but more drugs for me
(and both her parents are magistrates)

But next month, on my birthday end of July, My nephew's mom is going away for 2 weeks and I will be visting him and her..haha…hee

So, anywho, I will not be posting on Zig Forums from circa June 25-June 30
I would apprciate it if just-kiss-it kept /killcen/ under control and counter balanced his relavent[sic] but sometime over the top lunacy with some relavent (or however the fuck you spell it)homosexual news
Thank you in advance
Yors truly (sac)

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck, she looks just like Rose, and she was on meth a little while Ago
I shall have to see if I can get some meth and resist the urge to use it until I do it in front of her

As for the hydromorph, I shall be insulficating it

1. Get your Hydromorphone. Crush up 8mg of Hydromorphone (Depending on your tolerance, Remember twice as much of the drug will be absorbed so use caution and most of all USE YOUR BRAIN)
2. Open top of spray and dump out saline spray into a separate bowl/container/cup (make sure its clean).
3. Using the oral syringe, measure out 40ml (probably will have to do 5ml 8x).
4. Squeeze saline solution into nasal spray bottle
5. Put crushed up hydromorphone into folded piece of paper and pour into spray bottle.
6. Put the cap on your nasal spray bottle and shake very well. Now your hydromorphone nasal solution is complete!

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Real News. Thanks (nutsac) the best part of Zig Forums is laughing at your mental illness tbh.

I will have some NARCAN® Nasal Spray handy for overdosing

Good luck administering yourself while od'ing tbh.

No, My nephew will be there

If I was your nephew I'd let you die tbh.

Neptune here. I recently found out that I'm an uncle… a surrogate brutally honest guardian uncle from another dimension…

Long story

In related news: killcen will soon realize his greatest fear he's never confessed to… Being completely alone in Zig Forums

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This is the worst johhny Neptune impersonator ever
The real Johnny Nebtubs is way more autistic.

that's Sarah. it's a long story.

Speaking of Hydromorphone:

1: it's weak and worthless, as it has the hydrogen molecule attached instead of the oxygen molecule

2: ironically, Sarah and I are both in recovery, and she's been going with me to NA meetings

3: hydromorphone is baby aspirin compared to a real opioid

If I ever DO decide to self medicate again, (which I have absolutelyno desire to do at this point in my life) it will be weed. My days of opioids, cocaine & meth are long gone.

I survived it, which is ironic, since I spent 40 years of excessive polypharmacy with such abandon that it quite literally killed me 4 times.

obviously, I was resuscitated 5 times.

the 5th one had nothing to do with me overdosing, and was caused by an anesthesiologist.


Today is National Selfie Day !! Time to pull out the trusty smartphone and start snapping some more EPIC SELFIES !!….


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Okay, time to run.

taking care of some business again today.



Rose McGowan is like hydromorphone, whereas Sarah is like fentanyl.

And leaving Zig Forums is like promethazine

Nah, because he might need me to spray up his nose

Now I've never ived drugs except 3 times that I was on a morphine pump, but i've tried morphine pure morphine many times
my brother who's 1 yr younger than me and who seems to be fucking indestructible no matter how much drugs he takes(he was a bad influence on my nephew, his son who is following in his footsteps)
He's om methadone and now smokes crack cause that's the only drug that will get him off

Anywho, he was accociated with a biker gang and they got their hooks in a young dr who supplied my brother with morphine pills for about 7 yrs

A lot trickled down to me and I got fucked til the supply died off and I just stopped…and then came along oxycodone, goddam Purdue Pharma and it's owner family too hell.

