RON'S EMAIL: Why Zig Forums Was Taken Off Front Page, Will Be Deleted Soon

According to Ron's email last night, once killcen leaves, Jim will put Zig Forums back up on the front page. However, Ron says Jim told him if Killcen comes back, Zig Forums will be permanently removed from the entire site.

the technique Jim is using is very clever, because it's designed to make killcen show whether or not his ego will make him allow the entire board sacrifice just because he cares more about himself than the board as a whole.

this is an old military technique, where the CO will make the entire barracks suffer for the misdeeds of one cadet. that way, all of the other cadets will resent the cadet who caused the problem.

and I think each of us realize that killcen will sacrifice the entire board, because he only cares about himself, and his incessant threads that nobody reads.

By being so insecure that he needed to ruin Zig Forums with his desperate attempts to feel like he 'mattered', killcen jeopardized the entire board.

first, he drove away all of the regular readers, then he drove the final nails into the Zig Forums coffin by 'not taking a hint' when Jim was actually PAYING PEOPLE to make killcen realize that his presence was not desired here, and he was making the user base leave in droves.

Of course, killcen is delusional and self-aggrandizing, so he tries to convince himself that Jim was trying to 'censor real news', when that had absolutely nothing to do with it.

Jim realizes that killcen's crap is not real news, it's all just the same old redundant paranoid conspiracy nonsense you can find anywhere on the internet.

The reason Jim wanted to get rid of Killcen was simple:

killcen's threads aren't cool, they're not fun, they're not interesting, they're not informative, AND THEY MADE READERS LEAVE Zig Forums

he's bad for business.

Killcen's like the screaming angry drunk schizophrenic guy laying in front of the doorway of a fancy restaurant….. He's ruining the experience for paying customers….

And that's why he had to go.

Killcen doesn't give a fuck about you or me.

He only cares about himself.

He's a selfish greedy man.

He's going to continue ruining Zig Forums

He's going to continue posting threads.

He's going to claim he's fighting censorship.

That's why Zig Forums will not be put back on the front page

And that's why Jim has instructed Ron to eliminate Zig Forums completely if Killcen continues.

and killcen knows this…

so when you see him creating threads…

You'll know he's intentionally trying to destroy Zig Forums

which proves that he's not here to share news

he's here because nobody wants his paranoid lemonade.

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Other urls found in this thread:

everybody already knows killcen is the one who destroyed Zig Forums. He didn't destroy it by posting real news, because very little of what he posts has any foundation in reality.

He destroyed it by not taking a hint when Jim was paying us to dissuade killcen from driving readers away.

Advertisers look at the server logs to count how many readers their ads are reaching. killcen made so many people leave with his boring paranoia, that advertisers began cancelling accounts with Jim.

Killcen simply drove away all the readers, and that's bad for business.

nobody wants to drink his bitter putrid lemonade, even if it's free.

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interesting. now that I understand the situation, it all makes sense. killcen is quite literally set on destroying Zig Forums, and sacrificing all of us, just so he can continue telling himself that he's important? I've never paid attention to any of his schizophrenic conspiracy threads, and I don't remember anybody requesting his presence here. I came to this board to read news stories, not to hear the same old conspiracy theories rehashed over and over. I'm really beginning to resent him now.

When life gives you lemons, make everybody hate your guts.

Advertising dollars are the bottom line, and now I completely understand why killcen had to go.

agreed. now killcen's claims that 'jim was trying to censor his stupid stories' look more ridiculous than ever before. of course it's the advertisers pulling out that made jim want killcen gone.

I'm pretty angry with killcen right now. Zig Forums used to be one of my favorite boards, but now his selfishness is why it's about to be deleted from Zig Forums.

The ego is one of the biggest barriers to people working together effectively. When people get caught up in their egos, it erodes their effectiveness. That's because the combination of false pride and self-doubt created by an overactive ego gives people a distorted image of their own importance. When that happens, people see themselves as the center of the universe and they begin to put their own agenda, safety, status, and gratification ahead of those affected by their thoughts and actions.

fuck you, killcen

killcen somehow decided that he would pretend that people 'wanted' him to keep posting in here, as if he was doing us a great service, and we wanted him to continue.

im in germany, so none of the u.s. government conspiracy theories mean anything to me. the only reason i ever read any of killcen's threads was just to get a chuckle at his bizarre levels of schizophrenia and autism. now that I realize jim is going to delete Zig Forums if killcen continues posting, i think this will be an interesting test to prove how little respect killcen has for any of us.

