Should I convert to Catholicism?

My friend invited me to mass Yesterday and I was blown away. I felt some spiritual and exalting about it that I can simply not feel in any Protestant Church that I’ve attended growing up. And I’ve always been fascinated by the traditions, history and culture behind Catholicism.

What do you say Zig Forums? Should I do it?

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1000% yes

Visit an Orthodox Church and get more information before making a hasty conversion. You may begome Orthodox.

If it will draw you closer to Jesus Christ, then by all means

Myself I do not believe you should become Catholic (I believe in fact that it will condemn you), but listen to the grace of God rather than to a random user.
I'm curious, did you go to a Paul VI Mass (Novus Ordo) or to a Tridentine Mass (TLM)? I ask because the TLM is often praised around here but I prefer the NO (haven't seen any of the "guitar and drums Mass" people talk about so much).


Do it! You may have things you feel uncertain about for now but go where the holy spirit is leading you and you will find answers.

Also, here's a warning - don't let your immediate feelings make you take rushed decisions. Converting to a religion is a huge deal. If this exalted feeling ends up disappearing, and ends up appearing for another religion's service, or if you end up agreeing with another religion more than with Catholicism, you will be miserable and have taken an oath you can't follow through.
So, by all means, let this motivate you to study Catholicism and other Christian confessions of faith more seriously, and go to Mass weekly, but I don't recommend just going up to the priest next Sunday and telling him "can I convert now?", unless you feel extremely strongly about this and see no other reasonable option for you.

Doing RCIA to convert to Catholicism usually takes about eight months, the classes typically go from August to Easter and there is no obligation to actually go through with it at the end of the classes if you decide against it. OP has plenty of time to think about what he wants to do. Just start showing up to Mass on Sundays and learning more.


Without hesitation.

You should get involved and learn as much as you can. I had similar feelings the first time I went to a TLM service during the Feast of the Assumption of Mary. Took it as a sign to stick around so I learned as much as I could and became confirmed this Easter.

Keep going friend :)

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Well of course you got that feeling because Christ is physically present in every Catholic and Orthodox and Coptic and Syrian and Antionchian Church.
That being said, basing your faith on feelings alone is not a good idea.

You've already decided, God has lead you down this path.

I'm a former Prot on the path to becoming Catholic. I'd advise you to attend Sunday Mass every week and study the Church in your free time while you meditate on whether or not to join; it should be a decision made wholeheartedly, or not at all. It took me a few months of study and several Masses before I could say in absolute certainty that the RCC is where I belong.
I know what you mean. I never want to step foot in another Protestant church again… can you believe that every one I've attended has complained about financial issues during their services, with some even outright blaming the congregation for not being generous enough? Dens of iniquity, they are.


You're lucky! Where I live it takes two full years (europe) for non-christians. I actually don't have much problem with this, converting to a new religion, one which you have no prior connection to is a big deal and two years gives you enough time to decided if it's the right choice. My only concern is the baptism part, having to wait that long before you know you're saved is a bit daunting.


Nah, he comes off more as a bible-idolater than an Easterner.

No. While Roman Catholicism say they believe in grace through the mass and that their view of it originates to the apostles, it's pretty obvious that grace becomes more of an approval stamp/crutch for merit rather than understanding that the apostolic view of grace is more akin to mercy. It's even written that were adopted as sons by the grace of God, that's not something you can earn.
Of course, santifaction isn't to be ignored, however, that's really going to happen with the renewing of the Holy Spirit once you become reborn as a child of heaven. In Catholicism really the only person who has this is the pope under ex cathedra- So the whole idea of the words given through the biblical authors, like Christ's disciples, is foreign to the followers of the Vatican, and by implication, they have a weak relationship with the Comforter God sent to the church.

It's time to return the faith, which God instituted while on earth by becoming reformed and repent for glorious love!

You act like people who join either EO or Catholic Church can't convert. I do advocate for Catholicism, though, even though I admire much of the EO Church I can't reconcile it with the many proofs for the Catholic Church being the one, holy, Catholic, and apostolic Church.

I don't mean to be rude, but what evidence convinced you user?

not that user, but I think that whenever people choose between EO and RCC they should go for what feels closer to them and brings them closer to God. I don't think God is autistic enough (I'm using this as an expression because it conveys my point better) to care that much when you step in from of him to be judged and he'll say "you've raised a good family, you've been kind to your neighbors, and you attended mass every Sunday with your family, but boy you were born in the wrong part of the world. Sorry bud, it's Hell for you!". Those who are looking for God, will find him.

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Why not apply the same logic to atheists? Pagans? Muslims? "You did what you could, even though you were never one of My sheeps and never repented of your wickedness, so I'll give you a free pass"?

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That's a funny webm, but it should be Miserere Mei, Deus instead on the main floor. But no, that's more of an EO dogma than anything. EOs tend to make fun of the Catholic Church for what they perceive to be "talmudic beancounting", but it is not considered beancounting by Catholics because of the theology at its foundation determining what constitutes union with Christ and what breaks that union.

