Who here reading Infiltration? What did you think of it?

Who here reading Infiltration? What did you think of it?

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I want to read it but don't have the time for it. I hope Pope Francis reads it.

Taylor Marshall is a goober.

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Haven't read it. I like TnT, they got me into tradition back when the channel was small and just Dr. Marshall. That said, they're kind of brainlets when it comes to politics and philosophical epochs. I'll get the book to support them, but I'm not gonna act like Taylor or Tim are anywhere near the caliber of E Michael Jones when it comes to this kind of stuff.


Well, EMJ and myself and others all seem to think Distributism doesn't make any sense. Nothing to do with TnT's criticism of it which I didn't really watch but I wouldn't trust them with that anyways. EMJ seems to think there is some German school of economics that can deal with this possibly. But I don't know if it's so obscure and doesn't even really have a known name are we supposed to get behind that? I mean sure but we have to get people to rally behind something first.

In my opinion I just think we should advocate for no usury. Anything else is fine but we have to drop that, because that is a mortal sin.

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Distributism, to me, always just seemed like more of an aesthetic than a coherent system. I support most or all of what distributists consider distributist ideas, but I am not sure how you would even implement most of this stuff or what even makes it distinctly distributist.

Distributism is, despite the protests against it, just Libertarian-Socialism. An idealistic system that, just like Communism, could never work. Some have the gall to assert that the Middle Ages were the most accurate representation of distributism. A system that relies on serfdom being at all the same as a system the encourages independent capitalism.

It makes more sense when you realize it fermented during and just after the industrial revolution by romantics. I'm confident that G.K. Chesterton would have changed his tune had he tried working a ranch like Jack London did.

Plato had it right imo. Some people are better as servants and not lords. There is no shame in admitting that. Everyone who has ever fought for the "rights of the common man" or "freedom" only do so for their own benefit. Had they been given another life or different situation, they would be quick defenders of the state.

Yeah I am okay with that, or anything really just no usury. I like feudalism. I don't have a problem with Capitalism, whatever that is, as long as there is no usury. Banks and credit card companies won't like this and it probably would change the economy a lot, I don't know if it would be 'better' or 'worse' but what can we do, we have to listen to God's law and that says no usury. Other than that it doesn't matter what is going on. Oh also we have the right to private property. So no socialism/communism. You should be able to own land and a farm or whatever. As for high/low taxes? I don't like taxes but I don't know it doesn't seem intrinsically immoral either way as far as I know. Has anyone read barren metal by EMJ? He says he speaks more about his whole German economics stuff there.

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It's his attempt to make this guy's stuff more accessible
There are the encyclicals as well www.amazon !com/Ethics-National-Economy-Heinrich-Pesch/dp/0971828652/
this has an ebook which is way shorter then Jones' 1500 pages and isn't too much either
I'd like to get to barren metal at some point but way too much to read before spending almost 2k pages on economics

Thanks for the share brother. See yeah this is what I mean. I took a few Econ courses in college but I am not an economist neither do I really want to be or have the time and effort to get into this especially when there are so many other things to get into and I can use my actual skills on something else. So as for myself I just figure I'll stick to saying whatever it is, you have to outlaw usury. I think just saying that is a bit of an olive branch towards people who are like light commies and really feel that you have to change the economics a bit. If I just talk to people about social issues they may feel that it's not enough. Saying no usury also helps you get along with the Zig Forums types cause well you know why.

This new econ stuff will have to be handled by a bunch of econ experts. I guess we need to recruit some to our side so they can really digest this stuff and make it easily accessible.

Here's an interviews he's just done in part about it.

He advocates for the system laid out by Heinrich Pesch.

Could someone explain it simply?

"Arbeit Macht Frei" pretty much.
Meaning that the source of value comes from Labour/work, instead of usury.

What about if you own land or something. Anyways yeah can we just explain whatever this as whatever system we have now but we just ban usury? I don't care how it is done or what changes really happens as such but like I said earlier it's something I don't need to think about since God has prohibited it so I don't need to care if society will like it or not or if it will be more or less 'convenient' since it's a mortal sin so we have to stop it. When I 'evangelize' to people that's basically all I will say about economics. I'm against the full on 'Capitalism' as it is (if they're a semi natsoc or commie or whatever) but say basically we just want to ban usury. Anyways majority of commies don't really care about what we say about economics because they will never budge on their social causes (LGBT degeneracy and the like). That's the hardest thing for people to give up. At least they might view us a bit softer if we say we think the current economic system is bad. They are also sympathetic when we say that we don't want Israeli involvement, however they think it's just a highly racialized argument or something. They just think we're largely idiots, so they don't think we think about things that much anyways. I've yet to speak to a commie that cares to talk much, but quite a few people ranging on the right side are sympathetic to the cause or some people are considering taking the bread pill!

Listen to one of his interviews on YT about this book.

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I have, I've watched many and he doesn't really explain much. Almost all of his videos are identical too, like 80% of the same content.

Sorry but capitalism has to go.
Feudalism is largely preferable, or an economic system that bases its value on work and not money, but pure capitalism is cancerous and it shapes society in a way that the highest value will always be money and not merit. This is why we have billionaires and corporations influencing politics on such a grand scale that voters will never have the chance to.

tigger that is feudalism, neofeudalism.

Based E Zyklon Jones.

Interesting thus far. Half way through it.

I chuckled

i don't agree with banning it at all.
GOD allows it in the BIBLE.

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Yeah that's one thing I don't really like about Jones. Will I learn anything knew after reading Libido Dominandi after watching most of his videos about the topic?


Usury is forever banned for Christians, it's in many ecumenical councils.

I haven't read it myself either so I can't really say. You already know the thesis though, that pornography is used as a tool for control and so on. I've listened to portions of the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit as an audiobook or commentary on it, and he does go into more detail about historical things.

I think the purpose of reading his books is to know more of the history behind these things so that if you're discussing/debating someone about these issues then you can bring up the history behind it.

That is in the end important because when people realize that this stuff was pushed onto them because of a group's hatred for Christianity, it helps people to realize that not only is Christianity not subversion, but it is in fact the truth and they hate it because it is true. Some people are more willing to accept this, but other people push back on it, and think it's just a "white race" thing or something else, and so I assume the more historical knowledge you've comprehended on it, the easier time you'll have to convince such people

why should i care what meat has to say about it?

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Yes you will. I've read it cover to cover and there's way more in his books than he talks about. For his talks he mostly only talks about the introduction to the book and the first chapter of the book. It's the executive summary, basically. He spends 100 pages talking about Alfred Kinsey alone because he was in many ways at the core of the sexual revolution in the US. Dr. Jones never talks about the rise of advertising and such in his speeches yet this was perhaps the most fascinating part of his book for me. The birth of consumerism and mass media truly changed the game in significant ways and he talks about all of the players.

That's because you need to buy his books to learn more, dummy. We're talking about massive books, there is an overwhelming amount of material that he doesn't discuss.

God's Church is divine

I've read more of his stuff online on the Culture Wars website and I have to say I'm pretty disappointed in his work.

Most of his videos consist of him giving talks to people who invite him on to introduce him to their audience, or occasionally even debate/interview him.

Expecting original content out of youtube videos is silly, try reading one of the books.

How so? Who else does his work?

I'm only 200 pages into libido dominandi and it has wayyy more stuff then he talks about, like it really isn't comparable. I see him way more seriously after seeing the breadth and depth of the stuff he covers.

Also it's significantly helped me develop chastity, because it makes very clear how horrible impurity is, and the people advocating for it are.