Anywho, I got off the Oxy, and very occasionally recreationally opoid dose with my trailer park relatives

And hydromorphone dissolved in water and sprayed up the nose is a great way too indulge

Now if you are talking about injecting, I wont do that,never injected the pure morphine, even though that was the way to go

So long answer too a short reply is, yes, compared to injecting opoids, sniffing hydromorph is low bioavailability, but I don't intend to get into that heavy shit, didnt when I was younger, and definitley won't now in middle age

I couldn't afford it and the only way that I could is too sell, and my preferred drug of choice now is my wine making and my still that I have set up for my home brewed Brandy

Tried making beer, but that requires a good setup

I'm only doing the opids now because my nephew wants too celebrate as i havent seen him in 6 months and i use to hoist him on my shouldrs when he was a tot and walk through my marijuana patch and he would say"Wook!, flowers for mommy!"
And I'd let the lil guy grab a bud and take flowers for mommy home

Really happened and i aint even lyin'

Since this is a druggie thread


so read it bitch
Finally got some fentanyl last yr

it was home made pills, so dod't know what dosage it was, so i took 1/8 of a pill,,,nothing, another 1/8, yea, good pain relief for my fuckrd up joints

Took 2/8th 1 hr later and I was fucked

So 1/2 a pill scared me enough that i was afraid of pasing out and stopping breathing

And there was no high at all

I had tried some methadone a few times before and this was the same.

Great fucking pain relief, felt 10 yrs younger, but no euphoria at all

I had 10 pills and I just took 1/4 of a pill a day and saved my scrip codeine for a rainy day, as it always rains

I'm guessing it was fentanyl that i took

It could have been that elephant variety

carphenanyl? I ain't looking it up

As for weed, have some growing(allowed 4 plants here in Ontario, i have 8, just incase) and I am looking into buying a good quality vaporiser as I quit smoking any form of nicotine(most addictive substance that I ever taken and the only drug that I wold never use again, after trying to quit about 20X before success and i don't want to put smoke in my lungs ever again after I got asthma from smoking 30 yrs)
Eating it makes me too dopey for to long and I only want to take it 4 hrs before bedtime to help me sleep

But That's enuff about me

I wish you luck in your struggle against substance abuse real or fake Andy

Get religion, /killcen/ thinks he found it, but his real spiritus animus is in spirits…literally

(about me again)

I quit everything for 8 yrs and then fell off the wagon when I needed pain medication 6 yrs ago(for real this time) and am fucked as wish that I could just take an aspirin, but am keeping it under contol somewhat with tylenlo 3 at 3 pills

At least i got off the oxycodone and if i can convince my family that they must not place drugs under my nose, I can sip tea again…may be even break my still(it's only a litttle condenser and makes like a cup of 30% alcohol in 8 hrs and I only run it 3x a week

I was heading downward so quick with that stuff…fuck purdu and that family

I've got absolutely no struggle with substance abuse whatsoever. I never think about it and I never crave it and it not part of my life anymore, so there's no 'struggle'.

1: I have a morbid phobia of syringes
2: I've never used needles in my life
3: hydrogen molecule = weak
4: oxygen molecule = strong
5: if you didn't get high on it, it wasn't fentanyl

/killcen/ selfie

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Religion = the least effective, most detrimental placebo self-medication on Earth

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When you stop to consider that fentanyl is an opioid which is so powerful, that it is measured in micrograms rather than milligrams, (1,000 times stronger) and 12 micrograms can kill a 250 lb man, it soon becomes clear that if you didn't feel any 'high' (euphoria) from the 'pill' you took, it certainly wasn't fentanyl.

And it wouldn't be fair for you to compare fentanyl with dolophine (methadone)

Because fentanyl certainly WILL deliver an overwhelming sense of euphoria (a high)

and while most heroin junkies will insist that dolophine doesn't give them a euphoric high, that's just because they're stupid fucking lying junkies….

Dolophine indeed WILL give you euphoria, although it might not be to the same degree as injecting heroin directly into your veins.

They're just complaining whining bitches.

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speaking of addictions: FEAR

I've noticed that killcen's addiction reminds me of a stressed out chain-smoking old woman, addicted to cortisol and anxiety.

