Fellow Catholics I'm planning on going to my first Traditional Mass this weekend, what should I know?
Fellow Catholics I'm planning on going to my first Traditional Mass this weekend, what should I know?
You should know that your "masses" are idolatry. Read the Bible for once.
Just follow what others are doing.
Don't try to take the Eucharist into your hand when the priest is giving Communion. I have literally seen NOrmies at traditional masses trying to do this before and even trying to argue with the priest when he refuses.
Well, strictly speaking, the NOrmies are right. The Holy See has approved both forms and the General Instruction of the Roman Missal affirms that the decision should be made to the person receiving communion, not the individual giving it.
If the priest refuses to give the Eucharist in the hand, then you're not at a Catholic Mass. You're probably at some farcical SSPX "mass". Run fast and far away.
Not an argument
Error in definition
The function of the solae is not to say nothing else exists (like tradition), sola scriptura is to say in Luther's own words that scripture is norma normans non normata. It is normative, not exclusive.
Christ himself gave of his body in the hand of the Apostles. Do you have so little respect for our King?
The priest alone guards the chalice and has the right to excommunicate anyone he pleases for whatever reason. No one has the authority to override his decision. He is accountable only to God in this regard and will have to make this account as to why he excommunicated the just and/or allowed the wicked to have a sacrilegious communion
Have a nice time going to the traditional christian mass!
A parish priest cannot excommunicate anyone.
Learn how to kneel because you'll be doing that the most of the time. Also, you won't be able to hear the priest, pray the rosary throughout the mass. The old mass didn't really care for the 'participation' of the faithful.
Protip: monkey see, monkey do.
Kneel when others kneel, stand when others stand, use a missal (it has the translations of the prayers next to it) and communion is on the tongue while kneeling.
You can't actually believe this, can you? The Latin Mass does not do Communion in the hand, period. The Church does not even officially approve of Communion in the hand, it only tolerates it. The apostate ultra-liberal bishops who pushed through Communion in the hand /literally/ forged mail-in "absentee ballots" in order to get it approved.
It's impossible for people to receive Communion in the hand without Sacred Particles being dropped on the ground.
Eucharistic ministers are heretical. Not receiving from the hand of the priest is heretical.
And for the record, this was an FSSP mass.
This is bad advice and also wrong. You're supposed to follow what is happening at the altar and say all the prayers along with the priest (silently, not out loud). This is what Pope St. Pius X said, not my opinion.
Yes he can, by denying communion he is excommunicating someone. Either that person or himself. A priest who denies communion to a mortal sinner excommunicates him. A priest who denies communion to a justified catholic excommunicates himself.
You're not 'supposed' to do that, you can if you want, but it's better to just focus on prayer.
lol what? No, that is plain shenanigans. Never heard anyone do that, there's always total silence during mass. The priest is offering the mass, not you.
That's your (wrong) opinion, now let's see what Pope St. Pius X said:
So stop telling people to say unrelated prayers during mass. That obviously doesn't make the mass unefficacious for you or anything but it is a bad way to attend mass.
You literally quoted me saying "silently, not out loud."
"And, lo, the Apostles did spitteth the bread into each other's mouths so as not to defilest thine holy body by touching it with their hands." - nowhere in the Bible.
Go away Bible idolater.
2 Thessalonians 2:15
So then, brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold fast to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter.
I would like to add, no where in the bible does it say to treat the bible like a manifesto or legal doccument, however in multiple areas we see the bible saying to follow the traditions you were taught. Sola scriptura quite litterally is unbiblical, no where in the bible does it say to only trust the bible.