Pics related helped. There's really a lot to it and I am still figuring out what the theological differences are between Catholics and EOs. I know Catholic dogma pretty well, but I am just now diving into EO theology. My concerns are principally authoritative - who speaks with the authority of God? I believe that Peter is the rock upon which Christ founded His Church and that the gates of hell shall never prevail against it. I don't believe in the democratization of truth as the EO church does. God himself is non-democratic, but kingly. Authority and unity both come from one, not from consensus. Just as the man is the head of his wife Christ is the head of His Church, and the Pope is His vicar on Earth until He comes again in glory. EO permits 3 divorces, an arbitrary number and a theological principle that betrays reason. EO also has permitted the use of contraceptive in the past to prevent rape babies, though I am not certain if they still permit the use of contraception. The East cares principally for theology, and I admire their theological erudition, but the West does not prioritize theology at the expense of philosophy. Philosophy determines non-revealed truth, and such truth is eternally true. The principle of contraceptive being intrinsically evil does not permit for its use under any circumstance. Christ Himself said that divorce has never been permitted, yet the EO surprisingly allows it. The Catholic Church does not allow divorce under any circumstances and upholds Christ's words on the topic, only allowing annulment if there was a credible violation of a set of criteria that would qualify a sacramental marriage at the time of the marriage itself. I wish I could say the Church was truly universal still - practicing one liturgy in one language for all the world, but that has been changed. We can only hope for a reinstitution of the Tridentine liturgy once modernism blows over. This isn't the first time the Church has been imperiled, so I will stand at it's side faithfully. These are just a few, but the differences between East and West have grown since the Great Schism and the implications have only snowballed since.

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I'm looking into becoming Catholic but I can't get past the idea of supporting a church that has no backbone when dealing with pedophiles in the clergy. Should I just have faith in God that there will be a purge eventually? How can I have complete confidence that the priests in my church aren't diddling kids, when I'm trying to find consolation/forgiveness through them? This problem is holding me back from taking the next step in growing with God. Wat do?

It is literally getting rid of them as we speak. Stop believing the memes you see on Zig Forums and actually do the research. Heck, even the American Feds are getting involved.

See this post for more

Ever heard of the "problem of virtuous pagans"? In fact there are churches in Caesarea from the Byzantine age that depict greek philosophers like Plato and Aristotle on the frescoes on the walls.

Well don't you think it's unfair that some inuit dude living in Siberia in 200 AD, even if he walked continuously directly to the borders of the Roman Empire his whole life he would never reach it, what *choice* does he have for salvation according to the RCC doctrine? Should implies can, but if he can't, what can he do about it? Never mind that he has never even *heard* of Jesus?

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I won't comment on the other things since I don't really have the knowledge or words to do so, but often times divorce in the EO is a case by case basis. It's largely a case between the priest/bishop and the couple, and you can't get divorced for no good reason. Also remember that the idea that "Orthodoxy allows up to three marriages" is a misnomer (kinda). The ideal is to get married once and never divorce. In certain circumstances, if a marriage fails, after a period of penance and if one's bishop deems it better for the salvation of one's soul, one might be allowed to marry again. A third marriage would be in a case such as both previous marriages ending with the death of the spouse and there's young kids in the mix who need a two-parent household.

I don't mean to be hostile and am by no means an expert. I would recommend looking at more Orthodox sources for the topic, like these:


Link messed up, sorry.

Virtuous pagans were before Christ however. Not after.

But the issue is fundamentally the same, the virtuous pagans didn't know about christ at all, and so did many other people throughout history.

The righteous before Christ were those who looked forward to the Messiah. The Jews did, but people of other religions also could. Some of the Greek philosophers found the Logos through philosophy for instance, and defended monotheism.
But no one after Christ can be called righteous anymore, without faith in Christ. He rescued the righteous out of Hell when He died, but now that He has returned to life and sits at the right hand of the Father, no one who ends up in Hell has a chance to leave anymore.

The answer is always no.

The answer is always yes.

But God chooses who to save and who to not save. We can't guarantee that *anyone* in particular is in hell, so I think that the deterministic approach of caths is wrong. Especially in the case of some Inuit who would, in your worldview, be screwed completely at birth.

The Church has this notion of "invincible ignorance" - basically it was seriously discussed when they found the New World, because these natives were people who never, ever could have heard the Gospel. It was understood that, even though so difficult as to be nearly impossible, a person who has never heard the Gospel could be saved (or, at least, go to Limbo) if they lived without committing a mortal sin.

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No, go to an IFB Church. I agree the ones like in the pic you posted aren't good, but I don't know of any IFB Churches that are like that.

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so if they procreated would that be considered fornication since the church did not officially bless the marriage?


I wish you schismatics would cease to wilfully lead people to their doom.

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No, you shouldn't do anything merely because of strong emotions, emotions can be generated by the Devil and his angels to mislead you. If you let your emotions rule your spiritual life then you will end up a prelested unwitting puppet of the Devil like the current Pope.

Big talk coming from a Roman Catholic. Can you say "filioque"?

Imangine being so autistic you protest Christ's appointed steward over something trivial like the filioque.
Get over it.

Schismatics are hilarious.

I agree, people like you are hilarious.