Wanting to spread gossip and 'share' her fears with others, hoping that they will also become stressed out chain-smoking old women addicted to cortisol and anxiety.

Men don't behave that way.

Men are stoic and brave. We don't let fear get the best of us. We ignore our fears, and don't seek out others to 'share our fear' with.

The self induced addiction to an alarmist reactionary existence reminds me very much of an old neurotic woman, and reminds me very little of a man.

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Get a grip, killcen

and take a selfie for us

I'm surprised that (sac) hasn't created a thread written in his own words about the recent changes in the United States Navy's policies regarding UFOs, based upon the drastic recent increase in legitimate UFO sightings by Navy pilots.

They even briefed members of congress with declassified presentations.

there is something really big going on regarding UFOs right now, and it seems like (sac) would use his very impressive intelligence and apparent overabundance of time on his hands to sit down and create a really good thread about the subject, before killcen ruined the opportunity with a bunch of his crazy hyperbolistic paranoid fabricated nonsense.

No, real men face their fears. They don't hide it or try to avoid it like a bunch of pussies. When something troubles them, they'll speak their mind, no matter what others may think!

You haven't faced your fears. You simply presented a fearful face, and you have allowed your fears to control your existence. That's why you want other people to be afraid as well.

Men face their fears by not being afraid of them.

You're a hypocritical LIAR.

One one hand you claim you already know everything I have posted and its as old as the hills… and then you turn around claiming everything I post is BS.

Which is it? Can't have it both ways.

Women allow their fears to overwhelm them, become emotional, then make a big show out of it, trying to tell everybody else about the perceived Boogeyman under the bed.

I post news while facing my fears by preparing for the real life consequences. I'm not going to ignore what is going on. Thats how people really get fucked over badly.

I challenge you to find any 6 year old child who hasn't already heard all of your conspiracy theories a million times before.

Even more challenging, I dare you to present a 6 year old child who finds these tired old conspiracy theories 'interesting'.

You pretend like you get 'less fucked over than other people', while you live your life cowering in fear, making needless modifications to your existence which inhibit your ability to simply relax and enjoy your life.

all of this while completely unable to provide any evidence that other people are somehow'getting fucked over'.

I'm not emotional. I'm not the one who spazes out here. You are. If it were not for the constant sliding of my content and BS ridiculing I'd be posting the news and you wouldn't hear a word from me otherwise. I am forced to bump my threads back up because people like you slide them deliberately.

holy shat
I leave for an hr and the thread is gone to shit

It affected me
I was drowsy and analgesized[sic], but no euphoria

Oral morphine has done this to me, but at least I got some tummy tickles while nodding

Didnt happen with fentanyl

Shit drug for getting high(I didnt inject)

There was not much struggle for me until I needed opoids for pain relief
and then I was back off the wagon

Spirituality…you decide what your higher power will be

It's the only thing thats going to save me

My problem is "Please (insert higher power here(, make me good, but not just yet"

I am the tomorrow man

i just dont want to die until tomorrow comes


I said that it affected me powerfully, but the euphoria factor was almost absent

Check out opids and europhia on my favorite druggie site

paste into your serach engine:fentanyl euphoria

also try: Opoids euphoria

Injecting it brings some euphoria, but the level that brings on euphoria and death is too close

I was prescribed fentanyl for two years. I'm more than familiar with its effects.

and the 'spirituality' (choose your own higher power) nonsense is bullshit. If your research the origin of the term 'spirituality', you'll learn that it was created by christians, in a lame attempt to mask their despicable incessant need to shove their imaginary religion down people's throats.

Plus, I have no need to fabricate 'a higher power'.

I've told you a million times:
You're obviously a very intelligent man.

But just like everybody else, you have a couple imperfections. In your case, one of these flaws is your inability to completely sever ties with the predictable prescribed human compulsion to believe in some form of religion, even though you are trying to present it as 'non prescribed'.

Because you are very good with reality….