KILLCEN, we aren't going to let you have the entire neighborhood bulldozed just because YOU insist on setting up your pathetic little lemonade stand.

We don't want any of your lemonade !! Pack up your little stand and take it somewhere else.

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I'm sure killcen would like to ask someone why he's been kicked out of Zig Forums

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so ron emailed you and said Zig Forums will go back up on to the front page if killcen stops creating threads? how long of a probationary period is jim going to enforce before he has determined that killcen has stopped?

id imagine that jims not going to allow Zig Forums back on the front page too quickly, because that would simply encourage killcen to treat this like it was a joke. the part that concerns me most is where jim says he will completely delete the entire Zig Forums board if killcen continues to post during this probationary period. i guess this is where we get to see how much or how little killcen respects others.

let me make sure I understand this:
Ron told you that Jim is going to eliminate the entire Zig Forums board if killcen continues posting?

fuck killcen!!

thinking about continuing to post in Zig Forums?
DO NOT DO it, killcen

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That's NOT my fault. Thats Jim and/or Ron doing this. I'm only posting news, thats ALL I'm doing.

If Jim decides to remove Zig Forums then Jim supports censorship and shame on him if so!

IF true…. and I have my doubts but IF true, they are bullies of the worst kind and are THE ones supporting censorship and hatred against all of us.

I respect your right to speak motherfucker! Even if I don't agree with you!

Why don't you respect my right to speak my mind even if you don't agree?

This is T Y R A N N I C A L !

Its you guys that created that "ego", you always talk shit about me.

Uhhhh huh…. and what are we paying them to post here exactly? Our data? Is this a honeypot operation that went South because of me? If so I can clearly see why they'd be infuriated.

so you are intentionally trying to get Zig Forums removed from Zig Forums? fuck you. get lost, schizo. you've got no respect for us, so now we don't have any for you. we don't want you here.

Thats up to them if they want to nuke a news board. I'm one of you, I am a news poster too, whether you like that or not. If you support censoring me you support censoring everyone period.

We should all be standing up against this tyranny and bullying. This threat is not just against me, they are threatening everyone here.

you're definitely not one of us. and don't think we're going to get involved in your little problems. by continuing to post in here, you are clearly demonstrating that you don't have any respect for us.

no, it's just you.

If you respect my right to free speech, I'll respect yours too. But it must be mutual.

This is a threat against ALL of us. And whatever they decide to do won't stop me from posting elsewhere anyway.

If you want this board to be saved, you need to address the one who threatened to nuke it in the first place and stop blaming another VICTIM.

I'll give you anons ONE day to figure this all out.

The choice is up to YOU. Stand up for free speech entirely, or go down with the censorship you endorse.

Source: your ass

we didn't create this problem, you did. nobody is rallying behind you, because nobody wants you here.

trying to distract from the fact that you've decided to keep posting and sabotage everybody else in here?

nobody likes you. nobody wants you here.

Zig Forums is for everyone, its not your own private hub!

If the owners decide to nuke it that is 100% their fault, and trash like you deserve it if thats what you really support and endorse.

I'm here. I'm staying here.

You and OP either tell Ron/Jim not to nuke this board as I have done, or you all go down in flames for supporting censorship. Maybe then you'll get a taste of your own medicine for once? Is that what you want?

thinks he can blackmail people and hold this place hostage. loser.

If you rally behind censorship, in the end, thats what you'll get too. Its called Bad Karma.

I see you have been corrupted by demonic spirits. You need to repent! You need to rally behind God and the Freedom of Speech!

Jim/Ron are blackmailing me! I'm a victim of blackmail! And they are threatening YOU guys too!

You are rallying for EVIL and EVIL leads to destruction!!!

Jim & Ron must have sold out to the devil recently!

if Zig Forums choses the side of censorship and bullying tactis it deserves to burn

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jesus christ
This goy is representational of what's left of the anons on Zig Forums

I will spell it out since…jeeeze, this is embarrassing to have to point it out….the Op's post is a troll

BTW, /killcen/ wasn't the problem

It was me(sac), just-kiss-it, And JN

We shit posted non news on the front page

Jimbo and his boy wonder kept Zig Forums alive as it as a containment board for us, but especially for rthe likes of extreme self created autists from lsd burnouts like Johnny Neptune(Andy as I like to call the cray lil cherub)

Neptune leaves and a few weeks later Zig Forums is gone?


