Not America Anymore? Public Communist Indoctrination Camp Covering Up Mural Of George Washington

There’s plans in the works to cover a mural of George Washington from the halls of George Washington High School in San Francisco due to complaints that it’s offensive and demeaning to Native Americans and African Americans.

The San Francisco school board is expected to decide next week whether to cover the image or paint over it, but there’s no plans among top officials to leave the imagery in the open for students to view, according to several Bay Area news reports.

Board members appear to agree with a working group’s determination that the mural “traumatizes students and community members.” The “Life of Washington” mural, which consists of 13 panels, was painted in 1936. One of the images involves Washington gesturing toward a group of explorers who are walking by the body of a presumably deceased Native American. Another depicts Washington next to several slaves performing various types of manual labor.

At a June 18 special meeting to consider the controversial paintings, “not one school board member advocated to keep the mural,” reports SF Weekly.

“Instead, Comizares Gabriela Lopez, Alison Collins, Stevon Cook, and Mark Sanchez commented on how emotionally draining it was to hear — and have other rehash for them — the pain they know firsthand comes from violent, demeaning imagery like this.”

The three options before the board are to obscure the mural with curtains, create acoustic panels to cover it up, or paint over it; each option would costs anywhere from 300,000 to $800,000 to complete, the San Francisco Chronicle reports.

District spokeswoman Gentle Blythe told the Chronicle the mural is “huge and complicated,” and that even though it consists of only a couple of controversial images the board’s decision will impact the entire fresco.

About 100 people packed the recent school board meeting to weigh in on the issue, many of whom spoke against covering the mural up.

“We should be teaching about the mural and what it means. I’m half native American. I have no problem with the mural. It depicts what happened,” said one mural proponent, reports FOX KTVU 2.

Attached: Public Communist Indoctrination Camp Covering Up Mural Of George Washington.jpeg (1200x900, 103.33K)

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Normally I would say these sissies would not be able to make it in real life society, when in fact a while back ago that would be 100% TRUE…. however I just realized something very stark…. these sissies are the same sissies taking over more governmental and bureaucratic jobs which is part of the problem we have today in the first place…. while they continue leaching off the rest of the [currently dying] productive host [our nation itself]…. God Help Us. This is USSR-style demise.

News Flash !! nobody cares about George Washington anymore. He symbolizes your dying, archaic, long forgotten corpse of a brainwashed past.

Fuck George Washington.

George Washington was a thief, a bum, a liar, and an unfaithful bigamist.

You're so gullible, dude. wow… just wow

You will not replace us.

Color me surprised.

The successes of that past built the wealth that you survive by parasiting off of today.

you got replaced decades ago.

stfu, bum


there's a reason why you haven't created a thread about the unprecedented US Navy classified briefings with Congress about the recent increases in UFO sightings and interactions with Navy pilots, and the recent drastic increase in UFO activity over military bases and other restricted airspace….

The reason?…..

because you're out of touch
You have NO CLUE what's happening.

That's called projection, white man's burden.

Okay, I'm home and I'm about to shower and shave and take Sarah to the NA Meeting.

Have fun NOT taking a gorgeous young woman out to celebrate your victory over addiction, then out to get dinner afterwards.

lol @ George Washington
what a fucking joke

No… It's called STFU, YOU BUM

you've never contributed a fucking thing

again: enjoy being unable to take control over your weakness of character and addiction to alcohol, and the loneliness

Appeal to ignorance.

you certainly are self-righteous for a slob who's never contributed or changed a god damn thing.

All Jews must die.

That sure means a lot coming from shitskins who think food comes from the grocery store.

I have no interest in Operation Bluebeam and all that disinfo being spread around about "muh aliens." We all know these were fallen angels, not aliens from another planet. They were covering this crap up since the Roswell crash.

You're just another communist who hates America so I don't expect you to give a shit about the demise of this nation. You can party all you want, you won't have much to give your sons or daughters by the time your dead and they'll inherit a third world country. So laugh it up and enjoy the death of your future.

Rejoice, cretins like that will never reproduce.

My children are healthier, stronger, more intelligent and harder working then you will ever be, not to mention much much more attractive.

Thats not nearly enough to save them from a robbed future you choose to ignore.

Attached: PicsArt_06-21-07.42.12.jpg (1280x926, 169.07K)

As if YOU know anything about the future.

You've been telling people the world was about to end since 1998. That's 21 years of you being completely wrong, 365 days per year.

By worrying about a future you can't predict, you've destroyed the present, and created a past of wasted energy and laughably mistaken predictions.

You're not going to be around to know what happens in the future, and you flushed your past down the toilet, thinking that you are persuasive and that you are capable of making other people flush their lives down the toilet just like you.

And don't think it goes unnoticed that you were such a trend follower that you only became a 'sky is falling' doomsday clown because of Y2K, just like millions of milk toast middle-of-the-road grandmothers did.

Okay. Sarah just texted.
Adios, Chicken Little.

My kids already have it 100 times better than you did. You're a myopic fossil.

