Mainstream Corporate Media IGNORES Damning Exposure Of Google Election Meddling, Mass Censorship

The liberal corporate media has totally ignored the explosive Google exposé by Project Veritas revealing systemic efforts by the tech company to prevent President Trump from getting reelected in 2020.

CNN, WaPo, CNBC, HuffPost, The New York Times, Vox, Vice, Newsweek, Politico, and even The Daily Beast haven’t written a single piece on the devastating evidence presented by a Google whistleblower and undercover footage of a Google executive discussing how to algorithmically manipulate the 2020 presidential election.

Not even Fox News is covering it:

Regardless of what one thinks of Project Veritas, the damning information they revealed is extremely relevant and newsworthy, and confirms numerous instances of anti-competitive censorship practices by Google.

The media still remained silent even after a member of Congress, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), addressed the bombshell Google exposé on Twitter and his Congressional website:

“Google should not be deciding whether content is important or trivial and they most assuredly should not be meddling in our election process. They need their immunity stripped,” he wrote.

One aspect of the report features undercover footage of longtime Google employee and Head of Responsible Innovation, Jen Gennai, saying Google has been working diligently to “prevent” the results of the 2016 election from repeating in 2020, meaning they are actively engaging in election meddling and working to elect someone from the Democratic Party.

The exposé was so damaging that Google-YouTube deleted Project Veritas’ video exposing the tech giant’s electioneering:

See the damning video mirrored here:

And the Google executives have deleted their social media pages.

Jen Gennai, the Google executive caught on video bragging that “Congress can pressure us but we’re not changing,” panicked, deleted her Twitter account and made her Instagram ‘private.’

Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-TX) responded to O’Keefe’s latest undercover sting and said Google needs to be stripped of its section 230 immunity and to be “properly pursued by class action lawsuits by those they have knowingly harmed.”

As of publishing, Google did not respond to Project Veritas’ request for comment.

Additional leaked Google documents can be viewed HERE:

Attached: Mainstream Corporate Media IGNORES Damning Exposure Of Google Election Meddling, Mass Censorship.jpg (1280x720, 122.28K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You.Cant.Watch.This.2019.1080p.WEB.x264-AR torrent

New censorship documentary released…


That's why I've been getting my news here exclusively for nearly five years. No pay walls and no kike narrative.

I've been ripping all the good Youtube videos I can find and posting them on alternatives like Bitchute… while uploading its nice to take a gander at some of the alternative news content others come out with too.

And no bothering to fact check!


The story simply doesn't substantiate your claim that Google plans to fix the election. It quite clearly intends to try to stop the illegal Russian meddling that happened last time.

bump for truth

Google collaborated with Hillary Clinton during the last campaign, and now the NXIVM story has broken. How do we know that they don’t mean, “we want to avoid partnering with sexual predators, and maybe even to contribute in a small way towards building a society where the next presidential campaign is not ancient sociopathic relic vs ancient sociopathic relic”?


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maybe because it's all fake news? what is project veritas? Just putting that in your name makes it seem like they're all about the truth, but it's very telling that they need to put veritas in their name as if that's a qualifier. remember that blogging facebook dude that made up stories out of his head and posted them to get alt-right clicks and make money? he always posted shit about google, murdering hilary clinton, dirty mexicans, and admitted he made he started it for shits and giggles to see if people would click his pages, but couldn't stop once the alt-right clicks started pouring in and making him money. maybe nobody else is reporting this because project veritas is bullshit. where are their sources?

Attached: It's afraid NPC.jpg (600x338, 34.56K)

click the fucking article you pleb.

Nope, its not fake. They have leaked documents AND footage. Take a look at it.

Both the democrats and republicans agree the Russians meddled in the last election. It's a fact. The evidence is clear. Trump had a wink-wink relationship with them that probably didn't violate the law but certainly benefited from the illegal Russian interference.


You have to be some kind of moron to believe the corrupt lying sacks of shit called "politicians" we have today. They don't care about you or me, they care about their special interests and lie all the time for $$$$$. Known fact, known for a long time.


bumping real news

The exposé was so damaging that Google-YouTube deleted Project Veritas’ video exposing the tech giant’s electioneering:

See the damning video mirrored here:

so much for "don't be evil"



This just proves that the mainstream corporate media & Big Tech are in bed together. Its just too fucking obvious.

I will never purchase cable TV ever again. Nor will I ever support ANY of the SHIT spy products they shill these days. That is final.

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aaaaaand, Vimeo deleted it as well. Well, I won't be using them as a YouTube alternative.

I feel we need to do something about google's abuse of power. What can we do though? any ideas?

Don't use Google, boycott ALL Big Tech "smart" products and their social media services.

Find alternatives to use: >>>/prepare/20

I've been ripping tons of good videos/channels on Youtube using youtube-dl & youtube-dlg and posting them up on some of the alternatives. Also use stuff like Tor and have a private VPN so the major tech companies can't steal your data online and market it.

Noted. Someone also should grab any decent videos up on Vimeo, set up some temp disposable email to make some accounts, mirroring the videos to Minds, Dtube and/or Bitchute.

If this means war, they got a war.

Any angry hackers out there? You guys know what to do. Cause chaos.


They're probably being deleted, because it's made up "fake news" and youtube, vimeo et al don't want to be accused of slander.
Also, I mentioned this in another thread, but it seems they want to prevent russian meddling and causing a "trump situation." Otherwise they would just say they want to prevent a "trump win." The situation with him is that asked for russia to meddle at his campaign rallies, they (wink wink, nudge, nudge) did and after trump won, instead of punishing a foreign entity for fucking around with our election system, trump said "thanks!" and refused to do anything because it benefited him (this time) Even going out of his way to REWARD putin with praise, siding with him over his own intelligence agencies, and sucking his dick on the regular.
If russia really wants to fuck with the US, they'll openly shill and cyberwarfare against trump in the next election and watch him and the rest of america implode in disbelief - trump, for being betrayed by his russian dom and the rest of america for the fact that all this time trump never did anything to stop it.


how do you go from ensuring elections are not meddled with, to doing the meddling yourself? Are you 12 who lacks basic reading comprehension?

Apparently by leaking info to the public about how a political party is rigging their primary election, right?

Even IF true, which there is no solid evidence to backup your claims, why would they be censoring conservative American commentators that have no relation to Trump what-so-ever and even censoring more leftist Anti-war commentators? Do you even realize how many innocent people have been affected by this censorship?

Looks like Jim wants Zig Forums to become part of the mainstream corprorate media propaganda-only parade too.

I never expected Zig Forums would be taken over by government robots……… time to move on and to better places, and that I'm doing.



ded bord off front page

give up


Where is the like button?

It doesn't matter. I'm posting this news elsewhere as well. Its all archived and will not die, no matter how much you may resent that, the TRUTH IS OUT.

Know the NPC, mock the NPC.

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I'd like to say the good people at Bitchute are doing a GREAT JOB informing eveyone what is really going on in the world!!!