Now I really don't givea shit about Zig Forums, although I will post occasionally here if a few of the regulars do, but most likely not

As for /killcen/,All that stuff I posted about you such as
You did good /killcen/

All kidding a side, you did good. old buddy

They may silence you, but 100 more will arise from what you have accomplished here on Zig Forums, and from them, 10x more

You got to close to the truth and this FBI controlled website forced Watkins to silence you.

yadayada…jeeze, yu were being trolled old guy

So, Zig Forums will end up looking like /killcen/'s prep boards, as I knew it would one day, but he won't leave here ever, as he has at least 1 or 2? readers with morbid curiosity

So leave /killcen/ alone with the remnants of a one good board

It's days were numbered when Zig Forums was created although me and a few anons shit posted Zig Forums down to 82 Active ISPs like where Zig Forums is now

I will post a little gay scat on /newspus/ with you fuckers killed Zig Forums stuff, but It isn't worth the time to get into it and my heart isn't in it ,

HashManager.exe is an ok app for changing the checksum of a pix so you don't get the same file exists notice

just make 10 or more copies of a pix and change the hash and upload

All shitty funs times must come to an end

The last line of coke, the last dram of whiskey in the glass is drained
and this is a fond farewell from (sac)

just kidding. this shit is addictive, just use judicously

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So leave /killcen/ alone with the remnants of a once good board

Zig Forums had at one time 500+ ISP users until Jimbo wanted a piece of the action

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My 1st ban from /newspus/

I bought a cock sucking pussy machine because of an ad here on 8ch, but /killcen/ drove me away and I didn't buy the black vibrating dildo

Satan told them to buy this website

You been doin' Satan's work for a long tome now /killcen/

The father of lies has mislead you and you must renounce all worldly goods, including posting on the web and become a monk

go to /newspus/ and keep bumping the boringest(sic) threads

\Only assholes troll old paranoid drunks

I thought that you weren't an asshole anymore, just-kiss-it?

It's part of yor nature, just-accept-it

don't let Zig Forums die guys, i love ur board!

t. 5th lurker

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Just-Kiss-It bored of trolling Killcen long ago, finally left Zig Forums, convinced JN to leave for a week, then he never returned himself. That brought Zig Forums's entire userbase down to only Killcen, sometimes (sac), and sometimes Johnny. Even >>>/freedomzine/ has a larger userbase at this point, and not just because of pic related!
I think Just-Kiss-It may be busying himself doing something a little more productive than trolling angry drunks on da interwebz now…
but never too busy to pour some fine sage wine in your glass now and then…*

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This is true…
You were warned…

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I have a glass. Could I have a little whine, too pleeze?


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I blamed just-kiss-it for trolling the sad old guy, when it was news junkie doing alot of it

Why-a no-a meat-a balls on-a Zig Forums- a no-a Moria?

you dorty pedo-a fillapino-a Jimbo!
and yor-a son-a from-a da coreean whore-a
It was a dumb-a move by clueless-a people though, as Zig Forums-a was-a always-a containtment-a board for the lokes[sic] of mio

i'm {sac} of this shit and aint gonna take it no moria alonga wit Neptuna ala sea, and da just-kiss-it(he a faggot, but he-a ok-a and da olda gent, /killcen/a

You doity scum throw-a old senior citien out-a ina street-a?
I smeer-a shits-a on-a yor wallas
Young master Watkins here!

Let me take my penis out, while I get hard being in control(You guys do know that this is my website, right?)

Quad-annual Zig Forums meta thread. Sage'd of course so that it doesn't interfere with normal news posting. Lay it on me in this thread, faggots. You know how this shit works.

That's weird, I only remember it being 150 characters. Guess you can see how often I run into that problem.

In any case, I have seen and have taken appropriate action. Threads will be deleted instead of bumplocked in the future. Perhaps this will detract niggers who like seeing their shit smeared all over the walls too.

Zig Forums/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/Zig Forums/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/Zig Forums/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/Zig Forums/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/Zig Forums/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/Zig Forums/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/Zig Forums/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/ow on-a the front board
So please return it…
and then take it away again haha……heee

I am a kray…….zeee…….-a for da meat-a balls-a put back on da fron-a page-a
put-a mio back-a inna mio containmeto boardo…a

and then take it away again haha……heee——a

I always thought-a this-a peece-a shit-a news junkie-a was the just-kiss-it, but-a i see-a now-a it-a is a meetball-a wit no-a sauce-a

i gonna gibs-a u-abord-a pleny-a o sauce-a faggetto

/killcen/-a worth-a 10x u-a

(sac), not andy
fuck andy for abandoning ship and leaving me alone here with /killcen/…….shhhh!

