Am I reprobate?

A little backstory
I want to change my life around. I've read about half the Bible so far, and have constantly learned about Christian doctrine, but I still have severe anxiety that "God gave me over" to a reprobate mind to do these unnatural things, among other disgusting things I was (and still am) into. The last 3 things mentioned being, what I feel, is proof of "God giving me up". I don't know what to do at this point?

Attached: __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_siam_meow13__caa3f8be50fedc7ec529aa6072934def.jpg (586x598, 168.9K)

Once again if you have to ask if your a reprobate you're not a reprobate. For reprobate would not care if he was a reprobate or not. The last thing on a reprobate mind would be Jesus Christ and salvation.

So just relax, start praying the rosary, and sin no more, OP.

Pretty much this.

First off realize there is no such thing as a “trans woman” that’s a sodomite.

Every time people start using made up terms like that’s a big red flag the person is okay with sodomy.

the most broken are the most beautiful once they repent
smash that rosary fam

Badge of reprobacy right there.
As usual with these threads.


If anything, the real reprobates are the ones that keep lying to people and making them think there is a sin that God cannot forgive. For they work for the devil and try to ensnare souls for satan.

… Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? Those who hate God and do not want to be forgiven will never be forgiven.


Yeah, but if they ask to be forgiven they will be. As God is a God of unending mercy. Besides it is not right to assume people are reprobates.

I'm joking that OP is a reprobate, of course.
But every thread that is about LGBT shit uses an anime picture as the header. Hard to believe they are honest and not just simply trolling, in the same way, every time.

same user, different IP
I don't blame you for thinking that. Ot doesn't help that OP is (yet again) one and done. It would be nice to hear from him but I doubt we will.

Touhou isn't an anime
t. touhou player

Nope, I'm here, I just didn't know this board was so active still

One of the things I mainly don't get is people who feel the Holy Spirit as a physical presence, and one that brings them happiness, how does that work? How do you use the Holy Spirit to bring you joy and go enter you that you have a personal contact with it so you know in a first-hand experience kind of way that God exist?

Same user, different IP again.

Well I'm glad that you proved me wrong.
But would usually helps me bring joy to my life is the power of prayer. Usually when I say about 15 Decades of the Rosary (3 times around). It takes about an hour to complete but after that there's just an unexplainable feeling that you feel afterwards.

I used to be a pron and a drug addict, but it was through the power of prayer that I was able to beat it and free myself from the shackles of sin. Believe me friend, saying even praying 1 revolution of the Rosary helps a lot.

How does your soul affect your body? Can you feel divine grace?
I recall something about what happens when the soul and the Holy Ghost resonate.
Also the other assorted behaviors that the Holy Ghost has.

Thinking of, if all else fails, think of the Holy Ghost as Myon.

How do you believe the way of salvation is?

There's nothing necessarily wrong with anime, it's just a medium. Some novels are not worth the pare they're written in, others can be life changing. Some anime are absolute trash (well, the vast majority of them since it's cheap consumerism entertainment) but others are OK. Anime characters usually have a level of idealization that we've lost in the West, where everything has to be morally grey. I'd rather have my kids grow up watching anime than Hollywood and Netflix.

I wrote a lengthy response two days ago to an user who was also struggling with depression. See if any of this applies and may help you:
Other than that, know that depression ends. It usually is a symptom of something in your life or psyche being terribly wrong, so try to do small fixes to everything around you. Remember, baby steps may be the only steps you can take, but they'll make you advance faster than you'd think. For me, no fap, weight loss (I was a tad overweight) and daily prayer where the things that helped me the most. Once you've stopped bathing in your own self loathing and are so sick of it you really want to change, you're just a few steps away from starting to get better.
God will never give up on you. Will you give up on God? Or give up on yourself? You can do it, user. The mere fact that it worries you is proof that you can triumph.

I'm a reprobate and proud!

shut up, weeb

Ah, good to see TOR is back.

Call upon the name of the Lord and put your faith on the Lord Jesus Christ, God of the universe who died crucified on the cross for your sins, and who resurrected on the third day to give you eternal life, something you do not deserve, because He loved you enough to sacrifice His Son. This is the good news: That Jesus Christ is all you ever need. user HE REALLY IS ALL YOU EVER NEED. I'm 100% serious. Nothing you can do can make you right with God, only the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Trust in Him for salvation and forgivenss of sins.