You do reality very well…..

But your need to behave robotically and keep some part of you 'protected' by some form of religion doesn't fit in.

Religion is all imaginary….

And has absolutely nothing to do with reality.

You seem to be active, but i think entrenching in a bunker isn't facing life

There's people on the front lines trying to make a change because they care enough about the long far picture

They may have kids, or simply care enough to not want people to suffer.

Believe me, the majority of those caravan refugees has seen alot more suffering than you have and will ever see,

should they all come here, no

But we should be trying and using some of our wealth to change the situation there

The US could start by not overturning legit governments when the slightest whiff of socialism is in the air in say for ex, San salvadore, etc

Leave them alone except to help set up good farming practices to keep them fed and at least try to teach some sort of birth control

Did you know that Mother Teresa(saint) caused more suffering in India, than she alleviated?

She told the Indian peasants that bith control was evil

And large families starved

So in the long run…protect your family with your selfish ways for one or 2 generations, but then they are on their own

Did you know that after about 10 generations, you will share about as much dna with your ancestors as some random stranger over in Asia?

It will be even shorter as people exchange dna more and more

So protecing your family?
After your grandkids, you might as well be helping Tyrone in Chicago

Right now you remind me of a preeminent oncologist, who's discussing the latest CAR-TCR Solid Tumor Targeting advances, but still feels compelled to wear a loincloth, a wooden tiki head mask, and shake a dead chicken in the air.

the imaginary Gods and Demons nonsense diminishes your integrity.

True atheists don't care if someone believes in God, as long as they are left alone and vice versa for most religious people too.

So who does care and gets offended from someone believing in God? Satanist ilk! Demonic-possessed human beings get offended by God! Don't be one of those people who becomes taken over by demonic evil…. the minute you start hating Jesus or Christians is the minute you should consider professional exorcism.

How can I possibly hate Jesus?

Jesus never existed………………

however, christians DO exist, and I have every reason to hate them

I've never said I'm an atheist, or a true atheist, or any other label….

all I said is religions are all completely imaginary

The higher power that i'm talking about is you

and me
Conscious beings are the mind of god

And the heart(as in compassion)

What happens to this individual Consciousness that is me, I have no idea

The ego That sees is an illusion after all

saying i and trying to see this i is like looking into mirrors lined up so all you see is an infinite # of images of i and you can't locate this i,this ego.

But as for the Consciousness, it continues
It has always been and will always be, there isnt even any be, as that implies time.

Read the
Tao Te Ching by Laozi 4th century BC

It's simple and short and sweet and profound and could be used as a base for any religion or a philosophical way of living

And when somebody wastes MY time with their idiotic decision to build their life around an imaginary foundation of transparent lies, I hate that person….

(But then again, I hate EVERY HUMAN on the planet, including myself, so don't go thinking you're special or anything)

One of two reasons I won't be reading the Tao Te Ching by Laozi 4th century BC

The other reason is because I don't give a shit

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Your propensity for proselytizing philosophy showing

This is now a Tao thread and I will start practicing again after all the drugs that i bought are used up

“Simplicity, patience, compassion.
These three are your greatest treasures.
Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being.
Patient with both friends and enemies,
you accord with the way things are.
Compassionate toward yourself,
you reconcile all beings in the world.”

“Knowing others is intelligence;
knowing yourself is true wisdom.
Mastering others is strength;
mastering yourself is true power.”

“Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know.”

“When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everyone will respect you.”

“The truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the truth.”

“A man with outward courage dares to die; a man with inner courage dares to live.”

“Do you have the patience to wait until your mud settles and the water is clear?”

“If you understand others you are smart.
If you understand yourself you are illuminated.
If you overcome others you are powerful.
If you overcome yourself you have strength.
If you know how to be satisfied you are rich.
If you can act with vigor, you have a will.
If you don't lose your objectives you can be long-lasting.
If you die without loss, you are eternal.”
― Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

“The flame that burns Twice as bright burns half as long.”