Good comeback. You really showed me. My spirit has been crushed. I can only attempt to comfort myself with the thought that when I go to church this Sunday I'll be listening to a 2000-year-old liturgy and the Catholics will be listening to a boring, modernist copy of Protestant worship services that's only 50 years old. A small comfort, I know, but somehow I will find a way to carry on.

You're welcome. I'll still pray for you.

Is this really what Catholics believe?

As I understand it mortal sin must be committed with knowledge that the action is wrong and it must also be of a grave matter. Just my opinion and I could be wrong on this but to me it seems if they were trying to live virtuously by getting married as they understood it, that doesn't seem wilfully evil compared to something like murdering and stealing with deliberately evil intent.

I don't think it's dogmatic teaching that Catholics are bound to believe, as far as I know it's an idea that has been proposed by theologians to try to answer the question of what happens to unbaptized virtuous pagans, like how the idea of limbo has been considered for unbaptized babies.

We simply say it is up to God, which is true. If you care to research, even the Early Church speculated on the fate of men before the Gosepls, St. Justin Martyr in particular thought that "good men" like Socrates may have been saved because Christ is Logos.

Blessed meme, brother.

anybody know what the doomer song is?

winnie the pooh off

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You mean the Filioque which was acknowledged to be true by the Church fathers prior to the schism?

Imagine if a Protestant or Orthodox said that you they would be banned instantly.

I said prots werent christian from the catholic perspective in one thread and I got banned. So I'm doubtful


Based Papist mods

Roman Papism so based bro.

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Be more original.

Then why is your Pope kissing it?

He is being nice to the host that invited him over. Oh man! A pope being nice! The horror!

It won't be nice when he and the muslim are in hell for idolatry.

What was he even trying to do? Convert the muslim by legitimizing Islam? That's so self-defeating it's not even funny.

How is that legitimizeing Islam? How is kissing a book apostasy? Do you honesty believe kissing is an act of worship?

Actually read the stances of the Church before making predictable memes.

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Should you?
Yeah. But even better, do a bit of theological research, especially about Vatican II. Afterwards try Orthodoxy

You are not bound de fide to believe anything from Vatican II. There were not any dogmas. The modernist apostasy does not change the way an actual Catholic worships, it just makes modernists worship like modernists. Most young Catholics have an affinity for Tradition, at this rate we'll have a Trent II soon, and the Church will be restored. Sad that some people just want to LARP when the Church is in a time of crisis.

Vatican II proclaimed nothing that was wrong, and a dogmatic constitution is a dogmatic constitution. Just because it wasn't proclaimed in a way that you like doesn't mean it wasn't. Sad that some people just want to LARP when the Church is in a time of crisis.

The Vatican II ecclesiology and religious liberty were never taught by the Church before, neither did Vatican II ever evoke the Holy Ghost.

If you want to know the Catholic faith, consult the four Creeds first and foremost. Anything that goes against those must be ignored. Pay particular attention to the Tridentine Creed.

How is
a good argument against Orthodoxy? There is nothing LARPy about the Orthodox Liturgy.
Stop using buzz words so liberally user please

I think he is worried you are trying to lead him into becoming a Sede at a time where the Church needs every single traditionalist because the young Catholics few as they are hunger for true Catholicism not Spirit of V2 garbage peddled by the heretics and we are the ones who will help in their formation.

Our Lady is turning the tide our God has not abandoned his Church. Jesus warned us before he left for heaven there would be many trials and tribulations for the Church but always keep your faith in him.

What? Source(s) please.

Be Lutheran bro

try again

Ew, no thanks. Bible-idolaters are going to burn in hell just like Luther is rn

Imagine thinking you're letting Jesus into your life, and then when His mother tries to step into the door you get in her way and scream "NOPE SORRY GO AWAY".

“But he said in reply to the one who told him, “Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?” And stretching out his hand toward his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my heavenly Father is my brother, and sister, and mother.””
Matthew‬ ‭12:48-50‬ ‭NABRE‬‬

You should drop protestantism as fast as possible, thats for sure.

That judgement is only for God to say, I have to say. He is the only one who can make a perfect rational judgement. I'm not saying God will spare them, i'm saying he is the only one who can make the final judgement on whether they enter or not.

You think Mary, one of the four human beings who refused to abandon Christ at the cross, somehow didn't do the will of the Father?

arguing with prots is pointless

I agree

The trad catholic faith is the true Christian faith.

Do I need to do RCIA to convert to Catholicism? i want to convert in the fall before job searching.

Should seems to imply it is a yes or no question, but it can be answered with many words. The question at the core is wether Catholicism is the true religion or not? But even so this would not automatically require a yes or no answer.

Sometimes people enter a faith, and find it to be true while it is false. Sometimes people enter a faith, and find it to be false while it is true. Everyone who believes, believes that his/her faith is true, for the one who is sincere would not decieve another about his/her faith. As such you should not believe everyone who is sincere, for their confidence may be in error.

If you must enter Catholicism, you do so because you need to find out for yourself, because the truth can not be confirmed through the mouths of men, but only through the heart and the spirit that guides it.

In North America, probably.


If you haven't already you should for it is the true authentic faith