Why should god care if people worship him or not? Isnt god greedy for power then? isnt he committing a sin...

why should god care if people worship him or not? Isnt god greedy for power then? isnt he committing a sin? Everyone gets into heaven. No matter what they do in my opinion. Thats how much god loves people. if he sends people to hell, he would be committing sins because he would torture people forever and ever. In my opinion everyone gets into heaven. Even bad people. Because if God sends them to hell he would be committing a sin by torturing them. And if he wants people to worship him that would also mean he has a lust and greed for power. I think thats how it works to be honest. And that is what makes me happy about death. I know I am not going to get punished for being a human who doesnt worship him.

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cool story bro

Its most likely a bait thread, but anyways

there are people alive now who hate actual God and prefer their own version instead, even thinking about actual God and his justice makes them angry, bitter and so forth. Why would spending eternity with him be "heavenly" for these fedora atheists and faggots?

nice argument

how is it a bait thread? Nice argument bro

Isn't god supposed to be all loving though? We are his creations. I mean think about it. If my son hated me I would be angry, yes. But I wouldn't subject him to death and torment. I would try to fix the relationship between us.

Let's disregard OPs gay bait and talk about Polo instead! Isn't it a weird sport? How do you come up with that?

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Imagine having no argument against blatant fact that you try to derail the thread. What a real christian you are bro

he loves all because he wants what is good for them and wants them to come to the truth. if you prefer your sin and your delusions to the truth then you will not find God or his love. you will not have respite in this world or the next.

death comes from Adam and Eve and your own sins. God wants to resurrect you and save you from your vices.
Everyone who sins is a slave to sin. You are in bondage, God wants you to be free. But this requires transformation and being born again.

Here's your (You), now back to reddit.

you guys have to realize a lot of these fedoras are actually seeking God by presenting arguments they think are "good", you shouldn't just dismiss them as trolls because you've heard this stuff dozens of times.

ohh, what a precious user, your second day on the Internet buddy? good for you!

Well if god is all knowing. Wouldn't…well….Everything in the world not be a sin then? Because if God's plan lead's to good (Ressurect from the dead and goto heaven, etc, etc.) Wouldn't that clearly mean that everything leads up to his plan? And then if that is true that literally means all sin is good. Thats how I picture it anyways.

Again, not an argument.

He's right you know. How am I a troll? Is it because I am trying to put my thoughts on what happens when we die? Why would you want to be in hell when you die.

In the grand scheme of things everything will be put in its rightful and just place. And that will be good; those who want to be healed will be healed, those who prefer their sickness will remain sick.

Like whats the deal with polo anyway? You ride horses and hit balls? How do they do it?

It originated from Persia and meant to be military exercises.
Replace the hammer with lances and maces and there you go.

No he would not because It took HELL to create EVERYTHING.

also mean he has lust and greed for power.
So when your parent wants you to acknowledge that he is your dad that is lust and greed?

By giving glory to God we enter into His grace.

Hell is eternal disunity with God. Some people think it is a literal burning pit but I disagree. Hell is not knowing God’s grace. It is a place of vanity and squalor.

I learned two new things today.
Not only is polo a persian military sport, it is also a delicious looking rice dish (also persian).
All this learning is making me hungry now.

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No. God is very merciful to us. It is human vanity to say that “I am special, I can turn away from God but still go to heaven.”

This is just blasphemy. God has no need for the material wealth of this world. He created this world. He created man in his image and likeness. God is good so He creates, He creates beings like us and He created the world for us. We worship God because in our wretchedness He has mercy on us. He loves us and wants to forgive us.

Stop trying to impose your own human fallen motives onto God.

As the penultimate good and the indirect perfect being, He absolutely deserves worship. I’m failing to do so, we are the greedy ones.
Impossible. Absolute good and infinite perfection cannot go against its own nature.
Give some evidence that you’re right. Why should we believe you?
Hell is what we do to ourselves as a natural consequence of defying Him. It’s like pissing on an electric fence.
See all of the above.
You have no way of knowing that. You, a finite being, cannot assert that you know better than God.


I care.

Also turn off all caps, it makes you look like a little child.

i never said he is not.

We can go to heaven only by grace through faith in Jesus only.No one is special it is a gift from God.

Not sure where did i imply this?

We should naturally worship God and acknowledge His glory.

Which motive exactly?
God is our Heavenly Father
And acknowledging His handiwork is not a fallen motive but our duty.

user, the only reason you have these thoughts right now is because you have not experienced first hand the consequences of sin in your own life. Consider for instance the prodigal son story. If I were to hazard a guess (this is dangerous and maybe bad of me to do, forgive me if I am wrong, I mean no harm by it), I would guess that you are very much loved, and are near people who are near the Lord (grew up in the church, possibly …), or, if not that, that you are somewhat young, and have not experienced true pain or sorrow or death or suffering yet. In the prodigal son story, both started out like that , and the Father allowed one to leave, and wander around in the world. He finally comes to himself only when he realizes how dirty and awful he himself has become. But in order to get off his Fathers land, he had to wander farther and farther away from his home. His father let him, and gave him half the inheritance to go and do it with. He comes back on his hands and knees, user. God loves you, user. And all of the laws are there to help you so you don’t get yourself twisted up by your own mess of problems caused by your own actions. You say sin like God has made some arbitrary set of rules on his on whim that is unrelated to your own happiness or satisfaction in life, and you even sort of imply that you will be happier and more satisfied if you could only do a bit of that “sin” stuff.
Well, many people have gone off on their own like that. You will not find anything out there, I promise you . And you will be abandoning the only positive philosophy in the entire human universe that works. Jesus IS the logos. It is possible to go off on your own and independently verify this for yourself , if you like. However , you WILL become the son on his hands and knees out in the world , and if you do not become that son, and repent as a result, then you will die out there. Not everyone turns around and comes back. Just like the 10 virgins. The market is a very dangerous place, especially if you do not plan on bringing God with you.
I say this from personal experience, user. But you don’t have to take my word for it. Before you leave the church, you should go talk to some of the people who kicked their drug habits and got off heroin or got out of jail and ask them this question of yours. Or, you can go try it for yourself. And best case scenario you will have some type of awakening experience yourself out there and later come back crawling on your hands and knees beginning to be forgiven and to be given any type of work just to be around God and God’s people and away from the pain you experienced. And you will be welcomed back, with open arms , and there will be much rejoicing that day.
But, it will cost you dearly, user. Very very dearly. And it might cost your life. Ask God for wisdom, and to make his presence known to you.
No matter what happens, you are Loved. God is always there , and Jesus is always with you and within those around you waiting for you to recognize Him and return to Him. (Really, of course, He is all around you, and there is no possibility of leaving the Father — all of reality proclaims the truth of the Lord!—but for now you have not been made to experience this truth, so in your misguided awareness you think you can run to where he cannot see or find you. Just like Adam. Adam spent the rest of his life regretting his decision to listen to eve, I’m sure. I know I will regret my decision to leave forever. But God is good, and truly wise. Even now he is guiding your steps. God is very real! Taste and see!


Is this the Christian version of the navy seals copypasta? Based & saved.