“A leader is best
When people barely know he exists
Of a good leader, who talks little,
When his work is done, his aim fulfilled,
They will say, “We did this ourselves.”

“If you try to change it, you will ruin it. Try to hold it, and you will lose it.”

“Stop thinking, and end your problems.
What difference between yes and no?
What difference between success and failure?
Must you value what others value,
avoid what others avoid?
How ridiculous!

Other people are excited,
as though they were at a parade.
I alone don't care,
I alone am expressionless,
like an infant before it can smile.

Other people have what they need;
I alone possess nothing.
I alone drift about,
like someone without a home.
I am like an idiot, my mind is so empty.

Other people are bright;
I alone am dark.
Other people are sharp;
I alone am dull.
Other people have purpose;
I alone don't know.
I drift like a wave on the ocean,
I blow as aimless as the wind.

I am different from ordinary people.
I drink from the Great Mother's breasts.”

“The wise man is one who, knows, what he does not know.”

“To understand the limitation of things, desire them.”

“Give evil nothing to oppose
and it will disappear by itself.”

“all streams flow to the sea because it is lower than they are. humility gives it its power. if you want to govern the people, you must place yourself below them. if you want to lead the people, you must learn how to follow them.”

“If you realize that all things change, there is nothing you will try to hold on to. If you are not afraid of dying, there is nothing you cannot achieve.”
― Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

“The further one goes, the less one knows.”

Embracing Tao, you become embraced.
Supple, breathing gently, you become reborn.
Clearing your vision, you become clear.
Nurturing your beloved, you become impartial.
Opening your heart, you become accepted.
Accepting the World, you embrace Tao.
Bearing and nurturing,
Creating but not owning,
Giving without demanding,
Controlling without authority,
This is love.”


2 things that only exist in your mind and have absolutely no purpose whatsoever

not even vaguely impressed

When I was 12 years old taking LSD I realized a thousand times more than what you just copied and pasted.

Big deal

This is the most profound statement that I have ever read

I shall try to interpret it's profundity

The statement is pure Zen

Forget all this religious and philosophy 101 shit and just exist…in this moment

In fact, just ignore what i just typed(said)

and read the following between the two #

# #

Teach me Sensei

Naw, i just thoght that stuff up as i tried to remember Lao's wisdom

“Close your mouth,
block off your senses,
blunt your sharpness,
untie your knots,
soften your glare,
settle your dust.
This is the primal identity.”

“He who conquers others is strong; he who conquers himself is mighty" - Lao-tsu”

“When people see some things as beautiful,
other things become ugly.
When people see some things as good,
other things become bad.”

“When there is no desire,
all things are at peace.”

“Countless words
count less
than the silent balance
between yin and yang”

“Trying to understand is like straining through muddy water. Have the patience to wait! Be still and allow the mud to settle.”

“True words aren't eloquent;
eloquent words aren't true.
Wise men don't need to prove their point;
men who need to prove their point aren't wise.

The Master has no possessions.
The more he does for others,
the happier he is.
The more he gives to others,
the wealthier he is.”

“Hope and fear are both phantoms that arise from thinking of the self. When we don't see the self as self, what do we have to fear?”

“Success is as dangerous as failure.
Hope is as hollow as fear.”

“My teachings are easy to understand
and easy to put into practice.
Yet your intellect will never grasp them,
and if you try to practice them,you'll fail.

My teachings are older than the world.
How can you grasp their meaning?

If you want to know me,
Look inside your heart.”

“Fill your bowl to the brim and it will spill. Keep sharpening your knife and it will blunt.”


2 things that only exist in your mind and have absolutely no purpose whatsoever

Countless words
count less
than the silent balance
between yin and yang”

Lao is impressed!

My teachings are easy to understand

and easy to put into practice.

Yet your intellect will never grasp them,

and if you try to practice them,you'll fail

My teachings are older than the world.

