GOOD! Killcen Suffers Massive Stroke: On Life Support

Zig Forums's very own killcen suffered a massive aneurysm early Saturday morning, and is currently on life support, not expected to live.

Dr. Sacworth told Zig Forums reporters that killcen "suffered the massive aneurysm soon after creating a thread about God punishing all bad Americans and the imminent end of the world".

Killcen is being kept alive through artificial means like a breathing apparatus and a feeding tube, and is showing no signs of brain activity.

"It's not clear if there was any brain activity before he suffered the aneurysm," said Dr. Sacworth. "It's also not clear whether or not it's worth wasting the electricity for the breathing machine."

Reports have surfaced that killcen's daughter won't even realize her father has passed away for several months, and when she finally finds out, she will no longer have to worry about being embarrassed anymore.

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After speaking with killcen's daughter, Dr. Sacworth ordered a tattoo on the patients chest.

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It turns out he was right about God punishing Americans who don't have anything worthwhile to contribute. That was the only prediction he ever made that was correct.

it's awful that you would put GOOD! in the headline. 'great!' would've been more appropriate.

killcen is a homosexual. ive been coming to Zig Forums longer than anyone else, and ive seen him hitting on underage boys many times in the past. he toned it down in the past couple years ever since he got in trouble asking a 16 year old user for dick pics back in 2016. I certainly hope he survives the stroke so he can be prosecuted.

not surprisingly, I have also seen him asking men about their penises before in Zig Forums. he has ask men if they had Peyronie's Disease, and offered to give a diagnosis if he could see photographs.

wtf? Is peyronie's disease a real thing? the only time I've ever heard of it before was in Zig Forums where some guy was talking about 5G and the end of the world, and asked me to show him a photograph of my penis. I figured he was making up peyronie's disease. It doesn't sound like a real name of a disease.

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It’s perogies disease


Peyronie's (pay-roe-NEEZ) disease is the development of fibrous scar tissue inside the penis that causes curved, painful erections. Penises vary in shape and size, and having a curved erection isn't necessarily a cause for concern. But Peyronie's disease causes a significant bend or pain in some men.

I don't think that was killcen. while I'm quite sure he would be interested in seeing your penis from his hospital bed, I'm pretty sure the breathing tubes and feeding tubes are preventing him from masturbating right now.

is this real? did killcen really have a stroke?

Dr (sac)sworth here

It was only his (sac)roiliac joint, which had become inflamed after a drunken fall

And while in the hospital, the airs (sac)s of his lungs had become inflamed

He may make a complete recovery and be up in time to return to his post as main contributor hehe[sic] on Zig Forums if we all pray for him
All pray to day at 10 pm (est) Sat jUNE 22

O Lord Jesus, O great patriotical patriarch,
heal this humble man
this repentantwife beating, party animaling, fallen lush
so that he may enlighten us all here on Zig Forums once again

/killcen/ here
The rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated

I just thought of this

And I aint even lyin'

In Zig Forums they're saying he died

egg (sac)lee

I'm comfortable with my heterosexuality, so I would more than happy to show killcen my penis if it will give him a reason to live.

I live in China, so it's going to be an odd time,
We here use Tor for stuff other than cp, and I'm prepped!



准 'george' 备

i hope he dies