Thee's a noise under my floor boards!

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Sorry Mark Wireing
You came too late to the party
Would have enjoyed yor here company though, you mischievous lil scamp!

You'd make a good mascot

(sac)imentally yors

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How is it you people don't see that it's namefaggotry that did this? You fuckers let him in here. You let him namefag. Gave him lots and lots of (you)s. And now he thinks he's somebody. And when namfagging got taken away, he started avatarfagging with his schizophrenia. And the (you)s kept flowing.

Going right back to day 1/post 1, mods should have been pruning that shit. Anons should have been reporting and hiding his shit threads and his delusional replies.

Coulda, shoulda, woulda, but didna. And here we are.

Lap it up.

say. looney
i, me. namefaggo (sac) et al killed Zig Forums

I yam confused…do mean Andy or /kullcen/?

good fucking riddance(sic) just because of clueless anons like you

Say, just-kiss-it, who do you think is mor clueless, this guy, or /killcen/?

If yor non native english speaking trash. for give me user

I know these Things, this is why I out troll and out autist anyone who trys(sic) me

Some would say it's a psychic ability, but is a gift like the greats, like the Amazing Kreskin had to read a group

And using my amazing (sac)ic abilities, I was able to guess that this post Was made by site owner Mr.Watkins in reference to Mr Mcgovern's meatball and sauce trolling:

Anonymous(aka Watkins) 06/23/19 (Sun) 13:56:54 No.786796

Why is the front page of this website plastered with "news articles" that contain a thread of a single psychopath having a conversation with himself, thinking it's at all funny?

▶Anonymous(aka just-kiss-it) 06/23/19 (Sun) 15:02:35 No.786819

I only think its funny pissing complete asshole snobs like yourself OFF. Don't like news? Fuck outta here already!

Mr Watkins assumed that the psychopath was Andrew McGovern(He was correct).

I'm assuming that Mr watkins was looking for an excuse to kill Zig Forums and this was his moment is the link for the moment

as this link will go poof(I forgot how to spell disappear), I have made a panoramic pix and even a screen shot which i
will include named The day Zig Forums died"'₍ₛₐ𝒸₎ₘₐᵣₖ aka meatballs of n'''

In parting, LSD should be kept away from 12 yr olds

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How-a you gonna make-a the sauce if-a you no gotta the meata-ball made?

This is no joke! If Ron/Jim want to nuke this board, so be it! That is their decision, not mine! REAL NEWS is coming back very soon, when I find time to post it!

I am NOT the one making ANY threats here, they are!!! Shame on them!!! They will never stop REAL NEWS, it is being mirrored on many different boards all over the internet and is archived offline as well! Every single thread I made is archived, yes!

Those that blame me for themselves leaving this GREAT NEWS BOARD can take a flying leap off a cliff! Not my fault! Their decision!!!

You know what? This GREAT NEWS BOARD is better off without all the backstabbers and haters!! However, if Jim/Ron decide to remove the board, tuff luck! Their doing no one service! I will simply post my threads elsewhere and anoy the shit out of Jim/Ron doing so, IF I have to!!! I don't want to…. but IF I have to, well thats up to them!!!

I have already begun expansion to Zig Forums! That is only the VERY BEGINNING *if* Jim/Ron decide to nuke this board, promise!!! And I will have no mercy mirroring my NEWS THREADS elsewhere in rage!!

Also, A LOT of great things are happening behind the scenes! You sunversive snots had your day! And the average folks like myself are getting sick of it!

Your Zionist "New World Order" will fail! And let me tell you all something, come hell or high water we will make sure it fails or die trying! Even if we gotta take the gloves off and get dirty doing it!!! REAL NEWS is coming back and its expanding for PRIME TIME!

I advise everyone to >>>/prepare/1

Because very soon SHTF and a second civil war is on its way!!! In the meantime, REAL NEWS will continue very soon once my slight hangover goes away and anons are done downloading some files over p2p!!

You demonic possessed assholes will never censor me! Get ready for the next round of REAL NEWS. Battlelines have been drawn.

It has become VERY CLEAR that many demonic forces here do not want REAL NEWS to be posted and spread. But it will be posted, and it will be spread. And those trying to censor and destroy this board are very very bad people…. AND ALSO are those who condone this censorship!!!!

