Why isn't the Catholic Church excommunicating these people...

Why isn't the Catholic Church excommunicating these people? The bishop that provoked this response from the demon possessed horde is more likely to get in trouble with the Church than these outright heretics.

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Smoke of Satan, as was prophesied.

June is the month of the Sacred Heart of our Lord. These sodomites are trying to destroy it and the Church and everything that we hold to be True and Just. By the grace of God, they will not succeed.

Those types wouldn't dare to announce that they're sodomites in a Catholic church unless if they're confessing, notice the "bisexual" label. My sister tried doing that stunt and church members talked her out of it without excommunication.

Women get these weird ideas from their head from watching pro-abortion media outlets in Netflix, Disney, and Television. That's why it's advisable to stop paying for gay.

I don't get why they're mad, this is the type of shit that occurs there. Are they seriously claiming that Jesus would do this?

That picture makes me very angry

Everyone needs to be praying the rosary. As many times a day as you can. Mother Mary pray for us, Jesus have mercy on us.

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Even if you accepted the ridiculous mental gymnastics to arrive at the place where the homosexuality explicitly condemned in both the old and new testaments is OK, the bisexual label clearly indicates fornication or adultery with multiple partners.
But when half the priesthood are practicing homosexuals despite taking vows of celibacy what do you expect?

that would cause a schism

How do lgbtq Christians defend their sexuality despite it being blatantly obvious that it’s wrong according to the Bible and other Christian teachings?

can we please not repost this kind of pictures?

spoiler that shid m8

Akita is coming, isn't it?

Attached: alcoholism.webm (1280x720, 1.52M)

Yeah it'd be a real shame if people saw what the hell was going on in the world. You people are worse for Christianity than Jews.

They are not wrong asking it to be placed under a spoiler: do you need to witness first hand the sins of the LGBT+ slaves to see why they are wicked? No; the image could have been put with a spoiler.

Yeah. You do. Your womanly tone policing is part of the weakness and masculinity problems in the Church.

It still should have been spoilered. We shouldn't have to see horrific blasphemy every time we open Zig Forums for as long as this thread is on the front page.

You seem to confuse good manners with being a wimp.

If they were Christians, then they wouldn't place the "LGBTQ+" before "Christ". Nothing precedes Christ, literally and figuratively.

Of course this pathetic bishop immediately deleted his tweet and issued a groveling apology. Why are Catholic "leaders" always so weak and effeminate? It's really weird.