I am about to return to the faith brothers. I have read the Bible and also try to go to Mass regularly. But I have some doubts when I look around and see the state of the West. I have the feeling we do not encourage fighting anymore, or any heroic virtues. The Pope tells us that we have to welcome refugees. Please, please convince that this is not the case. I saw these quotes from the Church Fathers in another thread and they really make me doubt now:
I will endeavor to persuade you. Truthfully however, as a recent Catholic convert, I can't say I personally know these quotes. I will post a series of screenshots form other anons and then attempt to give my perspective. I'll be praying for you user.
Liam Wright
It's easy to select quotes from Church Fathers or from anyone else and cast shade on them. The enemies of Christ do it all the time. However, two simple ways to counteract this is to find quotes that definitively say otherwise and to read the quotes in context. I haven't read any of those books from the authors you cite, but I know in these screenshots there are plenty of other citations from the Bible and from Church Fathers and beyond.
The historical examples of Christians in battle are virtually endless it would seem. However, there is a tendency to lean towards citing the examples of the Crusades. It's no ones fault, it's the obvious choice. However, in the example of the Fall of Constantinople it displays the valiant efforts of Christian men in battle, but also displays Christianity's ability to be a unifying force in the world.
This screenshot is commonly shared on 4/pol from what I understand. It remains true. Christians cannot, and certainly should not be weak when Christ himself was the Lion and the Lamb. Christ was the man who upon seeing the house of God desecrated by the moneychangers acted violently. No one learns about this in Sunday School.
Furthermore, the turning of the cheek. Again, these are commonly shared screencaps. It occurs to me that you may have seen these already. Apologies if so, but these are the most relevant to the subject of Christianity supposedly being a weak religion.
Now if I may share a personal perspective on the matter. There is no question that as it stands there is an obvious perception the Christianity is a weak religion. You wouldn't be inquiring about it otherwise. However, the weakness of Christians and corruption in the Church must be looked at through the lens of whether or not such weakness is intrinsic. Considering the evidence I've posted via the above screencaps I would say not. Ultimately it is a matter of human weakness and human error. Even Saint Peter was rebuked for what he said about circumcision. Consider the example of Ananias and Saphira as well in Acts 5. In this case, not relatively long after the ascension of Christ and before the conversion of Saint Paul, they fraudulently sold a piece of land. Upon being rebuked by Peter they both died instantly. Acts 5:11 states "And there came great fear upon the whole church, and upon all that heard these things."
The fact remains is that Christianity stands as a monolith, and whatever you believe, has always had to deal with the problem of weak and evil people. Of course it must be remembered as well that we too are weak and sinful. The fact that one is cognisant of these facts sets them apart, and leaves them in a position to combat this weakness with God as your aide.
Weak is by worldly standards, in Catholicism at least, and orthodoxy, you can choose to be a person who defends themselves or not. Do what you will here.
Parker Bennett
1 Corinthians 1:25 For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.
2 Corinthians 13:4 For to be sure, he was crucified in weakness, yet he lives by God’s power. Likewise, we are weak in him, yet by God’s power we will live with him in our dealing with you.
Easton Gomez
What I find hilarious is LARPagans call Christians weak, yet lost to Charlemagne and had their tree cut down and violent VIKANGZ executed.
I had the same feelings as you but learned I was just internalizing the feelings of others. After avoiding cucked Christians and listening to based Christians it's hard to believe anyone can be antiwhite and antiethnonationalist and honestly call themselves Christian. You just gotta get away from bad people so their demons don't haunt you.
Convince you that the Pope hasn't said something which he has said? The Pope welcomes the migrations into Europe, and if you can't accept it… well, as a Catholic you must accept this. I hope your daughter is ready to marry a brown man, because all Catholics are equally members of the RCC and go to the same churches btw.
To the LARPagans on Zig Forums Christianity seems weak and passive. To the soyboys on reddit Christianity seems violent and oppressive. The truth of the matter is that the desert monk who wouldn't lift a finger in self defense and the fearless crusader who protected his brothers in Christ with the sword were both equally Christian. God makes lots and lots of different human souls, each with a different purpose in mind, and each in a time and place with its own needs. The world sways between the extremes of mindless violence and of mindless pacifism, but Christianity stands in the same position throughout all of time, and thus seems to the swaying world to be standing at the extremes when in fact it is standing exactly where it ought to at all times.
David Watson
user, God of the UNIVERSE. Seek, and FIND. Prayer is very real. Taste and see! He ordered the heavens! Bless the Lord, O my soul! Psalm 19 Psalm 104 Praise God!
Ryder Gonzalez
Elaborate. How is Christianity pro white natonalism?
Noah Young
Christianity favors all nationalism including white.
Jose Turner
More accurately, Christ shelters all nations that keep his moral commandments, and long-term, abandons to corruption those that don't, no matter how nationalistic they try to be.
Where have you seen beneficial mutations(example:immunity to HIV,Malaria where genes for the receptors gets broken and prevents the disease for entering the cell.) creating new genetic material. Everyone pretend as if evolution where one species turns into another one like whale into a cow is a fact yet where is the observable evidence at a DNA/genetic level?
Kayden Flores
What in God's name do anti-evolutionist rants have to do with this thread?
