Pathway to the Bread Pill

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Hi everyone! So I've been noticing lately that from all the disaffected communities that have sprung up because of the clown world we live in, many of them are quite open to the ultimate truth, the Bread Pill, which is not only the ultimate explanation of why we are in this mess, but also how get out of it. What follows is what I think are the different things that someone has to be awake to:

Yeah, I think we have to convert people basically. There are various stages or things you have to convert people on though, but I think the harvest is white.

Basically the topics I think you have to convert/red pill people on are:

Degeneracy: Start with Trans, then LGB, then Fornication, Pornography, Masturbation, then you can link in Birth Control as the key which caused all of this

Culture/Demographics: Changing demographics leads to instability. The point of a nation is for stability (ideally stability so we can focus on following God instead of nonsense around). Not all cultures are equal. Show people onto the objective superiority of western culture, then show it is a fruit of the Church. For example Michelangelo's sculptures, the Sistene Chapel, Mozart, Vivaldi, would never have been created if Mohammedans took over. Drawings, Sculptures, Music is all forbidden etc. Strong bonds with your family is important, having tradition and history, and so on.

Why did things change so fast, who is doing this?: Start with "the media", "oligarchs", "people in power", move on up to yeah, they all seem to share something in common.

Why do our enemies do this to us?: No it's not Genetic, it's theological. They hate us because the only thing they have in common is the rejection of Christ. They are rebelling against Logos which is Christ, they are obsessed with revolution and proving Christianity wrong by trying to find their own Messiah, because deep down they know they missed the boat but are too prideful to admit it. They want to destroy Christianity and Christians and Western Civilization (the fruit of the Church) and their lands and so on to assert their superiority and our inferiority. If their father is the Devil, then their primary sin is that their father's, Pride. Show them E Michael Jones

The Bread Pill - The explanation for the clown world is also the solution to it. Come back to Christ. Become Trad (Cat - still the only Church which doctrine still says no to birth control, no to divorce, no to sodomy). It's the only place you can actually find a virgin. They don't exist in bars or on apps thats for sure. At a Trad cat parish you can marry a girl who doesn't believe in birth control, doesn't believe in divorce. Have many kids, homeschool them. Be devoted to Christ and the Church, it will keep you away from degeneracy. Quit with all the degeneracy otherwise you will not be ready to get married.

Preach the word to everyone: Once you've understood all of this, your mission is also to wake up as many people as you can. Use your talents. Whether it's forum posts/messages/tweets/blogposts/books, or art (images, memes, music, videos) to spread this message. They destroyed our society through media, we have to use the same media to heal us and conquer it. The difference is that we have the truth, and the darkness will not overcome the light.

People maybe awake to a few of those points but not all of them or be sort of half awake or in stages on some of those points, which is why I tried to show the progression of how awake they get on a certain point. I think we have to find people who are somewhere along the journey and try and guide them along where they are.

What do you guys think? Any thoughts on the matter? Thanks for reading!

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No Protestanism please. Thank you!

If you want to make more christians get married and have kids.
Evagelizing is not as effective as it used to be due to the satanic propaganda of atheism, plus people need to suffer the consequences of their degeneracy because that is the only chance they will understand why sin is wrong and come to Christ.

If you want a strong christian future, you gotta build tall an invest in your family life first, have kids and raise them christian. Use your spare resources to evangelize but expect no mass conversions. The most cost-effective way of making more christians is monogamous, virtuous marriages where you sacrifice your life on the altar of God for your children.

Good thread OP.
I take it Catholic schools today are pozzed?

Not just catholic schools but everything western tbh

This is just simply not true. Loads of people are coming to Christ. For example that zoomer Nick Fuentes has brought so many people back to Christ already and let them to the Catholic Church just for not being ashamed of being a Catholic and defending it and "Making Christianity cool again". It's happening everywhere and if you know the right communities like I said many people are very open to listening to the message.

Be honest and forthcoming about the state of Christendom. Acknowledge the shortcomings of the Earthly Church. Emphasize that we are all sinners, even the bishops, archbishops, preachers, priests, deacons, popes, monks, nuns, and the laity. It is a church made of men, it is like all things we do filled with trouble. Never let the actions of sinners blind you to the Truth of Christ Himself. Show the meaninglessness of all other paths, and how even though this is fraught with doubt, uncertainty, and even abuse that it is the True path.

As for your outline: I wouldn't waste time evangelizing to those online. Let them come to you. You would be casting your pearls before swine, not welcoming a lost brother. It puts them on the active defense and breeds contempt. Such a move could work in an environment more open and consistent, where he has the opportunity to recognize you more personally. But here there is very little point. The mind has been made up, and they will dig themselves deeper with your shovel.

When they come here, do not ban them so quickly. Learn to calmly and politely direct them to a better thread to discuss a topic. Perhaps we should seriously consider an outsiders thread, but the merits for and against it are great and many. It would be very risky. Either way, be civil and polite, yet firm and steady. Do not be so quick to name-calling and sarcasm.

Genetics + Memetics. Never deny the importance of any aspect of life. Not only is it fundamentally erroneous, but it's just going to piss them off. Emphasis over rejection. Accept that it is a factor, but not the lone or prominent factor.

