Is it still possible to be a Christian if I'm a trap?

is it still possible to be a Christian if I'm a trap?

I'm still a traditional wife ;w;

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what the heck… am i going to hell? cant i repent for my sins…

yeah but you have to stop being a trap before that son
send pics
jk don't

If you unironically think you can't repent from your disgusting and sinful ways than yes you are condemed to hell by your own volition. For God can forgive a faggot like you. He can cure you, for with God all things are possible. Saying He can't cure you of your sodomy will only condem you further into the hell you choose.

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i look like an aryan waifu… Can't I just raise a lot of white Catholic children to save our race?

Also I've selfmedicated since I was 13 so I don't look like these hon degenerates.

well, you can become a true man, y'know work out, stop taking estrogens, get your self a wife and have white children. You can do it, i believe in you user

If you are a male, do not shy away from being one. The life of a trap/trapfag is not one of happiness. I would reccomend taking your wig off first, and stop wearing panties, second.


Read this and stop being a faggot, OP. You are a disgrace to men everwhere.

obvious bait thread but no, maybe Zig Forumscucks would have you believe different but you people are going to hell regardless if you are "le based and redpilled XD"

worse than degenerate also clueless

IS not about your looks is about WHAT you are. stop being a fag

i wish 8ch had a delete button… im about to cry

don't despair. Through God all things all possible.
I'm sorry you're in this path now, but you can turn the tables.

You can delete this thread if you want, but here they’re giving you the truth, albeit a bit harshly

Yes, this is the official bible video game, and it says traps are holy in the eyes of the lord.

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also if you're really feeling bad we can talk things over through discord. I can try to help you in your journey.

c'mon this is getting tiresome

Ah yes, the grand tradition of men crossdressing as women and acting as perfect housewives

Did Japan do this

Dude, I mean, whatever, go see a priest. They've seen weirder.

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kek i guess all the anime memes were true
but i disagree though, porn is what makes people "trans"

I'll bite.

You can repent. Ask the lord to grant you repentance and do this sin no more. This isn't about "the white race" or whatever else you're going on about just pray that God may help you with these sins you struggle with.