How can you grasp their meaning?

“Do you want to improve the world?
I don't think it can be done.

The world is sacred.
It can't be improved.
If you tamper with it, you'll ruin it.
If you treat it like an object, you'll lose it.

There is a time for being ahead,
a time for being behind;
a time for being in motion,
a time for being at rest;
a time for being vigorous,
a time for being exhausted;
a time for being safe,
a time for being in danger.

The Master sees things as they are,
without trying to control them.
She lets them go their own way,
and resides at the center of the circle

“Not-knowing is true knowledge.
Presuming to know is a disease.
First realize that you are sick;
then you can move toward health

If so then why are you not contributing such all-powerful knowledge? It seems to me your just another leftist snot who thinks he knows better than everyone else. If your LSD trips told you all the secrets of humanity then DO SHARE.

“The road you can talk about is not the road you can walk on”

The more you know,
the less you understand.

I much preferred my own version of the same concepts of enlightenment, because I discovered these universal concepts for myself during my own introspective psychedelic journeys into the collective ionosphere and beyond….

And while I am still completely aware of all of these enlightened concepts and universal truths…

I can honestly say they don't play a very important role in existence, at least not in a way where I walk around telling myself things I already know…

And I sure as FUCK and not interested in having that same conversation again with another person, after having had quite literally hundreds of the most amazing metaphysical conversations with some of the most intelligent people I've ever met….

And quite literally thousands of attempted similar conversations from some of the stupidest people I've ever met, who suddenly thought they had become enlightened somehow….


If it's human, I hate it…
If it's human, its a nigger in my book….

I've got no interest in humans or their philosophies, and I've certainly got no interest in their imaginary religions, or anything else about them or their pathetic fucking lives….

I just saw a news story about a methamphetamine dealer in Alabama who had an 'attack squirrel' to protect his methamphetamine stash… This guy actually gave the squirrel a bunch of meth all the time, and made the poor thing go into a vicious psychosis, and kept it near his meth stash so it would flip out and attack anybody who tried to steal his shards…. The police found out about it, and they raided his property. News cameras captured this poor squirrel completely flipping out, gone totally insane, having been given massive amounts of methamphetamine, bouncing and jumping and leaping like he was on fire…. When animal control tried to get the squirrel, it jumped and escaped and ran off into the woods to suffer…

That's a perfect example of why I don't give a flying fuck about any human being or their philosophies or their religion or their opinions or their paranoid fears…

If it's a human, I hope it dies…..

That paradox is exactly why I am completely ambivalent

If I had a religion these days it would definitely be the religion of disgust… The religion of hatred… The jaded religion of pessimism and disdain….

That's not to say I didn't used to prescribe to a completely opposite perspective and philosophy

But I don't have a religion….
I've tried both of those polar opposites, and I am somewhere in the middle now…

haha..fucking hee
i am very far from an enlightened person(which don't make me anymore enlightened)

Now, I was gonna say that although i dont consider myself too enlightened, at least i'm not as unenlightened as you…but then that would make me as as unenlightened as you, so i shoulda just listened to Tao, and kept my mouth shut

Now you're getting it

Nice day, isn't it

The sparrow sings in the tree
The dandelion fluff twirls in the wind
And andy gets enlightened

I guess I blew it with that lasy part

As much as I despise the human race and everything they stand for, that's actually NOT what's on my mind in my day-to-day existence…

I don't walk around seething with hatred….

The only time I ever bring it up is at moments like this, when a conversation arises and I and reminded of my real opinion about life and about the human race….

I don't walk around filled with anger or disgust

I spend my time trying to laugh and trying to find something good to smile about….

It's only when I'm forced to contemplate the human race that my life experiences are recalled, and I am once again reminded of my honest opinions…. But like always, soon afterwards I managed to stop thinking about it, and I'm able to continue existing without focusing on my disgust

I don't like squirrels

bada boom
bada bing

za zen za zing!

