Would it be sinful for us to raid it in order to spread the Word of God?

Would it be sinful for us to raid it in order to spread the Word of God?

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Yes because you’ll bring them here.

You know that means counter-raids. It will turn into a crusade. I don't want to start a conflict

No it is not good to raid them. They won't convert based on memes and it will just bring mess to this board.
Probably not but it is not a good idea

For that you will need actual priests and theologians for a raid to succeed in openly anti-christian servers and sites. With everything else, it will make them to stray further away from God.


Yes, user, priests are also playing video games and I know a bunch of them.
But the original point stands

How about you spread the gospel irl instead of wasting your time on losers who play Minecraft and browse Reddit

Mine craft is a child’s game. EU4 on the other hand…

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If you want strategy games, stick to Total Wars, CK II, Civilization series, Stellar is or any kind of strategy game sthat can't be simply summed up as "press button, spend mana, get [X]"


I've seen people build fully functional computers inside Minecraft. There's even that one fellow who made a 100% playable copy of Pokemon Red in Minecraft. I don't know any children who can do that.

It's about maturity. Someone using their brilliance to say, study theology and publish PHD papers is on another objective level than the dude re-creating pokemon red in minecraft.

There are many furries with genius level IQ, and none of their high intelligence justifies their low maturity.

As isolated acts, there's no difference. With regards to consequences, nowadays there's a reasonable chance of getting more money playing minecraft than publishing a paper.

There is an absolute difference; we are Christians, and we are called to put away certain things. What are "isolated acts" in the context of Christianity? I'm not saying to give up leisure pursuits, but there is a point where one can misuse their God-given talents.

Sinful and quite foolish, imho

Personally I think you would have an easier time preaching to goats than Reddit atheists on Minecraft, but with God all things are possible. I wouldn't call it a raid as so much call as digital missionary work. Raid had that connotation of "destroying things" which isn't what we as Christians ought to be doing.

The most pragmatic way I can think of, on so far as evangelizing these fedoras, is to play the long game of subversion. Join the server as a fedora. Millitant in you "belief". Gain their trust and unironically make friends. Than after a month or two of playing start to ease up on the militancy. Make up a story to go along with it. Things like:
Something to pull on their heartstrings. Over time you ease into "learning" more and more about the faith. Eventually, over time, you will soften their hearts enough and get them open to actually looking into the faith with sober eyes (as in eyes not drunk on fedoraism) For bonus subterfuge, get some of your Christian friends to join the server. Obviously you start off as strangers than become friends. Than when you start your "conversion" they get curious and join you. One has doubts at first but than sees the light. It would take a lot of time and coordination, but With God all things are possible after all.

Thats the only way I can see any sort of evangelization on a literal fedora Minecraft server working.

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This implies malice and hatred. You could always speak to those who would listen though.

That website is full of lobotomy victims. If your goal is to persuade people then you've got your work cut out for you.

Dwarf Fortress isn't hard; it's just not what most people are used to these days. If you organize your workforce into a militia that trains and patrols in rotating seasons balanced with work then your fort is virtually invincible, gaining scrap metal to melt with every invasion or trade caravan.

Building a mechanical computer is a feat of learning. Once you've learned something, you continue knowing.

Whatever you do, please don't mean this place. People have made that mistake before.

Whatever you do, please don't name this place. People have made that mistake before.

The two great commandments.

By an "isolated act" I mean isolated from any consideration of or weighting through its consequences, specially to others, as every act might be considered as being beneficial in itself to the person who does it, whether this benefit be real or imagined. I didn't mention "consequences" in my previous post out of nowhere, I meant to contrast an act when considered in light of them and the same act when considered otherwise. And between playing Minecraft and becoming a theologian, neither is considered virtuous or sinful in itself and, in the current state of society, neither is particularly helpful to anyone. At least if someone becomes a Minecraft streamer, they might make up some money to give away to charities. Joining a soup kitchen or even just handing five bucks to the next hobo you see might be more helpful than either.

Lying is a sin user

Just go kill off their characters and burn down their stuff they built yelling "deus vult" the whole time.
Shit would be jokes.

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This. You'll notice a trend of most great Dwarf Fortress stories revolving around bugs and unintended situations that the developer squashes down the line. The game is a snoozefest post-34.11

Yeah, you wish. I take great pleasure in the fact that you will YIFF IN HELL, furfag.

There’s no point to it. They won’t listen, and you’ll make Christianity look bad


I am not a furry.

and what does this have to do with pursuing fruitless tasks?

I never said anything was sinful, but I do speak of it in terms the same way Scriptures speaks of things that are useful, and things that are not useful for the elect.

Strongly disagreed, people like Dr. Feser and many other writers have done a spectacular job of refuting common anti-Christian arguments.

now you're changing from the pursuit to the act of almsgiving, but these are separate things and have nothing to do with the topic at hand, man.

No wonder so many priests are such perverted, messed up losers lol.