Catholic Denouncement of Darwinism?

Does anyone know of any comprehensive works for the defense against Darwinism/ Evolution from a Catholic perspective? I know of Fr. Chad Ripperger's Metaphysics of Evolution but I am looking for something denser, such as the Orthodox priest Fr. Seraphim Rose's tome Genesis, Creation, and Early Man. Do any such things exist?

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Sorry lad but Rome has submitted to the world and embraced evolution

It's difficult to say. Do EO priests actively preach against evolution?

The Holy Spirit has said nothing; and as Pope Emeritus Benedict put it, they embrace evolution as a method, but not as the purpose (aka, they reject natural selection).

Fr. Chad Ripperger btfo'd theistic evolution, though. It's untenable to stake a position other than Young Earth Creationism.

Is Genesis not in your bible?

I respect Father Ripperger, but the Holy Spirit has not ruled either way; we cannot convict or accuse any Catholic of anything more than heterodoxy - and even that is debatable.

The Bible said things came from slime *shrugs*

Actually it says they came from nothing 1

Which I also believe, and which does not necessarily rule out evolution. I am not a believer in evolution by natural selection, however, if God used evolution by other means (for example, preordained providence) I don't see any conflict.

We don't need divine revelation to rule out theistic evolution on metaphysical and philosophical principles alone.

I am not versed enough on the topic to comment further, but theistic evolution by the light of the Church seems like a position that isn't forbidden to take. Has Father Ripperger written anything to expressly rebuke anything Benedict has said? I'd like to read it.

Yes it does. You can't have both God reaching down and simply making these things in a full form and these things growing from space dust to rocks to slime to life. They are mutually exclusive
I don't think you know what natural selection means, and I'm not sure you understand what providence means either. Natural selection is not really something that is disputed, it really just describes that creatures lacking tools to survive tend not to survive, which is quite frankly common sense. And providence is God's subtle mastery over events, for example, when a battle is fought, God need not come down from heaven in glory to control its outcome. Creationists believe that natural selection was providentially guided.

Why? The Magisterium and Tradition state that the two requirements are: Human Intellect alone was given by God; and that we all originated from a single pair of parents.

To say that theistic evolution is responsible for -every other thing-, but not humanity isn't far-fetched, or against the Church.

Probably not, but please pray for me that I may further understand.

Which is why someone that backs theistic evolution could say, quite reasonably, that God's direct action is what separates Man, and more specifically, Man's intellect, from every other thing.

Because the law of non-contradiction is valid.
Go ahead and read Genesis 1 again and tell me if it describes every other thing evolving, or being created.

Where's the contradiction? I reject the naturalistic method.

And if I say evolution is an empirical method of God's creation, what then?

Not usually priests, unless directly influenced by monastics, who are far more traditional. Many priests pride themselves on secular education or were faggot converts from Anglicanism and need to be kicked out for multiple reasons.

Pretty sure the RCC accepts evolietion and the big hoax

And it says God made the plants and animals as they are, not evolietion, and around 6300 years ago

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I don't believe you are qualified to rule on what should be considered literal or allegorical in Scripture.

And you are? Also, it is mentioned many many many times. Creationism isn't just mentioned in a story, God literally starts with it and refers back to the first 11 chapters many times

Do you know what creatio ex nihilo means?
Evolution is the autonomous growth of creatures into things not created by God. It is definitionally incompatible with Christian cosmology.

Not I, but the Church.

Christ nowhere presents, and then rejects Creationism, Intelligent Design, or Theistic Evolution.

Yes, and it's up to you to explain how evolution sans natural selection can defy this principle. You seem to be under the impression that Evolution and Natural Selection are one and the same, and not separate things.

No, that is natural selection. Look up the definition.

Darwinian evolution is flat out wrong anyway. Not the general idea, but the formulation of his specific theory was wrong.

Truth is a moral virtue. Evolution is a theory of natural philosophy. The question is, is it true? I think it is.

Isaiah 45:18 says that God made the earth not to be empty, but to be inhabited. In Genesis 1:31, God views all that he had created after the 6th day and exclaimed that it was good. If not all of the earths creatures had yet been formed, why would God say it was good? Evolution falls flat when looked at through a biblical perspective.

E Michael Jones

Here, he did several videos on that subject.

Thanks user, bump