"I have already begun expansion to Zig Forums! That is only the VERY BEGINNING *if* Jim/Ron decide to nuke this board, promise!!! And I will have no mercy mirroring my NEWS THREADS elsewhere in rage!!"

You will not stop me from posting real news or speaking the truth.

and when I do, haters are going to hate it really bady….

REAL NEWS will not be stopped!

Even IF Ron & Jim decide to nuke this entire board, its going to be posted and it is very welly backed up!!!

Just woke up to another email from Ron. He told me they were going to put Zig Forums back up on the front page this coming Friday, but Killcen has been posting in here more than normal, so they've decided to pull the plug on Zig Forums completely.

thanks a lot, killcen !! all you had to do was go elsewhere, and you could've saved Zig Forums.

you're a selfish, greedy, inconsiderate, rude asshole.

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your 'rage' and inability to exercise any self control are the only things you've got. All you had to do was respect others a little bit, and Zig Forums would've been back up on the front page by Friday.

you have absolutely no respect for anybody, and your impotent 'rage' just got Zig Forums pulled.

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oh well, that's that. Ron didn't say when they're pulling Zig Forums down, but now it's definitely going tp happen. I'm going to email him back and try to get more info.

you and your inconsiderate sissy tantrums. wow

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Thats their decision. If they want to condone censorship so be it. All I wanted to do was post news. And thats what I will continue doing.

at least now we got to learn how Killcen behaved when he wasn't picked to play on anybody's kickball team as a kid

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if there has EVER been a time when nobody wants to read your bullshit, this is that time. At this point we all resent the hell out of you, consider you to be trespassing, and now we're going to target you because you have proven you don't respect us.

we don't care if your feelings are hurt. you're a man, allegedly. so ACT LIKE ONE !!!

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Is this an open board or not? What is so wrong about posting news and getting headlines here?

You could have in the hero and gone down in history as the one who saved Zig Forums

You are selfish, and you have demonstrated that you are willing to sacrifice the entire board, and jeopardize everybody just because your feelings were hurt.

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I told Jim and Ron they should just leave the board alone. And they should leave people alone and do what they want on their site as long as we are not doing anything illegal. Right?

'open' board doesn't mean that YOU had the right to ruin it for everybody else.

Why are contributers being bullied on Zig Forums? All I did was post news. Thats all I want to do here.

I ruined Zig Forums? For posting news? Is this not a news board? Might as well label this another board then if its not.

lol @ "I told jim and ron" blah blah blah

somehow, you seem to think that YOU call the shots here. They've made it very clear that your demands mean nothing.

A T T E N T I O N , / N / :

Ron and Jim were going to put Zig Forums back up on the front page Friday, but only if killcen stopped his behavior and started showing respect for other users.

killcen has continued his behavior, and it's actually gotten much worse. now he's making direct threats, and intentionally trying to get Zig Forums permanently removed from Zig Forums.

well, his wish came true

because now the decision has been made to completely eliminate Zig Forumsfrom Zig Forums.

His inability to control himself has demonstrated that he is targeting us, and he doesn't care if everybody loses Zig Forums


Self-centered, irrational, emotionally unstable, greedy selfish asshole

all killcen had to do was to create his own board.

instead, he decided to pretend like he created THIS one, and now he has proven to Ron and Jim that they were correct.

I don't call the shots. Thats MY POINT.

They call the shots. If they want to get rid of Zig Forums thats their own stubborn decision, not mine! And honestly I think this is all one big PSYOP against Zig Forums and the REAL NEWS.

I'm sure that it's only a matter of days before they pull the plug on Zig Forums. I'm going to email ron and try to find out exactly when they plan on doing it, so we can throw a little going-away party, and everybody can take turns throwing eggs at killcen for doing this to us.

you can say that 'killcen will be the guest of dishonor', so everybody come for paired with as many cartons of eggs as you can carry.

Wouldn't it be ironic if they pulled the plug on the 4th of July?


I'm going to throw together a little going-away party, and try to arrange to have as many people come here as possible, so everybody will have a chance to tell you how they feel about what you did to us.

You want me to go away? I was away all yesterday and ALMOST NO NEWS was posted, maybe 1 thread about something local. Thats it. No bombshell news was posted yesterday. Why? Because I left for a day!

You're like the drunken old lady on an airplane who won't stop taking off her clothes and screaming, disrupting the flight for all the other passengers.

And you keep telling us if they divert the flight and go back to the airport, it's not your fault, it's the airline's fault………