I don't make predictions, if you take a look at whats going its obvious this country is completely falling apart and is completely financially insolvent today. Our whole economy is in a bubble like the mortgage bubble that burst in 2008. You can ignore it until it all comes crashing down and the consequences unfold.

Lol, incel.

People like him seem to think that they and their families will forever be immune no matter how bad it gets around them. Half the nation could be on fire and as long as those people are not in it they'll claim "everything is just fine, see, I'm not burning!" They don't get it until it hits THEM ….and THEN they get it…. but at that point it's too late to yell "fire" anymore and they die. Same thing as everything else…. the third world diseases coming back to LA? Thats airborne and its going to spread everywhere! It won't be contained to just that state! Same thing with the debt insolvency issue, they're going to take away peoples' pensions and raise taxes in feeble desperation to prop up the system before it collapses, and we will all see hyperinflation someday too. Same thing with all the other problems we see today, crisis is rapidly spreading like cancer! This won't just take certain states down… it will take down one after the other after the other until there is nowhere left to flee!

The user is a buffoon, he is narrow-minded, all he cares about is himself and how he can pleasure himself TODAY. And that is why we are dying as a nation! I'm guilty of it too sometimes, I drink because I have to have something to help me cope so I don't go insane and end up putting a gun in my mouth!!

Attached: tfw it's the 4th of July and you know the truth.jpg (474x474, 64.95K)

wtf….Aliens are demons?

Must explain why they keep showing up in the US

Yea, but then you got your back wet getting here

lots of shitskins ITT showing their hands

They could paint over every 'offensive' mural, take down every statue. change every lyric of every song; and they'd still just be niggers living in the shadow of civilization.

Lol @ going to NA meetings being victory over anything

Daily reminder that niggers are worse than a nuclear attack.

That's a fact. There is nothing we can possibly do that would make them happy. Any concession we give. Any rules we bend. Any exceptions we make. It will NEVER be enough. They will always be begging for more. And they are in the perfect position to do so. We should never have brought them into the country in the first place. That was truly the biggest possible mistake of our forefathers.

That is why there should be no concessions, no apologies, no reparations, no specialist treatment aimed at placating that ever angry masses of self defeating non whites. The West is on its knees because of the fallacy that everyone is of equal worth and deserves an equal opportunity.

How is it even conceivable that painting a wall would cost $300,000?

Attached: painting a wall.jpg (1280x1280, 122.25K)

- (((Scientifically formulated))) paint that not only is free of harmful toxins but sends invisible chemical signals to spontaneously grow trees in the parched areas of Central America; giving vital roots and oxygen generation to underprivileged pygmies.

- The paint is then sealed inside a biodegradable container that has been designed to minimise oppressive tactile sensory experiences for aspiring people of color who have traditionally been marginalised by containers made exclusively to benefit the calloused hands of white tradesmen.

- Refreshingly diverse artistic factual design to the container labelling system that has been reviewed by a panel from the Constance Brown-Koffi Museum of Tolerant and Non-Threatening Packaging; containing no triggering language and illustrations from up and coming artists of color and crippled former child prostitutes from southern Peru.

- Color palette chosen by renowned differently sighted, creatively fluid designer Petard Owumugele; featuring no names to conform with the 2014-15 Interyear Identity International Initiative in Illinois

- The paint will be liberally applied to the former fascist work of visual oppression by newly arrived Americans from Somalia who will create a colorful creation of creativity, creating an artistic and creative space for students to express themselves creatively and diversely as one creative body.

It's not.

Jesus Christ user
You spent all that time creating that failed attempt at satire?
Jeeze, I hope yor a fast typer
I am the wittiest person that I have ever met and I don't dazzle here because of my hunt and pecker

I forgot to ask, are you J-k-i?

I kinda like you cause yor the class clown here
Your like that kid who adults smile at not because you're funny, but because they feel embarrassed yet humored by your failed attempts

Don't let me deter you though, you lil scamp, you(tousles hair)

absolute news

what a shocker

Most American
Freedom and respect for the individual

Molon Labe

Attached: you got a lioscene for that BANG BANG BANG.jpg (774x514, 114.48K)

Never give up the guns to traitors!

If they come for the guns… GIVE THEM THE HOT LEAD!

This is What Panic Looks like.

PAIN Patriots Are IN Control

So Many Failed attempts…

America and Russia People are Waking up

Attached: Continously air breathing assisted jet engine linear aerospkie rocket.jpg (1920x1080, 118.83K)

If anything this only speaks badly of the school board. Is it so stacked with 1-dimensional retards that dare not speak up for history or tradition?

Time to die, Parasite.

Attached: firecunin.jpg (2742x4082, 886.05K)

If it's any consolation, America will be put out of it's misery shortly after their takeover. The cancer hasn't killed the host yet but it's getting there.

its california. it has to be not-paint paint. it needs to be safe enough for these brain dead fucks to peel off the walls and use as a side salad with their tidepods.

goodbye America….

nice knowing ya….


I say get rid of all of them.

Glorifying Politicians is nothing but appeasement for the masses.
In my eyes, all politics are horrible.

Abe Lincoln did free the slaves, but he hated Natives/Indians.