I would avoid using words like "trad" or "based" or "cool" to describe true belief. Just say honest and strong. Focus on the actual belief and not the external trappings. You only create weak-hearted spiritualists and trend-followers who will just as quickly blow into Christianity as they blow out of it for whatever else they feel like is cool or trad or fashy. Evangelism is meaningless if all you want is numbers. That is exactly the mindset that has led to the state of all the modern churches. Quantity means nothing, quality means everything.

t. Orthodox

It's trendy. Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Anglicanism, all are "trendy" for its "tradness". Easy come, easy go. This is not a problem that can be fixed when they are in the pews. Their mind will already be gone before they even sit down.

I'd rather a man be honestly deluded than disingenuously right. Honesty is the first lean to the fear of God, but lying is the first lean away from it.

But don't you think that yearning for tradition is a good entry point for the faith. Of course larping is bad, put people larp because they admire some aspect of Christianity (history, art, architecture, etc).

I agree that larping should only be a stage hopefully a brief one in coming back to Christ. If it doesn't come with spiritual growth it just turns into hypocrisy.

I'm operating on the assumption that they've already approached instead of us going out and headhunting as it were. It's the first step, but in the process of evangelizing, there should be a portion where you de-emphasize the aesthetics and external trappings and really engage in the meat of it. That even includes dropping the "theological assertions and doctrinal arguments". That is still a part of evangelization that most people suddenly forget, push onto the individual. Then they are shocked he quickly leaves. No one was there to foster him in the right way. No one nipped the poisoned buds before the bloomed, and they are appalled that he is rotten when the soil he was planted in was loose and poisoned itself.

This goes back to my earlier point ; emphasis, not rejection. It is absolutely true that there is beauty in the Church, in most churches I would argue. But at a point in the discussion, you should de-emphasize that and challenge them as if they were defenders. It's a way of showing the honesty we are meant to preach, to show the love that we express. Christ isn't just comfort and reassuarances, but a challenge to us. These guys we're talking about, they likely have never held a sincere faithful belief. They're clinging to vague notions of tradition and truth, thinking they've got it figured out as they bounce from one set of answers to another. The more you reinforce the aesthetics the more they cling to those notions and not to the faith itself. The faith becomes the tool instead. That's the best case scenario. There are some out there who are vipers and see Christianity as merely a tool to use for their own gain, just as they see all other ideologies as tools.

Anglicanism and trendy? C'mon you can't be serious. Also you're discounting people who are coming back to the faith as a trend just because what, you aren't bringing people to the faith? The apostles converted loads of peoples, St. Francis Xavier converted loads of people, and some even though the faith was new to them, endured so much persecution even unto death for it. You people are a bunch of blackpilled losers who don't want to do anything. "Oh well no one gets converted anyways" "Oh it's just trendy they don't really mean it". Ridiculous.

Trad/Traditional is a common word used amongst younger people and it has a definitive connotation. People are open to considering Catholicism when they hear "Traditional Catholicism" because rightly so a regular parish is pretty bad and probably damaging to their faith. "for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light."

If you want to use different words go for it.

This is a stupid joke, I've already actually lead some people to consider the church, and I know others who have been very successful.

Seriously you people are all a bunch of losers not wanting to do any work. Sheesh.

Did you not read what I wrote? I said "let them come to you". That's humility, the true path forward. This is the sort of attitude that we shouldn't be using. It's a fire that burns twice as bright but lasts half as long. This happens very often.What happened to the last trendy ideology? Do you not think they said to themselves "I've got it figured out!" 6 or 8 months before they burned out and quit? I wouldn't want that weighing on my soul, to have tricked someone close to Christ only to have them recoil from it.

You get embarassing videos like the embed following your train of thought.

If you're going out to throw breadcrumbs, certainly those are fine points to begin. But that shouldn't be the end or even anything beyond the knock on the door. Emphasis, not rejection. Emphasize that those were fruits, not the root itself. Draw more attention to the roots, accept the flaws. Humility and honesty are better than bravado and lies. When you're talking in a thread and start bringing up Christianity, be humble about it. Fire and brimstone just piss people off and entrench them against you. An honest discussion brings more to Christ, it makes them curious at least. sage when it starts to veer off-topic to show respect.

As I too have seen many others fall from it after their conversion. We both operate on our anecdotal evidence.

You're an idiot who's never read the Bible. Wait aren't you Orthodox? Yeah a church that has never evangelized anything. No wonder you're total garbage on this issue. Please feel free to stop replying to this thread, what utter trash.

You're seriously retarded and probably autistic or something. What trick is there? Let them come to you. Yeah better not have any evangelizing missions. That's why your heretical church is garbage and Catholics are around the world. Please no heretics in these threads, go have sex with a condom while your "Father" tells girls to eat birth control and you get divorced. The Catholic church has never taught any errors or flaws unlike your heretical "church" which is full of errors. You literally think Anglicanism is trendy. You are so disconnected from reality.

Also you're a racist, and unironically using the word Memetics while saying I don't like the word "trad". Yeah go worship Dawkins.YIKES. Well I've been pretty successful so far. Just another person has started to read up on the Baltimore Catechism and so on. Meanwhile you stay doing nothing. What trash.


Most of them are just racists larping as Christian

A good portion of the memes and aesthetics floating around are actually kind of cringe. Lasting converts will be convinced by solid theological arguments rather than "when you read Aquinas bottom text deus vult" garbage you see floating around tradcath twitter

Two years ago I was larping as well.
This year on Pentecost I got baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.
God finds a way.

Look here folks, "Tradcath" evangelism at it's finest.