Just-Kiss-It has already seen these images

But for those of you who haven't, here's my answer to all of your enlightened metaphysical New age Hocus pocus old school predictable religion and philosophy:

I don't give a flying fuck about that shit, even though I am well aware of it and much much more

The only thing I care about right now is this

Attached: 20190620_175413_7017.jpg (1920x1080, 73.34K)

Lol @ za zen za zing

We found the as babies when their mom died and bottle fed them and they would sit on my lap while i scratched behind their ears when they wer 1/2 grown and thm we let them go and they would still come and sit on my lap and take a peanut, then the lil fucker chomped my finger 1/2 off when i tried to pet him
big fucking squireely rat teeth

I guess thats healthy, everyone needs to take a break from reality. Even me from time to time, or I drive myself insane.

I have a hard time worrying about the 'harmonious resonance' of the people I love, and have no concern about my own harmonious resonance, because I'm busy taking care of innocent lives, who have done nothing to create their own personal problems.

Attached: 20190620_175413_6964.jpg (1920x1080, 67.89K)

*huge smile as I light a cigarette*

but that was ok,

It's my garden

lil cunts dig up all the flowers and eat my corn and bite my tomtoes and have babies in my garage and the crazy ol' lady next door puts out bags of peanuts for them

Did you know squirrels are really tasty?

gotta watch the tularemia when you skin them, gotta use gloves

Now, I don't mean to kill them in a cruel fashion, but a powerful airgun does the trick

tastes better than the cottontails i get occasionally

I know, I know…..

I have posted this video repeatedly… I know…..

But there's a reason why I post it.
It's not by accident…………………..

ah, you made me guilty, as i really don't shoot them, but just chase them with my hose(although the cottontails is true, we are over run hear with them and they are big enough to make a meal and a rabbit goes for $2o a lb here)

And while I'm at it… I might as well go ahead and follow up with this one, because it's all part of the same message

Best wild animal pet i ever had were coons

Last time I raised a baby was 25 yrs ago and never again

He was rocky and at 8 months i decided to release him

he purr and let me tickle his belly and play bite me

So I started cutting back on the dogfood and feeding raw uncracked eggs and even caught a few crayfish from the local stream…haha..hee, the crab hooked on his nose and he freaked out and ripped it off and chomped it down

So after a month of this I took him about
6 miles into the forest across from where i lived and let him go…and he follwed me and I shooed him..and he followed me, so I ran deeper in to the woods along the creek and took a hard right and headed for home

I found him dead a week later as he tried to cross the busy road in front of my house

Now, I never was the one who decided to keep him, it was my asshole cousin who kept him penned up in a shed all by himself and seeing that the spirit of the compassionate side of theTao was in me more than others, i would play with him every day, as I know what it's like to be lonely

Fucking asshole cousin

and in the end

Such a shame to believe in escape
A laugh on every face
And that's a change
'Til I'm finally left with an eight
Tell me to relax,
I just stare
Maybe I don't know
if I should change
A feeling that we share…………

It's a shame
Remember me with rage, it's a shame
(Such a shame)
Remember me in hate
(such a shame)

This eagerness to change
It's a shame
The dice decide my fate
And that's a shame
In these trembling hands My faith
tells me to react,
I don't care
Maybe it's unkind
that I should change
A feeling that we share…………..