As a sidenote, just so you know, new genetic material can be created through a gene duplication mutation, which is a common thing which can happen through multiple methods.
Jayden Russell
What does it matter if it's weak or strong? If it's the truth, then you as a man should uphold it.
Ryan Morgan
Thank you user, that is a great collection of quotes
Ethan James
Woah, woah, woah!
The Lord approves of Euthanasia? Please correct me if I'm wrong as it's not my intent to offend.
Joseph Lopez
Not that I know of.
Asher Wright
See, this is awkward. White isn't a nation, but American is, and Americans have traditionally called themelves White Americans to distinguish themselves from the African Americans.
Caleb Wright
Strength isn't just about bearing arms in battle. Nations which are perpetually at war are weak. Just look at the social and financial malaise that grips the USA due to government debt spending for the war chest.
Anthony Parker
Zig Forums, Varg and pagan larpers still bitching about getting BTFO by Christians.
Christianity has 1500 years of going strong. Enough proof? It is literally the Truth. Still not enough proof? Look at the Christianity of the past and compare it to the modern version. You need to stop listening to paganlarpers and nietzschefags. They're annoying but all they are is they're moral relativists.
Cooper Harris
All brown people are Muslim, amirite?
Benjamin Perry
Self hating, love your ethnos.
Hair splitting.
Christopher Martin
He kissed the feet of Muslims at that particular photo op.
Pope John XII was beaten to death by a jealous husband for sleeping with his wife. He was also accused of turning the papal palace into a brothel, sleeping with his niece, toasting the devil, ordaining a 10yr old boy, and misusing papal funds to pay gambling debts.
… and you worry about some foot kissing?
Kayden Bell
Luke 22:35-36
Then Jesus asked them, “When I sent you without purse, bag or sandals, did you lack anything?”
“Nothing,” they answered.
He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.
I assure you when you inspect your faith from a different angle, you might realize it makes a whole lot of sense and A VERY STRONG religion despite how it's degraded through milleniums of conflict. Just because we believe different things as different Christians, doesn't make us enemies. Exactly the opposite. This is a difficult step to take. but the pic related is a framework to get you started on your research. God bless.
Matthew is the only Gospel that contains the blood libel, and Luke is the only Gospel written by a Gentile. You're retarded.
Jose Walker
POL christianity isn't even close to marcionism (pic related).
So now Marc, Peter's roman interpreter, isn't a gentile? There isn't even any evidence that Peter was jewish in Mark & John There isn't even any evidence that the Apostle John was jewish, More likely Greek. All that stuff comes from Matthew and Luke, where everybody is jewish.
You're getting hung up on the word "jew" because your brain is fried on Zig Forums memes. Jesus and the Apostles, like all native inhabitants of Roman Judea, would have referred to themselves with a word that's usually translated as "jew". "Jews", as they exist today, did not exist in the time of Christ. The modern "jewish" religion didn't start to be formed until the Temple was destroyed, and it has almost nothing to do with the "jewish" religion that existed from the time of David to the time of Christ. The modern "jewish" race is also the result of 2000 years of muttification; there weren't any happy_merchant.jpgs running around in the year 33 AD.
Joseph Jackson
literally jesus has discussions with jews… that did exist.
Christian Bennett
Can you not read? They’ve changed.
Benjamin Perry
The key phrase is There was an ancient people that called themselves "jews", and there's a modern conglomerate of peoples that also calls itself "jews". I like to think of the ancient "jews" as proto-Christians, and the modern ones as Talmudic rabbinists, so as to refer to each people by their defining traits and to avoid confusion. Jesus and the Apostles were proto-Christian "jews", and Schlomo Shekelberg is a Talmudic rabbinist "jew". Proto-Christianity completely ceased to exist with the destruction of the Temple, and Talmudic rabbinism started to form out of the wreckage after the destruction of the Temple. Talmudic rabbinist "jews" claim spiritual descent from the proto-Christian "jews", but obviously the legitimate successor to proto-Christianity is Christianity itself.
Just bear in mind that although Jesus' countrymen called themselves a word that's usually translated as "jew", they had almost nothing at all to do with the modern peoples who call themselves that same name.
Jace Allen
stop asking other people to validate your beliefs and "convince" you of anything you are weak and sounds weak OP
Michael Bennett
Have you even read John chapter 8? Literally says The jews accused Jesus of having a devil. Wouldn't "the jews" be referring to jesus too, by your logic?
There is no evidence in Mark & John that any of the disciples are jewish. It'll surprise you when you see it, all of that stuff drops out if you take matthew and luke out of the picture. I'm sorry to have to break it to you. but you're following a jewish subverted form of christianity
Henry Carter
The theory is, Matt and Luke used Mark and a lost document called Q as sources. The claim here, then, is that Q was comped, just like Q is comped in our world.
Wyatt Torres
This!!!!!!! Just keep searching user, you will find truth (Christ) and then your heart will be content.
Dominic Murphy
Every thought about that Christianity seems soft, loving and forgiving, because generally the world our ancestors lived in was not this way?
would you guys belive that /christ mods deleted this thread in a second. /pol has become the new /christ honestly you can't even have a discussion about this on /christ ? stupid