It's a shame
Rememmber me with rage, it's a shame
(Such a shame)
Remenmber me in hate
(such a shame)
This eagerness to change

Such a shame
Tell me to relax,
I just stare
Maybe I don't know
if I should change
A feeling that we share……………

It's a shame
Rememmber me with rage, it's a shame
(Such a shame)
Rememmber me in hate, it's a shame
(Such a shame)
Write it across my name
(Such a shame)
This eagerness to change

Such a shame

My crazy grandfather kept coons as pets

He had about 3 or 4 in his life and they all turned mean from neglect

I would never ke\ep a wild animal as pet

I lived with my grandfather as a kid and we had an alligator, and octopus9smart fucker that kept figuring how to get out of its aquarium, 2 squirrel monkies(they wer legal to buy when i was a kid)

My grandad had to get a female monkey cause the male one kept trying to fuck us kids in the ear…felt like a wet cutip

We had an owl when i was really small, with a lease arround it's neck..dont know what happened to that…fucking ignorant people can be the cruelest, even if well intentioned
And we had a crow and a mynah bird that both talked

Numerous pirannahs and snakes and lizards


no more pets

Didn'y recognize this at first, until i realized i had heard it many times on mtv

Renowned for his unerring sense of atmosphere and nuance, Tim Friese-Greene was among the most innovative – albeit underrecognized – producers of his era. He first surfaced during the late 1970s, engineering records from acts including the Rumour and Hawkwind before going on to produce material for the Records and Thomas Dolby. Beginning with their 1984 LP It's My Life, Friese-Greene became an unofficial member of the group Talk Talk, not only producing their albums but also playing keyboards and writing songs with frontman Mark Hollis; over the course of successive Talk Talk records, Friese-Greene's input grew, and on later efforts like 1988's Spirit of Eden and 1991's Laughing Stock, the music took on distinctive, almost jazz-like textures heralding new artistic directions later followed by the so-called post-rock movement. As Talk Talk dissolved, Friese-Greene moved his focus to the band Catherine Wheel, producing their 1992 debut Ferment as well as its 1993 follow-up, Chrome. His solo debut, the EP Heligoland, appeared in 1998.

Candice Cane was her birthname…

Candy Cane….
I'll never forget the first time I saw her.
Me and Cap'n America had just walked into The Saint after hours club in Atlanta Georgia, and it was around 6:45 a.m., right before the sun came up.

The club was empty, safe with the employees to were cleaning their stations and getting ready to go home… And the two girls out dancing on the dance floor to the song SUCH A SHAME by Talk Talk…

Nicky & Candy….

Candy was the most amazing dancer I had ever seen in my life… She was doing the most unique interpretive dance, and would do slow 'cartwheels' between moves…

(I think cartwheels is the right term to use)

She would keep her arms and legs fully extended, and do slow circles fluidly, from one hand to the next, then to one foot, to the next foot, and back to the first hand again…

(Imagine a knife throwing act with a person strapped to a large spinning wheel, without the wheel)

She would do this move so fluidly, and slowly, and gracefully, as if it was natural to 'spin in circles'… I would later find out that candy came from a very wealthy family and was a classically trained dancer and musician. she could do any form of dance with exquisite mastery…

Cap'n got Nicky….

I got Candy Cane…..

and we all 4 began living together in the girls' funky Bohemian apartment in Little five points in Atlanta…

Candy Cane and Nicky were lipstick lesbians, so they'd eat each other out while Cap'n and I fucked them.

Candy was hilarious !!! She was a NUT !!!
She used to walk around the house wearing a giant cloth diaper and nothing else, taking large amounts of methylenedioxyamphetamine (Brown sassafras MDA) eating popsicles end complaining about things that you didn't even exist to anybody's knowledge, but then again perhaps she was right and those things did exist…

She was fucking brilliant!!
And she was quite insane!!!
And she was one of the wildest roller coaster rides of my life!!!

That album by talk talk was the soundtrack to our lives, all four of us living like possessed lizards in that tiny apartment.

Candy bought me a black hooded 'satanic looking' robe, and a machete… Don't ask me why…

Those were some of the most crazy fun days of my life

good bye

Glad my typing has improved so I can express my verbal diarrehah[sic]

Hope you can get over your what ever your problems are Andy

thanks for the music links

I havent seen them before

I am my only problem

Whatever year that particular Talk Talk album came out, that's the year I meant candy cane
